langage translator

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The wicked witch army is a fictional concept commonly found in fantasy literature and folklore. These armies are typically led by powerful and sinister witches who use their magical abilities to control and manipulate their forces. The wicked witch army is often portrayed as a formidable and fearsome force, using dark magic and supernatural creatures to carry out their evil deeds. In many stories, the wicked witch army serves as the primary antagonistic force, fighting against the heroes or the forces of good. They are often motivated by a desire for power, vengeance, or to spread chaos and destruction. These armies can consist of various magical creatures, such as flying monkeys, enchanted animals, or mind-controlled minions.

How To Clean Your Hitachi Magic Wand Properly

Whether you own the Hitachi Magic Wand Original, Rechargeable, Plus, or Mini, you should get into the routine of cleaning your Magic Wand after each use. Doing so keeps your massager free from germs and bacteria when not being used and while in storage. Your Magic Wand will be 'good to go' at a moments notice next time you feel the need for a relaxing all over body massage or some kinky bedroom fun.

Please remember that none of the Hitachi Magic Wand massagers are waterproof, so don't rinse your massager in water to clean it.

After years of using and selling the Hitachi Magic Wand, we found the most convenient, safest and quickest way to clean it is with a disposable moist cleaning cloth that contains a mild soap such as 'Wet Ones' or disposable moist baby wipes or similar.

A cheaper, more environmentally friendly alternative cleaning method is to mix liquid hand soap with water into a pump spray bottle, about 1 part hand soap to 5 parts water. Spray the soapy water solution directly onto a paper towel, soft cleaning cloth or sponge.

While holding the base of the Magic Wand in one hand, wipe down the massager using the other hand. Start at the top, wiping the silicone massage head, then move down towards cleaning the flexible neck, and finally the main body of the massager.

You can leave the massager to air dry, or use a clean and dry lint free cloth to wipe off any residue cleaning fluid.

Please note:

  • Do not clean your Magic Wand in water. It is not waterproof.
  • Do not use abrasive cleaners or pads on your Magic Wand. It may damage the finish.
  • Do not use alcohol, benzene, acetone or chemical cleaners on your Magic Wand. It may damage the finish.

Cleaning your Magic Wand will only take about 1 minute after each use. It's a must do ritual that will remove any germs, bodily fluids, massage oils and personal lubricants, leaving your massager fresh and clean, ready for its next use.

How Do I Clean My Hitachi Magic Wand?

Jolie Kerr is a cleaning expert and advice columnist. She'll be here every other week helping to answer your filthiest questions. Are you dirty? Check The Squalor Archive for assistance. Are you still dirty? Email her .

How do I clean the head of my Hitachi Magic Wand?

The Magic Wand which, fun fact, no longer uses the Hitachi brand name though it is still produced by the company is motorized and runs on electricity, which means you must never ever ever submerge it in water. Generally speaking, that's the rule of thumb for motorized toys (some, however, are waterproof and obviously those are A-OK to submerge), where non-motorized toys can be submerged in water for cleaning purposes. Another general rule of thumb is never to clean any of your toys with anything you wouldn't put in your body, which means things like bleach and hand sanitizer are out. And actually? Most of the time just good old soap and water is all you need.

With the Wand though, things are even easier than that: For regular cleaning, a wash cloth soaked with hot water and wrung out well so that it is just damp and not wet or dripping is all you'll need. Just wipe the head off and you're done. That should be done after every use.

If you've never cleaned the Wand's head, you may need to do a deeper clean the first go, in which case follow those same instructions but add the tiniest amount of a mild soap to the mix. That will help to remove any build-up of fluids and the appearance of grime. Then wipe with a clean, damp wash cloth to remove any excess soap. And there you have it, a clean Wand!

Is it possible to get "sex stains" out of a mattress? Got carried away and forgot to put the clean sheets down.

Ahhhhhh I love it—ruttin' around on a bare mattress! Get it, girl!

It's definitely possible to get those sex stains out of the mattress, yeah. You'll want to use an enzymatic cleaner—those are your OxiCleans, your Zouts, your Nature's Miracles of the world. A spray product is good because it's very easy to apply, just remember that the rule of thumb when executing any kind of stain removal on a mattress is to be very sparing with liquids. You don't want to saturate the mattress because allowing it to dry completely is crucial, and the use of too much liquid will mean it will take forever to dry out. If you have a standing fan that you can point at the mattress, that will help to speed along the drying process. You can also use a foaming cleaner; oftentimes products designed for removing pet messes from carpeting are also a great option for removing human messes from mattresses, so look out for those.

Once you've settled on the right product for you, the rest is pretty simple: Apply it sparingly to the stain, allow it to sit for a spell (maybe 10 or 15 minutes) so that the enzymes can penetrate the stain and do their thing, then go in and give it a gentle scrubbing with a damp cloth or sponge. Then wipe the area clean of the product using clean water and a cloth or sponge; just like with the use of the stain remover you want to be sparing with the amount of water you're using. If the area has gotten wetter than you'd like, bear down on a dry towel to absorb some of the moisture, otherwise just let the thing air dry.

