Creativity as magic: How to tap into your creative potential

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I believe in the power of magic. Not the kind of magic that involves pulling rabbits out of hats or casting spells, but rather the kind of magic that exists in everyday life. The kind of magic that can be found in a simple act of kindness or in a serendipitous moment. Magic, to me, is the unexplainable and awe-inspiring occurrences that happen in our lives. It's the feeling you get when you witness a breathtaking sunset, or when you see a shooting star streak across the night sky. Magic is the power to create something out of nothing.

Do You Believe in Magic?

Today’s Wonder of the Day was inspired by gimmy. gimmy Wonders, “Is there still magic in the world?” Thanks for WONDERing with us, gimmy!

Have you ever watched a performer pull a rabbit out of a hat? Or seen someone seem to disappear out of thin air? Abracadabra! Hocus Pocus! Join the Wonder team as we explore today’s subject—magic!

The Greek term “magoi” is the historic root word for magic. It referred to a tribe in Persia who practiced the religion of Zoroastrianism. In the past, magic existed where technology , science, and spirituality did not agree.

Those who practice magic go by many names: magician, wizard, sorcerer, shaman, witch, and more! There are several types of magic, including illusion , alchemy, witchcraft, divination, and astrology. Magic linked to evil or harmful forces is called black. White magic protects.

Two related forms of magic are alchemy and astrology. Both seek to understand the power of the stars and how they affect the Earth and people. Those who practice alchemy believe they can change base metals like copper and lead into more precious ones, like silver and gold. They look to the stars for their power. Astrologers believe they can read the position of the stars and planets to see the future. “Seeing” the future, or divination, can also be done with crystals, Tarot cards, or tea leaves!

One of the most popular forms of magic in today’s culture might be witchcraft. Many books, movies, and TV and streaming shows feature witches, wizards, and sorcerers. Those who practice witchcraft use their powers to change people and the environment. In some cultures, witches are born with their abilities. Others believe anyone can become a witch. Spells, potions, dolls, chants, and oracles are all tools of witchcraft. Witches sometimes practice their craft after dark and people fear them because of their association with evil.

Vodou is also a well-known form of magic. Its roots are a religion from the African country of Benin. The belief that everything has a spirit merged with Catholic beliefs when Benin enslaved people were brought to Haiti.

Vodou priests and priestesses practice rites that ask spirits for health and protection. The rites usually involve dance, song, and drumming. Family members inherit Vodou powers. In some cities like New Orleans, people can buy Vodou dolls and visit sites linked to Vodou history.

You may enjoy practicing the type of magic known as illusion . Have you ever played a card trick on someone? Pulled a coin from someone’s ear? Those are a few types of tricks people may learn when they first become interested in magic. There have been famous magicians who created illusions like making the Statue of Liberty disappear .

Many well-known illusion magic tricks are called “sleight of hand.” This means that the performer has practiced the trick enough to convince people up-close that the illusion is real. The next time you watch a magician perform a trick, pay close attention!

What do you think about magic? Do you like stories that contain magic? Maybe you practice illusion . What about other types of magic?

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Wonder Contributors

We’d like to thank:

jack , Micaela , Olivi from NJ, Sylinah from VA, and harley from MI
for contributing questions about today’s Wonder topic!

Keep WONDERing with us!

Do You Believe In Magic?

I believe in magic. I have no real proof to substantiate this belief, just the feeling that it exists, and it exists all over the place.

I’m not talking about the magic that illusionists perform, although I certainly believe in the cleverness with which that magic is performed.

I also believe in the power that some people have to captivate others, and in some cases bend them to their will. I guess that might be considered a form of magic, but I’m not really sure. Maybe it’s just some talent they have.

I was present for the birth of both my children and while most people think of this as merely a part of life, it really felt kind of magical to me.

Just like it did on both occasions when I knew that my wife and I just weren’t having sex with each other but we were making something wonderful. I really felt, in that moment, that something not quite normal was happening, and although I can’t be 100% sure it was magical. It was close enough for me to believe it sure could have been.

If you open your mind up to a lot of the things that are going on in the universe, you can see bits and pieces of magic everywhere.

I was looking at the moon one night though a friend’s telescope, and thought to myself, how does that ball hang there in the sky like that? Has to be magic right?

