Protecting yourself from the Mexican flying witch: folklore remedies

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The Mexican flying witch, also known as the Bruja Voladora, is a mythical creature from Mexican folklore. It is said to be a witch who has the ability to transform into a flying animal, usually a crow or a large bird. According to the legends, the Mexican flying witch emerges during the night, particularly on certain occasions such as the Day of the Dead or Halloween. It is believed that the witch can be seen flying across the night sky, often accompanied by other witches or supernatural beings. The Mexican flying witch is generally depicted as an old woman, with long gray hair and ragged clothing. She is believed to possess magical powers and knowledge of black magic.

Whether this mountainous region of Mexico City is a genuine supernatural hot-spot, a fertile ground for extremely dedicated hoaxers or the site of a heretofore unknown natural (or unnatural) phenomenon has yet to be decided… either way we’ll continue to keep our ears to the ground for any new encounters emanating from this region of high strangeness.

Whether this mountainous region of Mexico City is a genuine supernatural hot-spot, a fertile ground for extremely dedicated hoaxers or the site of a heretofore unknown natural or unnatural phenomenon has yet to be decided either way we ll continue to keep our ears to the ground for any new encounters emanating from this region of high strangeness. The baby room was adjacent to theirs, we were a rich family once so a multiple bedroom home was a status symbol in the town, and tried the door and found it to be locked from the inside.

Mexican fliyng witcj

She is believed to possess magical powers and knowledge of black magic. It is said that the witch uses her powers to inflict harm on others, particularly those who have wronged her or her loved ones. Many stories revolve around encounters with the Mexican flying witch.

Mexican fliyng witcj

Sightings of humanoid object flying over remote village in Mexico. This video captures the latest sighting of flying mexico witch. People in town are scared to death and anticipate that witch is out to cause them harm.Footage of a alleged flying humanoid who many claim to be a real life witch flying over Mexico, with english subtitles.

As you may know, there are Brujas Blanca's (white witches) and Brujas Negra's (black witches). The white witches do good and the black witches cast spells for which mean or envious people pay them. Most witches also practice as curanderas, or practitioners of herbal medicine and home remedies. During the Inquisition witches might be put death for their un-Godly practice.

Neither the witch or the curandera is likely to put out a sign announcing their profession as do medical doctors. But if you drive down a street and see a line of people outside a house, you can figure someone is either selling tortillas or it is the house of a curandera. If they also practice witchcraft, it is knowledge that not everyone has. Whether or not you believe in witchcraft is sort of a personal thing. There are stories that make one wonder.

Joel is a cousin of my wife Chela. When Chela was a little girl Joel used to hang around with her dad, helping him with his produce business and was kind of like one of their family. Joel is a nice guy. Until recently he hauled lumber for his patron, chauffeured him around, and I guess did odd jobs for him. Joel is slender, somewhat handsome, with wavy hair, light complexion, and has blue eyes. He is a good father and husband; that is, he takes care of his family.

Less than two years ago Joel became ill. He spent a great deal of time in bed and spent a lot of money on doctors and medicines. The doctors were apparently not able to diagnose his sickness, and in the meantime he was losing weight and, at times, could hardly get out of bed. When he tried to drive the truck, sometimes he would have to pull over to the side of the road because of dizziness. After a year of this progressively worse condition his brother suggested that he see this curandera who also practiced witchcraft. At first Joel, being a somewhat rational and religious person dismissed the idea as foolishness. However, as his condition worsened he finally gave in.

When they visited the curandera, she said that a doctor could not help him, that a neighbor was the problem, probably paying some one to cast a spell on him. Joel found this difficult to believe because he knew of no neighbor who might do such a thing. She said he had to wear red socks and underwear, both inside-out. Although the brother had a lot of confidence in the ' bruja' Joel did not. However he bought the red socks and shorts and wore them. She also prepared a 'cruz de caravaca', (a cross with several cross members), especially for him, and told him to hang it from his neck with a red cord. He did as he was told and began to feel much better, walking, working and eating. Then, on a visit to the local produce market he began to feel horrible. He began to have trouble breathing, like he was being choked. He called his brother because he was not able to drive. His brother brought the curandera to the market. He tried to explain how he felt. She could not figure out what was wrong.

"Are you wearing your red socks?"

