The Alchemy of Eggshells: How to Create Magical Elixirs and Potions

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Eggshell magic rituals have been practiced for centuries in various cultures around the world. It is believed that eggshells carry inherent magical properties that can be harnessed for different purposes. The rituals involving eggshells can be used for protection, divination, love spells, healing, and more. One common practice is eggshell divination. In this ritual, a practitioner would take an empty eggshell, preferably from a fresh egg, and carefully pierce a small hole in one end to drain out the contents. The empty eggshell is then filled with water or oil, and the divination process begins.

Trellis’s age

Kazu Kibuishi-san states that he’s 16 when it comes to human age but when it comes to Elven age, he’s likely to be older than that. Headcanon: he’s 16_ (one hundred sixty-something). The Hundreds equating to a decade in Elven age while the Tens for a single year.

In the most recent flashbacks, he looks much younger than a 14 year old and closer to 10. Let’s assume he is 11. So 110. Let’s also assume this flashback happend 50 years ago, so when he was released from Sybrian’s control, 160. Plausible but also kinda baseless. (Sorry but I need to state it out for the next one).

That’s his physical age. What about his mental?

Whenever I read the earlier books about Trellis, I can’t help but think he is a bit, well, immature. More immature than Emily but definitely filled with dark thoughts.

Even though some of his memories were erased, he had retained a bit of it back, particularly the most recent one, the last memory before succumbing to Sybrian’s control and let me reiterate, he was just 110.

And evidenced by Book 3 and 6, Trellis’s memories on those 50 years were murky at best. Sure, he is aware that he is serving the Elf King but when he was released did he bother asking the questions why?

Therefore any development on maturity within those years is near nonexistent. He has undergone physical maturity, yes, but not mental maturity. He didn’t have any of his own thoughts during those times nor made his own decisions, nothing could’ve influenced the way he thinks during those times because of Sybrian. Except during his childhood.

Guys, Trellis is a literal child.

During the earlier stages of Trellis being liberated from Sybrian, he’s acting like a brat. He’s acting like a kid. He refers to everyone by nicknames if he doesn’t like them, like Foxman to Leon or referring to Enzo as Captain (near mockingly) unlike in recent books, which he referred to them respectfully by name. Trellis’s childish defiant nature barely considering the consequences, his rude attitude even though others are being nice. His reasoning of not listening to others because they won’t listen to him. His mental growth only occured in those 2 years that passed since The Stonekeeper.

Trellis thinks more of an 11 year old instead of 16.

But did you know what that also means? It means he’s absolutely morbid and scarily smart for a child.

He said to the king that he’ll kill Emily himself and cut her head off (not that he’ll do it). He immediately knew the King was a corpse based purely on appearance (BITCH I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT A CORPSE LOOKS LIKE BUT MENTAL 11 YEAR OLD TRELLIS DO. WHAT. WHAT THE FUCK). He tells Luger he believes that they wouldn’t wait long for the King to kill them instead of reassuring him. What kind of 11 year old thinks like that?

Would add more, but I’m tired. Pretty much all over the place and baseless but food for thought.

Spaghetti Book Club - Book Reviews by Kids for Kids

Amulet is about Emily, Navin and their mother. Emily and Navin’s dad dies in car accident. Two years later they move into their great grandfather's house.Their great grandfather used to be a puzzle maker but he disappeared. One day when Emily was cleaning a room, she found a amulet that actually talked to her! That night Emily and her mom heard a thumping noise from the basement. Emily, Navin and their mom all go downstairs. All of a sudden their mom gets sucked up by a weird creature! . With the amulet’s help and power Emily and Navin must try to save their mother before time runs out. You will have to read this book to find out if and how they do it.

I like the book because it is interesting and a little freaky. It is a different kind of book because it has a lot of creatures that can hurt Emily and Navin. I like the way that they try to outwit the monsters.

My favorite part of the book was when Emily found the amulet because when she put it on it glowed. The amulet helps them make good choices in finding their mom. Emily is my favorite character. She is courageus because she needs to make many choices. She is curious because after she finds the amulet, she wants to know what to do to save her mom. She caring because she had to take care of Navin besides having to rescue Mom.