Then there are all the hundred billion plus other stars, planets, galaxies and constellations out there far beyond the reach of a small telescope and you think, how can that be and how did that happen? Had to be some pretty powerful magic to throw all this universe together, and not have a whole lot of stuff bumping and crashing all the time. Or maybe it does and we just haven’t seen it yet.

I believe that creativity is a form of magic.

I started writing when I was about 16*. It was nothing special, just a poem for my high school yearbook. But just the other day, I found it cleaning out a drawer. I stopped and stared at it and thought to myself, maybe that was a magic moment for me. The moment when my whole future was decided. The moment when I felt a little of the magic that writers feel when they have finished writing something and they are happy about it.

It gave me a little buzz to think about that, and then, in a wild cascade, I started to think about all the stuff I had written since then: blank verse, love letters, song lyrics, screen stories and screenplays, a novel, advertising, essays, trade articles, and blogs like this one. Too many thoughts and words to really count. Just a massive body of work that has never been anything less than a labour of love.

Maybe there is some magic there. Then again, maybe we just need to alter our perception of what magic means in order to truly appreciate all there is.

Is it really something that defies explanation? Or is it just little peaks in the peaks and troughs of everyday life? Is it a dream? Is it a thought that enters your head and settles there to make you deal with it? Is it something you heard that changed your life, even just a little? Is it just what you see when you look around? All the life that blooms and flows and walks and runs and flies all around us. Is that magic?

Some days it all feels like that to me.

The idea that magic is all around us is intriguing. If you really embrace it, it can reshape the way you look at the world and your place in it. It can explain many of the things that have defied explanation in your life. It can show you a whole plethora of possibilities that you never saw before.

That all sounds wonderful when somebody writes about it. But the real magic is in taking that thought and running with it. The thought that you are the magic, and that you can do anything you want as long as you believe in that power.

I believe the world moves forward because of its magicians. The ones who believe they can, and believe strongly enough that they actually pull it off.

They create magical things that make the world better. They are the living, breathing soul of humanity, and they are all over the place. Doing all kinds of magical things, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

But most importantly, I believe that it is the job of every one of us, to figure out if we can be one of those magicians. And if we believe we can, to do everything we can to make that magic a reality.

The difference between divine power and magic

Divine power operates differently than magic. The source of divine power is God, whereas magic is rooted in less powerful spiritual entities. Magic involves "the use of means that have supernatural power over natural forces."

By way of comparison, an "illusion" is nothing more than "something that deceives or misleads intellectually." An illusion involves no supernatural power. It is mere trickery.
Genuine magic is not an illusion or trickery. It is a display of supernatural power provided by fallen angels. The human agent becomes the medium through whom the supernatural power is made manifest.

For example, the Bible gives us a historical account of some magic that took place about 3500 years ago: "Pharaoh then summoned wise men and sorcerers, and the Egyptian magicians also did the same things by their secret arts. Each one threw down his staff and it became a snake. But Aaron's staff swallowed up their staffs." (Exodus 7:11,12)

This event was not an illusion. Real staffs became real snakes. And Aaron's staff literally "swallowed up their staffs." It was not a trick. It was not sleight of hand. It was real.

Thankfully, divine power does much more than devour magical manifestations. It also has a life-changing impact within believers. Divine power produces spiritual peace and a mental calmness that only God can grant a person. Meanwhile, dabbling with magic is like starting a race car engine inside your soul. It certainly energizes you, but the energy is not coming from God and is not connected in any way to the Lord's supernatural peace.

Divine power feeds man's soul. Magic fuels man's earthly passions. Divine power causes you to want Jesus Christ to receive the credit and the glory. Magic manipulates man's heart to desire more and more personal fame and fortune. Once you cross the line of playful illusion and trickery into the spiritual realm of real magic, you quickly become addicted to sorcery.

Trickery and illusion is fake magic in the classical sense of the word, while genuine magic involves real power from real spirits that actually alters natural forces. Real magic occurred in Egypt 3500 years ago, and it has occurred in thousands of places for thousands of years.

Among those performers today who engage in real magic, some seem to be more aware than others of the supernatural power-source they channel. But regardless of a magician's spiritual sensitivities, dark angels are always looking to use human beings who are willing to jump through particular hoops while chasing after magical power. And those who excel in the craft of genuine magic tend to become rich and famous, albeit at a very high cost personally.