"Are you wearing your red shorts?"

"Do you have the cross?"

"Yes, here it is." He took hold of the cord and pulled it from inside his shirt.

She cringed. "Why are you using a black cord when I told you to use a red cord?'

"The red cord broke and I didn't have another red one."

She made him remove the cross and took it from him. She began to order the 'bad spirits' to abandon him as in some sort of ritual. Joel's throat began to loosen up and he began to breathe normally and felt much better.

"Do you want me to transfer the spell to the one responsible for casting it?"

Joel, being a nice guy, replied, "No, I only want to be well." However, a short time later a close neighbor died. Joel wandered if the ' bruja' had anything to do with it. Anyway, that was the end of his illness. Chela is something of a tease, and when she sees Joel she asks him if he is still wearing his red socks and underwear.

One bad aspect of witchcraft in Mexico is that some people tend to blame any misfortune on someone casting a spell on them. It creates a lot of animosity. Do not assume that these are rarities. It is very common though perhaps not commonly known, even among good Catholics. As a matter of fact, the belief in the supernatural is intermingled with their church beliefs in ways that are incredible. The influence of the ancient pre-Hispanic cultures still exists.

If you are traveling around in Mexico you might want to be especially nice to little old ladies.

It wouldn't hurt. Otherwise…

While the officer’s courage in recounting his bizarre encounter almost certainly resulted in some ridicule, it also had an unexpected effect in that it prompted others in the police department to admit that they had also seen the flying witch-woman in the dead of night, but had failed to report their encounters for fear of ridicule.
Mexican fliyng witcj

It is believed that if someone comes across her, they may become cursed or possessed. There are tales of people being chased by the witch, or even being attacked by her in their sleep. It is said that the only way to protect oneself from the flying witch is to carry certain protective charms or to perform specific rituals. The Mexican flying witch has become a popular figure in Mexican culture and folklore. It is often featured in art, literature, and festivals. The imagery of the flying witch has been used in celebrations such as the Day of the Dead, where people dress up as witches and take part in parades and performances. While the Mexican flying witch is considered a myth and has no scientific evidence to support its existence, it continues to be a fascinating and spooky figure in Mexican folklore. Whether true or not, the tales of the flying witch have been passed down through generations, adding to the rich cultural heritage of Mexico..

Reviews for "The Mexican flying witch: a feminist icon or perpetuation of stereotypes?"

1. John - 1 star - I was really disappointed with "Mexican Flying Witch". The storyline was confusing and poorly developed, leaving me feeling lost and uninterested throughout the entire movie. The characters lacked depth and were difficult to connect with, making it hard to care about their fates. Additionally, the special effects were subpar and failed to create a visually captivating experience. Overall, I found "Mexican Flying Witch" to be a forgettable and unsatisfying film.
2. Sarah - 2 stars - "Mexican Flying Witch" had an interesting concept, but the execution fell flat for me. The pacing was incredibly slow, and I found myself growing bored during several parts of the movie. The acting was also inconsistent, with some performances feeling wooden and forced. While there were a few visually stunning scenes, they were overshadowed by the lackluster storytelling and character development. I had high hopes for this film, but ultimately, it failed to deliver a captivating or memorable experience.
3. Emily - 2 stars - "Mexican Flying Witch" had potential, but it failed to live up to my expectations. The plot was convoluted and difficult to follow, leaving me feeling confused and disengaged. The dialogue was clunky and unnatural, making it hard to connect with the characters on an emotional level. The film also didn't offer any significant surprises or twists, resulting in a predictable and unremarkable viewing experience. Overall, I was disappointed by "Mexican Flying Witch" and wouldn't recommend it to others.
4. Mark - 1.5 stars - I found "Mexican Flying Witch" to be a dull and uninspiring film. The pacing was sluggish, and the plot lacked originality, relying on tired clichés and tropes. The characters felt one-dimensional and underdeveloped, making it difficult to invest in their journeys. Additionally, the film's attempts at humor fell flat and felt forced. While some of the visuals were visually stunning, they couldn't salvage the overall mediocrity of the film. Overall, "Mexican Flying Witch" was a forgettable and unremarkable viewing experience.

The Mexican flying witch and the night sky: a celestial connection

The hidden covens of Mexican flying witches: a secret society