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A handfasting ceremony is a pagan ritual that dates back to ancient times. It is a symbolic way of uniting two individuals in marriage or commitment. The word "handfasting" comes from the Old Norse language, where "hand" refers to the act of joining hands, and "fast" means to make a promise or a pledge. In a handfasting ceremony, the couple's hands are bound together with ribbon or cord, symbolizing the joining of their lives and their commitment to each other. This act is often accompanied by vows or promises that the couple exchange, expressing their love and dedication. The origins of handfasting can be traced back to pre-Christian paganism, where it was a common practice among Celtic tribes.

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The origins of handfasting can be traced back to pre-Christian paganism, where it was a common practice among Celtic tribes. It was a way for couples to publicly declare their intentions and bond in the presence of their community and deities. Handfasting was often celebrated during the summer solstice, a time associated with fertility and new beginnings.

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Today, handfasting ceremonies are still performed by pagan communities and individuals who wish to incorporate ancient traditions into their weddings. However, handfasting has also gained popularity among non-pagans who are drawn to its symbolism and unique way of uniting two people. The ceremony typically begins with an opening statement or blessing, followed by the binding of the couple's hands. This is often done by a chosen officiant or by the couple themselves. The couple may choose to have specific colors or types of cords or ribbons that hold significance to them. After the binding, the couple may exchange their vows or make promises to each other. These vows can be traditional, personal, or a combination of both. The couple may also choose to include other rituals or traditions into their handfasting ceremony, such as the sharing of a drink or the lighting of a unity candle. At the end of the ceremony, the couple's hands are unbound, symbolizing their free will and choice to be together. They are then pronounced as married or committed, and the celebration continues with the gathering of friends and family. Handfasting ceremonies offer a meaningful and personal way to celebrate love and commitment. They provide an opportunity for couples to honor ancient traditions and incorporate their own beliefs and values into their special day. Whether pagan or not, handfasting can be a beautiful and memorable way to begin a lifelong journey together..

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