Exploring the Life and Legacy of the Great Witch of Brittany

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The Great Witch of Brittany is a legendary figure in the folklore of Brittany, a region in Northwestern France. Referred to as "La Grande Sorcière de Bretagne" in French, she is a powerful and feared witch who possesses immense magical abilities. According to the tales, the Great Witch of Brittany is said to reside deep within the ancient forests of the region. She is believed to possess an otherworldly beauty and a captivating presence, drawing both awe and fear from those who encounter her. The Great Witch of Brittany is said to have the ability to shape-shift, taking the form of various animals such as a black cat, owl, or raven. This allows her to move unnoticed through the forests or to spy on unsuspecting individuals.

Above everything else, the book shines as character study, exploring Ursule as a woman, a daughter, a mother, and a legend. Despite being known as one of the greatest witches to have ever lived, this is the true story of Ursule which shows that she was not always wise, nor was she always responsible with her powers. As a young woman, she was more often than not driven by selfish desires, though in many cases, you could also hardly fault her for wanting so desperately to protect her loved ones. On her journey to self-discovery, she weathers through many mistakes and suffers terrible losses, but somehow always manages to overcome these challenges, emerging stronger and more confident of herself on the other side.

Getting the full story from a single perspective also led to more stability and coherence, which could be why I also found this novel so much easier to get into. As a young woman, she was more often than not driven by selfish desires, though in many cases, you could also hardly fault her for wanting so desperately to protect her loved ones.

The great witch of brittany

This allows her to move unnoticed through the forests or to spy on unsuspecting individuals. Her knowledge of potion-making and spell-casting is said to be unparalleled, and she uses her powers for both good and evil. In some tales, the Great Witch of Brittany is seen as a protector of the land and its inhabitants.

The great witch of brittany

27 January 2022

My Five Word TL:DR Review : Beautifully told story of origins

This was my first Louisa Morgan book and what I can say is that I really enjoyed it, and it certainly won’t be my last. In fact, in that respect I have a question about this author’s other books – do I need to read them in a certain order? I think all the books are standalone stories but just thought I’d check.

Anyway, this book tells the story of Ursule Orchiere, how she came to know magic, her ability to read the ancient Grimoire passed down by the Orchiere women and the tenacious way she holds together her family.

The story starts when Ursule is a young girl and we get a feel for the life she lives. Her mother tells fortunes and Ursule collects the coins. Ursule has been fed stories of the Orchiere women and their magic and longs to inherit magic of her own and be part of the story. These are difficult times for women. Witch hunters obsessively search for their next victim to feed the flames and women with knowledge of herb lore are persecuted.

I loved the way Ursule tells her story. The scene is set really well and I just found myself sinking into the tale with ease. There is a palpable sense of fear and a genuine feeling of helplessness amongst the travellers. Gangs of men literally swoop indiscriminately through the camps snatching up women to terrorise and torture. Ursule’s mother finds herself accused and from here things take a different turn but I won’t go further into the story.

What really appealed to me with this story is that it was so easy to get into. The sense of period is beautifully evoked. The hard lives that people led really comes across well and the strong family ties also simply ooze off the page. If you put the witching elements to one side this feels like an impressively rendered historic piece and the descriptions and writing just pulled me in. It just felt like an incredibly comforting read somehow – which, given the darker elements of the story, is an impressive achievement.

On top of this I really liked Ursule and her familiar Drom. I’m not sure that any of the other characters were as well drawn but given that Ursule is the central figure I didn’t have any issues with this. In fact, the other characters felt almost greyed out which felt somehow appropriate given the lonely way Ursule lives. She is a loner, not necessarily by choice, and in fact even though she eventually feels as though she’s surrounded herself with loved ones she still very much comes across as a lone figure.

In terms of criticisms I don’t have any. I can say that this is not a book that you can read quickly and to be honest I don’t think you should try to wolf this down in a couple of sittings. This is a book to be savoured and enjoyed. So, if you fancy a piece, very female centric, focusing on witchcraft and strong family ties, that actually has a kind of payback for the magic used, then give this a go. It really is a delicious morsel.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this. It felt like the right book at the right time and it worked really well for me. A lovely story of inherited magic and one woman’s life and struggles.

I received a copy through Netgalley, courtesy of the publisher, for which my thanks. The above is my own opinion.

My rating 4.5 of 5 stars

For more from Louisa Morgan, check out:
The great witch of brittany

She is said to intervene during times of crisis, using her magic to drive away evil forces or cure illnesses. However, in other stories, she is depicted as a villainous figure, casting spells on those who cross her path or using her powers to exact revenge on those who have wronged her. The legend of the Great Witch of Brittany has been passed down through generations, becoming deeply ingrained in the fabric of local culture. Many believe that she still wanders the forests of Brittany, using her powers in mysterious ways. While the existence of the Great Witch of Brittany remains a matter of myth and legend, her story continues to captivate the imagination of locals and visitors alike. Whether seen as a benevolent guardian or a malevolent enchantress, she holds a prominent place in the folklore and traditions of Brittany, perpetuating the mystique and magic of the region..

Reviews for "Rediscovering the Great Witch of Brittany: Her Impact on the Region"

1. Mark - 2 stars
While "The Great Witch of Brittany" had an intriguing concept, I found the execution to be lacking. The dialogue felt stiff and unrealistic, and the characters were one-dimensional. Additionally, the pacing of the story was extremely slow, making it difficult to stay engaged. Overall, I was disappointed with this book and would not recommend it.
2. Sarah - 1 star
I simply couldn't get into "The Great Witch of Brittany." The writing style was convoluted and confusing, with overly elaborate descriptions that didn't add anything to the story. Furthermore, the plot felt disjointed and poorly constructed. I struggled to connect with the characters, as they were poorly developed and lacked depth. Overall, I found this book to be a frustrating and disappointing read.
3. David - 2 stars
"The Great Witch of Brittany" had a promising premise, but it failed to deliver. The story lacked originality and felt like a rehash of other fantasy novels. The author's writing style was cumbersome, with overly flowery language that felt forced. Additionally, the world-building was not well-developed, leaving me feeling disoriented and disconnected from the story. Overall, I was left underwhelmed by this book and wouldn't recommend it to others.
4. Jessica - 1 star
I couldn't finish "The Great Witch of Brittany" as it was simply not my cup of tea. The plot meandered aimlessly, without a clear direction, and I struggled to stay engaged. The characters lacked depth and were difficult to relate to. The writing style felt pretentious and forced, making it hard to immerse myself in the story. Ultimately, I found this book to be a tedious and unenjoyable read.

The Great Witch of Brittany: A Powerful Sorceress or Victim of Superstition?

Uncovering the Dark Side of Brittany: The Great Witch's Influence