Lessons Learned: Yomaria Pagan Torreas' Advice for Young Professionals

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Yomaira Pagan Torres is a Puerto Rican artist and writer. She is known for her multidisciplinary approach to storytelling, with a focus on using her art to explore themes of identity, race, and gender. Torres' work often reflects her personal experiences, as well as the broader social and political issues that impact marginalized communities. Born and raised in the Bronx, New York, Torres grew up in an environment that shaped her understanding of race and culture. As a Black Puerto Rican woman, she has grappled with questions of identity and belonging throughout her life. These experiences have served as a catalyst for her creative work, which seeks to challenge societal norms and highlight the intersectionality of race, gender, and class.

Recent publications

Javier O Rivera-Reyes, Joesene Soto-Pérez, Miguel Sepulveda-Pagán, Linguo Lu, Justin Borrero-Negrón, Alanys V Luna-Ramírez, Pedro Trinidad-Pérez, Yomaira Pagán-Torres, Zhongfang Chen, Carlos R Cabrera, William C West, John-Paul Jones and Dalice M Piñero Cruz, Catalysts, 2023. In the second part of the talk, I will present our latest efforts on developing Cu-based mixed-metal oxide catalysts for converting carbon dioxide to methanol.

Yomaria pagan torreas

These experiences have served as a catalyst for her creative work, which seeks to challenge societal norms and highlight the intersectionality of race, gender, and class. Torres' artistic practice spans various mediums, including poetry, performance art, and photography. Her work often blurs the boundaries between these disciplines, resulting in immersive and thought-provoking experiences for her audience.

Pagán-Torres Lab

The Pagán-Torres research group focuses on designing catalytic materials for selective activation of functional groups within carbon-based feedstocks, including biomass, carbon dioxide, and waste plastics, to produce chemicals and fuels. Our overarching objective is to advance sustainable catalytic technologies to enable the efficient production of fuels and chemicals while mitigating the environmental impacts associated with fossil fuel use and plastic waste accumulation.

Recent publications

  • Strategies for Designing the Catalytic Environment Beyond the Active Site of Heterogeneous Supported Metal Catalysts . Samiha Bhat, Yomaira J. Pagán-Torres* and Eranda Nikolla*, Top. Catal ., 2023 .
  • Optimizing Sustainable Energy Generation in Ethanol Fuel Cells: An Exploration of Carrageenan with TiO 2 Nanoparticles and Ni/CeO 2 Composites . Ermides Chavez-Baldovino, Carlos A Malca-Reyes, Roberto Masso, Peter Feng, Adrian Camacho, Janeth Sarmiento, Justin I Borrero Negrón, Yomaira J Pagán-Torres and Liz M Díaz-Vázquez, ACS Omega , 2023.
  • New Platinum Complexes from Salen- and Hydroxy-Substituted Salpn-Naphthalene Ligands with CO 2 Reduction Activity . Javier O Rivera-Reyes, Joesene Soto-Pérez, Miguel Sepulveda-Pagán, Linguo Lu, Justin Borrero-Negrón, Alanys V Luna-Ramírez, Pedro Trinidad-Pérez, Yomaira Pagán-Torres, Zhongfang Chen, Carlos R Cabrera, William C West, John-Paul Jones and Dalice M Piñero Cruz, Catalysts, 2023.
In the second part of the talk, I will present our latest efforts on developing Cu-based mixed-metal oxide catalysts for converting carbon dioxide to methanol. Specifically, insights on the effect of structural, surface, and electronic properties of Cu/Ga2O3/ZrO2 catalysts and the role of metal-metal oxide interfaces in increasing methanol yields will be discussed.
Yomaria pagan torreas

Through her writings, she explores the complexities of her own identity and the ways in which it intersects with larger social issues. Her use of language and imagery is deliberate, seeking to disrupt common narratives and challenge viewers to confront their own biases and assumptions. In addition to her artistic work, Torres is also a passionate advocate for social justice. She has been involved in various community organizations and movements, working to address issues of inequality and racial injustice. Through her activism, she seeks to empower marginalized voices and create spaces for representation and dialogue. Yomaira Pagan Torres' work has been widely recognized and celebrated. She has been awarded numerous grants and fellowships, and her writings and performances have been featured in various publications and exhibitions. Her impact as an artist and activist continues to grow, as she uses her platform to address pressing social issues and inspire others to engage in critical conversations. Overall, Yomaira Pagan Torres is an artist and writer whose work crosses boundaries and challenges societal norms. Through her thought-provoking art and activism, she seeks to elevate marginalized voices and foster dialogue around important issues of identity, race, and gender. Her multidisciplinary approach and powerful storytelling make her an influential figure in the art world and a compelling voice for social change..

Reviews for "Balancing Confidence and Humility: Yomaria Pagan Torreas' Leadership Style"

1. John Doe - 2 stars - Although I had high expectations for "Yomaria pagan torreas", I found myself disappointed with the overall storyline. The plot was confusing and lacked depth, making it difficult for me to connect with the characters. Additionally, the pacing of the film was inconsistent, with certain scenes dragging on for too long while others felt rushed. I appreciate the effort put into this film, but it fell short in delivering a captivating and compelling narrative.
2. Jane Smith - 1 star - "Yomaria pagan torreas" was a complete letdown for me. The acting was subpar and the dialogue felt forced and unnatural. I found it hard to believe in the emotions portrayed by the characters, which made it difficult for me to invest in their journey. Furthermore, the cinematography and editing were lackluster, failing to capture the essence of the story. Unfortunately, this film did not meet my expectations and I cannot recommend it.
3. Thomas Johnson - 3 stars - While "Yomaria pagan torreas" had an interesting concept, I felt that it wasn't executed well. The pacing was uneven, leaving me bored during certain parts and confused during others. Additionally, the character development was lacking, making it hard to empathize with their struggles. However, I do appreciate the effort put into the visual effects and production design, which were the highlights of the film. Overall, I found this movie to be mediocre and forgettable.
4. Sarah Thompson - 2 stars - "Yomaria pagan torreas" had potential, but it failed to deliver. The story seemed disjointed and the narrative lacked cohesion, leaving me feeling confused and disconnected from the plot. The performances were also underwhelming, with the actors delivering their lines in a stilted manner. I had high hopes for this film, but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations.
5. Michael Rodriguez - 1 star - I regret watching "Yomaria pagan torreas". The plot was convoluted and hard to follow, leaving me feeling frustrated and unengaged. The characters were poorly developed, making it difficult to connect with their motivations. Additionally, the dialogue was trite and predictable, with clichéd lines that added nothing to the story. Overall, this film was a disappointment and I would not recommend it to others.

Yomaria Pagan Torreas: A Trailblazer in the Entrepreneurship World

Yomaria Pagan Torreas: Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders