Magic Tricks Revealed: The Behind-the-Scenes Role of Technology in Fooling the Audience

By admin

Magic and machines have always been seen as two separate and distinct entities. Magic, with its association with the supernatural and unexplained, has captivated human imagination for centuries. On the other hand, machines represent the pinnacle of human innovation and technological advancement. These two seemingly contradictory concepts have often been portrayed as opposing forces in literature, movies, and folklore. In fantasy literature, magic and machines are often portrayed as existing in different realms or worlds. Magic is associated with characters such as wizards and witches who possess extraordinary powers and are able to manipulate the world around them using spells and incantations.

- Mages� Tavern at (Thanks to Bud Leiser)

In this version you and MAGMA can choose one of the five default decks 40 cards, one per colour , play a Crazy Match using 60 cards randomly selected from all cards available you will get 25 lands and 35 other cards or use decks made by the Deckbuilder included in update files. In this version you and MAGMA can choose one of the five default decks 40 cards, one per colour , play a Crazy Match using 60 cards randomly selected from all cards available you will get 25 lands and 35 other cards or use decks made by the Deckbuilder included in update files.

Magoc and machinex

Magic is associated with characters such as wizards and witches who possess extraordinary powers and are able to manipulate the world around them using spells and incantations. Machines, on the other hand, are depicted as the creation of human ingenuity and are often seen as a symbol of progress and advancement. However, in recent years, there has been a shift in the portrayal of magic and machines.

Magoc and machinex


Created by Zingrillo Costanzo 'Vaporator'

[contatore visite]

Magma now plays with 300 cards.

(7th edition 45% complete)

Last website update 18/01/2003

MAGMA (MAGic MAchine) is a program that lets you play a game inspired with Magic The Gathering (c) against your computer like old Microprose game.

It's NOT a software to play online nor in multiplay mode. You play with your PC as opponent.

It's may be very useful for beginners and funny for expert players.

In this version you and MAGMA can choose one of the five default decks (40 cards, one per colour), play a Crazy Match using 60 cards randomly selected from all cards available (you will get 25 lands and 35 other cards) or use decks made by the Deckbuilder (included in update files).

The program is completely mouse-driven so you can throw your keyboard out of the window.

You can also switch off MAGMA brain to test only the mana distribuition of your deck or your initial hand.

During the game Magma checks continuously the rules of the game and you can forget about reading Magic rulings.

I never used the word TAP(c) but the word TILT . The word MANA is replaced by ENERGY (in card text : B-Black, U-Blue, W-White, R-Red, G-Green). The word MANAPOOL is replaced by ENERGYPOOL.

I play Magic since it arrived in Italy, a long time ago, with 4th edition. I'm graduated in Computer Science and I like games like Chess, so I started dreaming of a software able to let PC play MTG against a human opponent.

After two or three 'jump starts' I found the correct idea. Magma is a modular program. Over the data structure I build the single effect or ability and Magma learns how to play all the cards with these effects and abilities.

It didn't have a logic for every card (otherwise I'll go crazy) but templates. Every time I add a new template, all the cards like it are available to Magma (I must only put them in my DB).

After three years of hard work, I released a free version of my software on the internet because I need a lot of feedback.

My goal is to create a very good version and, who knows, sell it to a commercial partner.

- Magma plays with 300 cards (20 added)

- Fixed Fissure, Unsummon, Boomerang, Active Volcano, Goblin Digging Team, Walls coding, Bottle Gnome suicide

- Fixed 'discard effects' when Human has no cards in hand.

- Icons are now available in the folder C:\Magma\icone. You may change them and send me yours. Maybe I'll put them in next release.

- Autoattacker option (if you have only a creature in play)

- 'No fast effects in Upkeep Phase' option

- 'No fast effects in End of Turn Phase' option

- Known bug: effects targeting only non-black creatures don't target artifact creature.

- Little IA changes.

- Magma plays with 280 cards (57 added)

- Deckbuilder now works with 800x600 screen resolution.

- Fear, Can't block, Can't attack, Unblockable abilities now work.

- Fixed cantrips bug.

- Fixed Magma "drawing sudden death".

- Fixed Blockers Choice where no more attackers are left in play.

- Known bugs: some random Magma manaburns. (very hard to understand)

- Enervate and Infuse removed temporarily from database.

- Better memory handling ( I hope . )

- Eight betatesters have joined the MAGMA project .

- Elven Riders ability doesn't work.

- Protection, Trample, First Strike not working yet.

Is the first time you install MAGMA ?

PLEASE, DON�T CHANGE DEFAULT INSTALLATION PATH ! If during setup you get one or two error messages click on �IGNORA�

XP users : download and run this OS fix ( dartfix.bat ) before installing Magma.

(If you have some .wav files in C:\magma, copy them in c:\magma\sounds)

Do you have MAGMA already installed ?

Copy and replace Magma.exe and Magma.mdb in C:\Magma

Copy folder Icone in C:\Magma

Copy and replace executable MMDB.EXE in C:\Magma. It's the Deckbuilder.

You may use it to build new decks.

Full Version Setup

- Download and unzip files.

- Simply click on Setup and follow the instructions. PLEASE DON'T CHANGE DEFAULT PATH.

- If at the end of setup you'll see a warning message ignore it ( "IGNORA" ).

- Please, install always last update.

- MAGMA works with 16 milions colors, a screen resolution of 800x600 pixels and small Fonts.

- HW: 266 MHz, 64 MB ram, audio.

Current version � (Top of page)

In version 0.403 you find:

300 cards available.

Flying, Attacks without tap, Comes in play tapped, Can't block, Can't attack, Unblockable, Shadow, Fear, Spider ability, Walls, Haste.

Spells: damaging, destroying, burying, mana, countering, powering, bonus, go to hand, remove from game, drawing, discarding.