Divine power and magic are equally real. A major difference is that divine power helps people live for what is holy and eternal, whereas sorcery leads people to settle for a cheap counterfeit to what is eternal. Scripture declares, "God's divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness." (2 Peter 1:3)

Divine power enables a person to see Jesus as the promised Messiah, and it also allows a person to trust Christ as Savior and follow Him as Lord. Magic is not designed to lead people to Jesus. Instead, sorcery is all about gaining personal fame and fortune by performing amazing feats in order to thrill and entertain others.

Jesus did not come to earth to entertain man. He came here to save man from his sin. Divine power reveals the purpose of Christ's mission, and the importance of your soul being saved through faith in Jesus. (Ephesians 2:8,9) Sorcery is unable to save a single soul. It is merely a display of supernatural power over natural forces. Nothing more, nothing less.

Divine power produces humility within those who submit to God's will, while sorcery stirs up pride in those who engage in it. "Look at me. Look what I can do. It's quite incredible. I have the power to alter reality. Pretty impressive, huh?"

Real magic produces real arrogance. The New Testament describes how "a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. He boasted that he was someone great, and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, "This man is the divine power known as the Great Power." They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his magic." (Acts 8:9-11)

Simon became an instrument of real magic as some evil spirits took advantage of Simon's selfish ambition and his eagerness to become a famous sorcerer. The fruit of Simon's blind ambition was overwhelming pride, and it produced spiritual bondage. "A man is a slave to whatever has mastered him." (2 Peter 2:19)

On the other end of the spectrum, divine power leads believers to say things like: "Look at Jesus. Look at what He has done. Jesus is incredible." Divine power never leads a believer to boast about himself. For example, the apostle Paul wrote: "May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." (Galatians 6:14)

When you receive Christ as Savior, your body becomes a temple of the Holy Spirit. And the fruit of the Spirit in your life is so refreshing: "Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." (Galatians 5:22,23) This good fruit flows from God's divine presence and power within a believer.

If you have been dabbling in magic, you may feel very oppressed by the thought of reaching out to Jesus. That doesn't mean it is impossible. It just means that until you "get in the flow" of divine power, your mind will probably resist the idea for a number of reasons.

At any rate, I encourage you to open your heart and mind to receiving divine power today. You might even want to check out these two articles I wrote 7 years ago: "The Illusion that Seduces and Bewitches Magicians," and "Christian Illusionists Have a Spirit Within Them."

The terms you use to define your magical quest are not nearly as important as how you go about your craft. The bottom line is that you cannot always tell a book by its cover. Some self-proclaimed "magicians" perform only tricks and illusions which naturally are devoid of any supernatural power. Meanwhile, some self-proclaimed "illusionists" have learned how to access the supernatural power of sorcery, while casually claiming that nothing in their performance is actually supernatural. Would you expect anything less than some good-humored subterfuge from those who proudly wear the title of "Magician" or "Illusionist"? It's simply the nature of the beast.

Remember: Divine power and sorcery take place in the realm of the supernatural. You were created as a spiritual being with a body, and this makes you prone to seeking out spiritual power of one kind or another. Once you begin a relationship with the Lord of the universe, you find yourself in a much different flow than what the world offers. Rather than desiring people to "look at me," you begin longing to have people "look at Jesus." This is not a natural desire, but rather supernatural. This new and holy desire is the result of the One who now lives inside you. Divine power is present wherever God is present.

Lucifer was created with the holy ability and godly desire to worship God, but this angel deliberately chose to run away from righteousness and truth. He became consumed with having others worship him, (Isaiah 14:12-17; Ezekiel 28:11-19) and one-third of the angels were seduced by Satan and went along with his misguided agenda. (2 Peter 2:4; Jude 1:6; Revelation 12:4)

What about you? Do you want people to stand in awe of you, or to worship God? Do you want to be the center of attention, or do you want Jesus to be celebrated because of His majestic glory and His victory over sin, death and the devil?

Aaron's staff swallowed up the staffs of the magicians. Likewise, Jesus gained the victory over Satan. (Colossians 2:15) Whose side are you on today, and whose side will you be on when you stand before your Creator at the end of time? (2 Cor. 5:10)

Here are some lyrics from a song by Switchfoot: "This is your life, are you who you want to be?" If you are not who you want to be today, then simply reach out to the One who created you with a body, soul and spirit. (1 Thess. 5:23) God knows what makes you tick, and only the Lord can provide true and everlasting peace for your soul.