This book is a graphic novel. The reason I picked the book is because of the many drawings. Graphic novels are books with lots of pictures, kind of like comic books. I would recommend this book to 4-6 grade boys and girls. It is exciting and has a surprise ending. I think it would interest readers Something is always happening on every page. I think you would want to read it too.

Graphix Amulet Books

Emily has lost control of her Amulet and is imprisoned in the Void, where she must find a way to escape the influence of the Voice. Meanwhile, Emily's brother, Navin, travels to Lighthouse One, a space station where the Resistance is preparing to battle the approaching Shadow forces that would drain planet Alledia of all its resources. Emily and Navin must be smarter and stronger than ever to ensure Alledia's survival.


The empty eggshell is then filled with water or oil, and the divination process begins. By gazing into the water or oil-filled eggshell, the practitioner can interpret shapes, symbols, or patterns that may appear. These interpretations are believed to provide guidance, answers to questions, or insights into future events.


Author: Kazu Kibuishi ; Illustrator:

Comic Books and Graphic Novels

Emily, Trellis, and Vigo visit Algos Island, where they can access and enter lost memories. They're hoping to uncover the events of Trellis's mysterious childhood -- knowledge they can use against the Elf King. What they discover is a dark secret that changes everything. Meanwhile, the Voice of Emily's Amulet is getting stronger, and threatens to overtake her completely.


Eggshell magic rituals

Eggshells are also believed to possess strong protective qualities. Some practitioners would cleanse and charge an empty eggshell, often with specific herbs or oils, to create a protective barrier. This charged eggshell can be placed near doorways, windows, or other areas of the home to ward off negative energies or unwanted spirits. The eggshell is considered a powerful amulet that acts as a shield to safeguard the household. In love spells, eggshells can be utilized to attract romantic partners or enhance existing relationships. A common practice involves writing the name of the desired person or lover on a small piece of paper, then placing it inside a hollowed eggshell. The eggshell is then buried in the ground, symbolizing the growth and nurturing of the relationship. It is believed that as the eggshell decomposes, the love between the individuals will strengthen and grow. Eggshell magic rituals are not limited to divination, protection, and love, but extend to healing and other purposes as well. Some practitioners use eggshells in healing rituals, believing that the delicate and fragile nature of the shells can absorb and dispel illness or negative energies. Eggshells can also be used in fertility rituals, symbolizing new life or the potential for growth and creation. In conclusion, eggshell magic rituals have a long history and widespread practice across cultures. These rituals involve various techniques such as divination, protection, love spells, healing, and more. Whether used for personal guidance, spiritual protection, or enchanting relationships, eggshells are considered powerful tools that can harness the inherent magical properties within them..

Reviews for "Empowering Your Home with Eggshell Rituals: Clearing Energy and Creating Sacred Space."

1. Samantha - 2 stars
I was really disappointed with "Eggshell magic rituals". I found the book to be poorly written and lacking in substance. The author seemed to rely too heavily on vague explanations and personal anecdotes, without providing any factual evidence or scientific basis for the so-called magic rituals. I also felt that many of the rituals described were completely impractical and unrealistic for the average person to incorporate into their daily lives. Overall, I would not recommend this book to anyone looking for a thorough and well-researched guide to magic rituals.
2. John - 1 star
I regret purchasing "Eggshell magic rituals". The book was filled with superstitious nonsense and seemed more like a collection of old wives' tales than a legitimate guide to magical practices. The author's writing style was also very hard to follow, with repetitive and confusing paragraphs that left me questioning the purpose of each ritual. Moreover, the book lacked any logical explanations for the supposed magical effects of eggshells, and I found myself becoming more frustrated and skeptical as I read on. Save your money and look for a more credible source of information on magic rituals.
3. Emily - 2 stars
"Eggshell magic rituals" failed to live up to my expectations. The book lacked in-depth explanations and evidence to support the claims made about the power of eggshells in performing magic rituals. I found the content to be overly simplistic and repetitive, with little new information provided throughout the book. The author's personal experiences and anecdotes were also unconvincing and didn't provide a solid foundation for the rituals described. If you're looking for a comprehensive and well-researched guide to magic rituals, I would suggest looking elsewhere.

The Power of Eggshell Divination: Reading the Signs and Symbols for Guidance.

Eggshell Spells for Love and Romance: Attracting the One with Magical Intentions.