The Influence of Love and Other Magical Elements in Art and Music

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There is a certain allure to the concept of love and its connection to magic. Love, an emotion that transcends all boundaries and captivates the heart, has been likened to a mystical force that can bring about profound transformations and enchantment in one's life. It is often said that love is a kind of magic that can make the impossible possible and turn the ordinary into extraordinary. Love has been a subject of fascination for countless centuries, inspiring poets, writers, and artists to explore its depths and mysteries. From ancient myths and legends to modern-day romances, love is a recurring theme that captures the imagination of people across cultures and generations. It is no wonder that love has been linked to magic, as both evoke a sense of wonder, awe, and inexplicable power.


Fact and fiction collide when troubled teenager Jessie Wilson arrives at the home of Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Veronica Guest, the long-forgotten literary darling of 1948. In the present, seventeen-year-old Jessie and her parents Darcy Fehr, Nancy Sorel are dealing with the very unexpected suicide of her younger brother Eli.

Considering love and other magic

It is no wonder that love has been linked to magic, as both evoke a sense of wonder, awe, and inexplicable power. The parallels between love and magic can be observed in various aspects. First and foremost, both love and magic are intangible and elusive.

Review: Considering Love & Other Magic is probably too mischievous for its own good

This article was published more than 5 years ago. Some information may no longer be current.

Ryan Grantham and Eric McCormack in Considering Love and Other Magic.


With Considering Love & Other Magic, the Calgary writer-director Dave Schultz considers grief, fantasy and friendship – but did he consider tone?

Intended for teen audiences, a wobbly but charismatic story about getting over life's losses is incompatibly melodramatic and whimsical, carried by a score that is impish one moment and serious the next. This is Donnie Darko caught in a playful game of Clue.

Mind you, it's an imaginative and handsome-looking film, starring Maddie Phillips as a troubled young protagonist (Jesse) who can't get over the suicide of her younger brother. While her mother still dotes on the boy (washing his clothes and fixing his favourite supper), her father struggles to push his family past the awful event. A psychiatrist isn't really helping Jesse, but she's distracted from her anxiety when she begins tutoring a curious (possibly fictitious) boy frozen in the Eisenhower era.

Although the acting is solid all around, the elusive film is probably too mischievous for its own good.

James Franco talks about 'The Disaster Artist', which recreates the production of 'The Room', a cult film that audiences love because it's so bad, it's good.

Tommy and Uncle Jasper stare at the outside world.
Considering love and other magic

They are felt and experienced but not easily defined or confined by logical reasoning. Love, like magic, has the ability to create a sense of euphoria and enchantment that can be challenging to articulate or comprehend fully. Furthermore, both love and magic have transformative qualities. Love has the potential to change individuals, relationships, and even entire societies. It can heal wounds, mend broken hearts, and ignite passions. Similarly, magic is often associated with transformation, enabling characters in stories to undergo profound changes, break free from constraints, and achieve their desires. Love and magic are also intertwined with the element of hope. Love can provide solace, comfort, and a sense of belonging, giving individuals the strength to face life's challenges and believe in a brighter future. Similarly, magic often represents the possibility of a better and more enchanting reality, offering a glimpse of hope in the face of despair. However, it is essential to recognize that love and magic are not always synonymous with happiness and positivity. Just as love can bring joy and fulfillment, it can also lead to heartbreak and disappointment. Similarly, magic, especially in folklore and mythology, can have dark and unpredictable consequences. In conclusion, the connection between love and magic lies in their ability to evoke wonder, transformation, and hope. Love, with its ethereal nature, has been described as a kind of magic that can enchant and captivate the human heart. It is through this lens that we can appreciate the power and significance of love in our lives, recognizing its ability to transcend rationality and create connections that are often deemed extraordinary and magical..

Reviews for "Love Spells and Other Magical Tools: Ancient Techniques Revisited"

1. Jane - 2 stars - I was really disappointed with "Considering love and other magic". The storyline was predictable and lacked originality. The characters were one-dimensional and I couldn't connect with any of them. The writing style felt forced and unnatural, making it difficult to stay engaged. Overall, I found this book to be uninspiring and not worth the hype.
2. Mark - 1 star - "Considering love and other magic" was an absolute letdown. The plot was messy and confusing, jumping from one random event to another without any clear purpose or direction. The pacing was off, with the story dragging in some parts and rushing through others. The dialogue was unrealistic and cheesy, making it difficult to take the characters seriously. I struggled to finish this book and would not recommend it to anyone seeking a well-written and captivating story.
3. Sarah - 2 stars - I had high expectations for "Considering love and other magic" based on the glowing reviews I read, but unfortunately, it fell short for me. The characters felt shallow and uninteresting, making it hard to become emotionally invested in their journeys. The writing style was heavy-handed and lacked subtlety, often relying on cliches. The plot was predictable and lacked any real surprises. Overall, I found this book to be underwhelming and forgettable.

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