Multilands, cards with more than a effect.

Watch MAGMA thinking.

Watch STACK status.

Switch off MAGMA brain.

Multiple blockers during Attack Phase.

�No effects in draw phase� option.

�No effects in upkeep phase� option.

�No effects in end of turn phase� option.

Glasses of Urza option. (Take a look at MAGMA hand.)

Autotarget option. (Skip target choice if exists only one valid target for you spell.)

Autoattacker option. (Skip attacker choice if exists only one valid attacker in play.)

Help in English and in Italian.

0.500 :Trample, First Strike, Protection, Rampage, Flanking, Phasing, Fading, Echo.

0.600 :Global enchantments, X-Spell, Token, Threshold, graveyard manipulation,

������ Landhome, Snow-covered lands.

0.700 :Local enchantments, deck manipulation, Morphing, race effects, cumulative upkeep

0.800 :Poison, regeneration, fog effects, */* creatures, Madness, Prevention, counters.

0.900 :Save and restore games, Magma personalities

1.000 :New effects in Legions or other recent expansions.

If you have created some Magma Decks with Deckbuilder, please send me them.

I'll include them in next Magma version and I'll put them on this website.

- (italian nice site. Thanks to ShMk the Admin)

- Mages� Tavern at (Thanks to Bud Leiser)

If you have problems downloading files from this site, you can try from

or old Magma HomePage

Magma needs betatesters !

You have only to play with Magma and send me your impressions and ideas.

Official betatesters (8) : Mystic Penitent, Kheoinn, Rokker72, Planeswlk, Sitlan, Scalebane, SG81, Bud Leiser.

Thanks to: Frost, DevinFN, Gregg J., ShMk the Admin, Javier Tarifa Castillejo, pyotty.

Works in progress .

Do you work alone?

Yes. I did all the work without any help.

But now I'm happy to have found a lot on fans.

Which language do you use to code Magma?

Magma is written in VB 6.0 with a Access 2000 database.

How can I join the project?

You may be a betatester or send me your decks, your sounds, your new icons.

You may manage a forum on Magma or a chat or simply put a link on your website.

You may talk about Magma in the places you play or on the internet.

You may translate the help files in other languages (Deutsch, Spanish, French . ).

Why there are no pictures in Magma?

No pictures due to copyright limitations. Wotc lets you show Magic picture on website or for database purposes.

Why is the Main window locked at the upper left corner?

Because the cards are little forms with absolute positioning.

I don't want to waste time on graphical feature.

Does a limit in deck size exist?

Decks are restricted to 100 cards.

May I choose a spell and then get Energy?

No, Energy must be available before announcing a spell or activating a ability.

I can see only 16 cards in my hand.

Magma can show your hand up to 16 cards at the same time but it's only a graphical limit.

May I be a betatester?

Sure. Send me a email with object "I want to be a Magma betatester."

What's advantage for being betatester?

Maybe someday Magma will become a commercial product.

Betatesters will surely get a free copy.

This is a freeware version of MAGMA. Please distribute !

Source code is not available.

If someone is interested in developing a commercial version of MAGMA, please contact the author.

This project is not supported by Wizards Of The Coast Inc.

Magic The Gathering is a TM of Wizards Of The Coast Inc.


Magic The Gathering Ring
by pyotty

- Eight betatesters have joined the MAGMA project .
Magoc and machinex

With the rise of steampunk and other genres that blend fantasy and science fiction, the line between magic and technology has become blurred. In these stories, machines are powered by magical energy or are infused with magical properties, resulting in a hybrid of the two concepts. This blending of magic and machines raises interesting questions about the nature of reality and the limits of human imagination. It challenges the notion that magic and technology are mutually exclusive and suggests that they can coexist and even complement each other. This idea has been explored in various forms of media, from books and movies to video games. One example of this blending of magic and machines can be seen in the popular Harry Potter series. In this world, magic and technology are not completely separate. The use of wands and spells is intertwined with the use of magical objects such as flying broomsticks, enchanted mirrors, and talking portraits. Similarly, the magical creatures in the series, such as hippogriffs and house-elves, coexist with the more mundane technology of the wizarding world. In conclusion, the relationship between magic and machines is a complex and ever-evolving one. While traditionally seen as opposing forces, there is a growing acceptance that magic and technology can coexist and even enhance each other. This blending of the two concepts opens up new possibilities for storytelling and challenges our preconceived notions about the limits of human imagination and creativity..

Reviews for "The Illusionists' Toolbox: The Latest Technological Tools Used by Magicians"

- John - 2 stars - I didn't enjoy "Magic and Machines" at all. The storyline was predictable and cliché, with no originality whatsoever. The characters were flat and lacked development, making it hard for me to connect with any of them. Additionally, the pacing was off, with long stretches of boring exposition followed by rushed action scenes. Overall, I found the book to be unengaging and a waste of my time.
- Emily - 1 star - "Magic and Machines" was a complete disappointment. The writing style was amateurish, filled with grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. The dialogue was stiff and unnatural, making it impossible to believe in the interactions between characters. Moreover, the plot was convoluted and fragmented, with no clear direction or purpose. I simply couldn't get into the book and couldn't wait to finish it just to be done with it.
- Michael - 2 stars - I had high hopes for "Magic and Machines" based on the synopsis, but it fell far short of my expectations. The magic system was poorly explained, leaving me confused about the rules and limitations. The world-building was lackluster, with minimal descriptions and a lack of depth. The author seemed more focused on unnecessary details than on crafting a coherent and engaging story. Overall, I found the book to be frustrating and unmemorable.

Magic Innovators: Pioneers in Blending Magic and Machinery

The Rise of Virtual Magic: How Technology is Transforming the Way We Experience Illusion