Millions of people around the world today already experience divine power within their soul. Will you be the next person on the planet to learn the difference between divine power and sorcery? Will you be the next one to receive Jesus as your Savior from sin? Magic is incapable of delivering this supernatural gift to you. Divine power is needed if you are going to "cross over" from death to life.

Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." (John 5:24)

Whether you have been experiencing divine power, magical power, or no power, God loves you and He sent His only Son to die for your sins. (John 3:16) You will never receive divine power until you repent of your sin and embrace Jesus as your Lord and Savior. (John 1:12)

You were created by God in order to worship God. You were not created to worship yourself or to have others worship you, anymore than Lucifer was created to have angels or man worship him. He is an influential angel who went off the rails, but that doesn't mean you need to follow in his fatal footsteps.

Magic is incapable of delivering your soul from sin, death and the devil. Only Jesus has that kind of power, and the sooner you come to experience the Lord's power firsthand, the better.

One indicator that you have been spiritually reborn (John 3:6,7) and become a follower of Christ is that you begin to point people to Jesus rather than to yourself and your "amazing abilities." There is a radical difference between divine power and magic. One is God-centered, and the other is man-centered. One brings life, while the other brings death and an addiction to keeping your motor revved up with new and spectacular magical manifestations.

With both options being open to you today, consider these words from an Old Testament prophet: "Choose this day whom you will serve." (Joshua 24:15) Satan had free will, and so do you. Lucifer made his decision, and it's too late for him to go back and do anything about it. (Revelation 20:10) There is still time, however, for you to choose the Lord and His divine power over the various counterfeits on the market today.

Slow down your engine. Take time to consider your options. And be willing to open the Bible and ask your Creator to speak to you through His inspired Word. Everyone wants power, but not everyone is wise enough to consider the source of their power and then make the right call for the sake of their soul.

If you are not yet a believer, you will need to come to terms with whatever illusion currently has you jacked up and fueled with passion. This illusion is like a vapor that will soon pass away. If you are determined to sell your soul to the highest bidder, then at least consider the high cost that Christ paid for your soul on the cross. (1 Peter 1:18,19) Your eternal satisfaction depends upon what you do with Jesus and with the miracle of the new birth that He offers you today. (Revelation 22:17)

"What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." (James 4:14) Your physical disappearance one day will not be a magic act. The truth is that God created you with an immortal soul. When your body vanishes from the earth, your soul will absolutely continue to exist in one of two extreme eternal destinations. (Daniel 12:2; Matthew 7:13,14)

We live at a time when many voices are clamoring for your attention. Don't believe the hype. And don't fall for the glitz and the glamor. The magical excitement of this world is not all it's cracked up to be, even if it has the most likes on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.

You can follow the crowd, or you can become a follower of the greatest miracle worker to ever walk on this planet. Imagine what might happen if you started to get revved up over the miracles performed by the Messiah. God's power is light years ahead of sorcery, and a trillion times more powerful.

Let's just put it this way: Try to name a single magician who has risen from the dead and has millions of followers today. There is no one who even comes close to the power and majesty of Jesus. Once you wrap your mind around that reality, you will be getting close to understanding the monumental difference between divine power and magic. Created beings do well to follow the guidance of their Creator.

Scripture foretells the future with perfect accuracy. Ultimately, "the arrogance of man will be brought low and the pride of men humbled; the Lord alone will be exalted in that day, and the idols will totally disappear." (Isaiah 2:17)

Are you still under the spell that prevents you from placing your faith and full confidence in the greatest miracle worker of all time? Unfortunately, the purveyors and practitioners of real magic come under an even greater delusion than the audiences they seek to entertain. Such is the nature of sorcery. Those who pursue it get duped by highly intelligent fallen angels who hate you and desire to see you reject Jesus and His free gift of eternal life in Paradise.

After all, you didn't actually think the devil was going to show up at your door in a red suit with a pitchfork, did you?

Dan Delzell is the pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska.

Does Magic Have Power if Someone Doesn’t Believe?

Patti Wigington is a pagan author, educator, and licensed clergy. She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal.

Updated on May 13, 2019

Every once in a while, you're going to encounter someone who will tell you flat out that magic doesn't work on them. Why? Because they just don't believe in it, and therefore, magic is ineffective on them. But is that really true?

