Ancient Origins of the Law of Threefold Consequence in Witchcraft

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The Witchcraft Law of Threefold Consequence is a belief that is commonly associated with witchcraft and magic. It is based on the concept that whatever energy or intention a person puts out into the world, whether positive or negative, will come back to them threefold. According to this law, any action or spell performed by a witch or practitioner of magic will have consequences that are three times greater than the original action. In other words, if a person uses magic to harm someone, they will experience three times the amount of harm themselves. Similarly, if a person uses magic for good and to help others, they will receive three times the amount of positive energy and blessings. This concept is often seen as a form of karma within the witchcraft community.

Some Pagans use a different interpretation of the Law of Three, but still maintain that it prevents irresponsible behavior. One of the most sensible interpretations of the Rule of Three is one that states, quite simply, that your actions effect you on three separate levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual. This means that before you act, you need to consider how your deeds will impact your body, your mind and your soul. Not a bad way to look at things, really.

In Hindu Vedanta literature, there is a comparable idea of threefold Karma referred to as Sanchita accumulated works , Kriyamana, Agami, or Vartamana current works , and Prarabdha fructifying works , which are associated with past, present and future respectively. Some people will tell you in no uncertain terms that it s rubbish, and that the Threefold Law is not a law at all, but just a guideline used to keep people on the straight and narrow.

Witchcraft Law of Threefold Consequence

This concept is often seen as a form of karma within the witchcraft community. It serves as a reminder to witches and practitioners to be mindful of their actions and intentions, as they will ultimately determine the outcome and consequences that they experience. The Law of Threefold Consequence emphasizes personal responsibility and encourages individuals to think carefully before using magic.


The Threefold Law (also The Rule of Three or Law of Return) is a religious tenet held by some Wiccans that states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times.

Witchcraft law of threefold consequence

It promotes the idea of using magic for the greater good, and to always consider the potential consequences of one's actions. It is important to note that not all practitioners of witchcraft or magic believe in the Law of Threefold Consequence. Some may see it as a guideline, while others may dismiss it entirely. It is ultimately up to each individual to decide if they resonate with this belief and choose to incorporate it into their practice. In conclusion, the Witchcraft Law of Threefold Consequence is a belief that holds that any energy or intention put out into the world will come back to the individual threefold. It serves as a reminder to be mindful of one's actions and intentions, and encourages the use of magic for the greater good. However, it is not universally accepted by all practitioners of witchcraft or magic..

Reviews for "The Threefold Consequence: Navigating the Shadows in Witchcraft"

1. Emily - 2 stars
I was really excited to read "Witchcraft Law of Threefold Consequence" as I am interested in the subject of witchcraft. However, I was disappointed with this book. The writing style was dry and lacked creativity, making it difficult to stay engaged in the story. The plot felt predictable and lacked depth, leaving the characters feeling one-dimensional. Overall, I found it to be a lackluster read and wouldn't recommend it to fellow fans of witchcraft literature.
2. Alex - 1 star
I found "Witchcraft Law of Threefold Consequence" to be a complete waste of time. The author seemed to have a shallow understanding of witchcraft and its history, resulting in a narrative that was both inaccurate and cliche. The characters were poorly developed, and the dialogue was cringe-worthy at times. I couldn't connect with the story or feel any sense of excitement or intrigue. I highly suggest skipping this book if you're looking for a well-written and compelling read on witchcraft.
3. Sarah - 2 stars
As someone who has studied witchcraft for years, I was disappointed with "Witchcraft Law of Threefold Consequence." The author seemed to rely heavily on stereotypes and tropes, failing to offer any fresh or unique perspective on the subject. The plot felt disjointed and lacked cohesion, making it difficult to follow along. The writing style was mediocre at best, and the characters were forgettable. For readers seeking an authentic and insightful exploration of witchcraft, I would suggest looking elsewhere.

The Law of Threefold Consequence: Establishing Boundaries in Witchcraft

The Threefold Law and the Power of Intent in Witchcraft