Just like so many other things discussed in the Pagan community, the answer is “it depends.” And what it depends on is who you ask. Obviously, there’s no scientific evidence for either side of the argument, so it’s strictly a matter of opinion.

Magic is the power to create something out of nothing. It's the ability to turn a blank canvas into a masterpiece, or to transform a handful of ingredients into a delicious meal. It's the spark of inspiration that leads to innovation and creation.

The Power of the Positive

Christoph Hetzmannseder / Moment / Getty

Some traditions will tell you unequivocally that if an individual doesn’t believe in a concept or idea, it has no power over them. It’s why, for instance, many people claim that they’re not worried about being cursed or hexed—because they don’t believe in the power of negative magic (although one could argue that if you believe in the power of positive magic, you have to accept the existence of its opposite), therefore it can have no bearing on them.

There are other traditions that hold to the idea that magic is magic, and its efficacy has nothing to do at all with whether people believe in it or not. For example, if you create a poppet for protection of your non-magical, non-believing friend, and they indeed stay safe from harm despite their non-belief in the poppet’s power, then has the poppet worked? Or could they argue that they stayed safe because they didn’t jaywalk, wore their seatbelt, and stopped running with scissors?

As if this wasn’t confusing enough, there are people who believe in one type of magic but not others. We all have that Christian friend or family member who offers to pray for us when we’re ill or feeling down, and they are convinced that their prayers are helpful to us, even though we’re not Christians. However, if we offer to pray to our own gods for healing for them, they’ll often dismiss it with, “Well, I don’t believe in that god or goddess, so it’s not going to help.”

Think about the placebo effect in medicine. Dozens of studies have been done in which one group of participants is given a real pill, and the other is given a placebo, or sugar pill. This is done because taking any medication can affect the way you feel about your health. Repeatedly, researchers have found that under the right circumstances, a placebo can make people feel just as good as the real medication. Professor Ted Kaptchuk of Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, whose research focuses on the placebo effect, says that this is about more than just positive thinking. It's about creating a holistic connection between the mind and body.

So, why can't magic work under similar principles?

I believe in the power of magic

I believe in the magic of human connection. The way we can touch someone's heart with a smile or a kind word. The way we can make someone's day just a little bit brighter with a small gesture of love or support. Magic also exists in the realms of possibility and dreams. It's the belief that anything is possible if we put our minds to it, and the courage to pursue our passions and chase our dreams. Magic is the power to imagine a better world and to work towards making it a reality. But perhaps the most powerful magic of all is the magic within ourselves. It's the power to heal, to grow, and to transform. It's the strength to overcome adversity and the resilience to keep going even when things get tough. It's the belief in our own potential and the knowledge that we have the power to shape our own destiny. In a world that can sometimes feel chaotic and uncertain, believing in the power of magic is a way to find hope and inspiration. It's a reminder that there is beauty and wonder all around us, if only we take the time to look for it. So, I choose to believe in the power of magic. I choose to see the world through the lens of wonder and awe. And I believe that by embracing the magic within ourselves and in the world around us, we can create a life that is truly extraordinary..

Reviews for "The magic of love: How to manifest and nurture relationships"

1. John - 2 stars - I tried reading "I believe in the power of magic" because I was intrigued by the title, but I was sorely disappointed. The writing felt amateurish and the story lacked any real depth or substance. The characters were one-dimensional and the dialogue was bland. Overall, I found it to be a boring and forgettable read.
2. Sarah - 1 star - "I believe in the power of magic" was a complete waste of my time. The plot was predictable and clichéd, with no originality or surprises. The writing style was overly simplistic and lacked any kind of sophistication. The characters were unrelatable and their actions felt forced. I struggled to finish this book and would not recommend it to anyone.
3. Mike - 2 stars - Unfortunately, "I believe in the power of magic" failed to captivate me. The pacing was slow, making it difficult to stay engaged with the story. The plot felt disjointed and the world-building was vague and unconvincing. The magic system was poorly explained, leaving me confused and disconnected from the story. Overall, it was a disappointing read that fell short of its potential.
4. Emily - 2.5 stars - While "I believe in the power of magic" had an interesting premise, it failed to deliver on its promise. The writing was mediocre at best, with clichéd descriptions and repetitive language. The characters lacked depth and their motivations were unclear. The romance subplot felt forced and unnecessary. Overall, I found the book to be underwhelming and would not recommend it to others unless they have a particular interest in the subject matter.

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