I've a fun announcement: On Saturday, April 26 I'll be hosting an event at Babeland NYC called "Spring Clean Your Sex Life"! The event begins at 5p at the Lower East Side store on Rivington between Orchard and Ludlow, where the staff and I will talk attendees through all manner of different toys and how to care for them. There will be booze! And the first 10 guests to arrive will receive a free gift!

More information about the event can be found here ; I truly hope many of you will come—these kinds of events, where I get to hang out and just talk and laugh with people are so much fun for me.

For those of you who don't live in New York but want to find out more about the different materials toys come in and how to care for them, check out my book : There is a chart that lists a dozen different types of toys along with specific cleaning instructions for each type. You could also watch a clip of me talking about cleaning sex toys on HuffPost Live if you wanted!

How to clean wand vibrator?

You made the right move by jumping in and purchasing the authentic magic wand massager and have been loving the power this baby packs. However, you noticed that the top of the massager's head is getting a little sticky and dirty from use, so you want to give it a sparkling cleaning to keep your favourite toy nice and clean. After all, the magic wand massager must be the go-to toy for bedroom play at least three times a week. Well to keep your wand in excellent condition and ready to tackle your next adventure, you will want to follow a few steps and suggestions which will be sure to make your magic wand massager last for years to come. has created videos and pictures to show exactly how to take care of your magic wand massager. Check out out our Magic Men online shop page which has everything adult shop related that you might need.

Congrats on purchasing your very own Le Wand! A vibrating wand massager is a great all-around vibrator and body massager. It's likely going to become a regular part of your self-care/ self-love routine, so you'll want to protect your new best friend.

Proper cleaning, use, and storage will keep your Le Wand functioning optimally, help you avoid any potential harm, and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are our tips on how to keep your Le Wand in tip-top shape.

We've all seen the memes joking about hidden sex toys. The picture of mattresses with clear vibrator-shaped indentations on the bottom. It's enough to make one thing that everyone is furtively sneaking in a covert session with their toys and then just shoving them back under the mattress when they finish. We think a lot about how we use toys but not so much about how we store and clean them. Let's be honest though, sex toys are an investment, and if you make that investment, you want to take care of them. Let's talk a bit about how to do that!

Now that your goodie drawer is stocked with all kinds of fun, you want to make sure you know how to clean sex toys. If you're like me, after a toy-induced orgasm, you want to bask in afterglow and sleep. But, it's essential to keep your toys clean because, well, sex toys collect germs (duh). And, according to Women's Health, a dirty toy can lead to a yeast or bacterial infection. If you're sharing a doll with a partner, and that person is infected with a sexually transmitted disease or infection, you're putting yourself at risk the next time you use it. Yikes.

What your toy is made of (for example, silicone, plastic, or glass) will determine how you should clean it. Not only do you want to protect yourself from possible germs or infection, but you want to protect the integrity of your toy and make sure you don't damage it. I have heard stories of dildos melting in the sun because they weren't stored properly. Plus, these toys can be expensive, so you want to make sure you care for them properly. So, protect yourself and your bliss-inducing gadget with proper hygiene. When you purchase your toy, find out what it's made of so you can get it squeaky clean after you get off. Check out out our Vibrator shop page which has everything adult shop related that you might need.

Body safety

Rest assured, all Le Wand products are made of certified body-safe materials. There are no toxic materials that can be transmitted to your body from either the wand or any of the optional accessories. We use a premium, silky-smooth silicone for the wand head, as this is the part of the wand that touches your body. One of the wonderful attributes of silicone material is that it's nonporous, which means that bacteria and other contaminants aren't absorbed.

During sex-play, it is possible to spread bacteria if you share your toy. While ideally, it's best to use your own toy, we know many people enjoy sharing their good vibes with a partner. So, if you share, consider covering the wand head with the included texture cover or with a condom. Texture covers are a great overall accessory to protect the wand for sharing. They are very useful if you are on your period, prefer a lubricant or massage oil that is not compatible with the silicone head or want to use the wand on a non-intimate area of the body such as your feet. These covers can be used multiple times, although they should be thrown away and replaced once they start to wear out or begin to tear (typically 5- 10 uses). Be sure to wash thoroughly between uses.

Remember, you should not go from anal to vaginal play without first thoroughly washing your product or changing the texture cover or condom. You can, however, go from vag play to butt play with no issues.

Choosing the right lube

Lubricant is a great addition to playtime because it may further prevent infection. Body-safe lubes help provide create a smooth "glide" during penetration, which decreases the risk of vaginal or anal tears and micro-tears. Intact skin is one of your best defences against infection-causing bacteria.

Using a body-safe lubricant is key since lubes containing ingredients like glycerin and toxic preservatives can irritate your skin and cause an altered vaginal environment, which increases the likelihood of vaginal or anal tears and consequently raises the risk of infection. Remember to only use water-based lubes directly on the silicone head of Le Wand. The direct use of silicone lubes can cause product breakdown, change the shape of the silicone, and will (sadly) void its warranty. Check out out our Magic Men dildos page which has everything adult shop related that you might need.

Try our sex-educator tested approved System Jo Agape Water-based Lubricant, which checks all of the above boxes.

Le Wand products can be cleaned either with our sex-educator tested and approved JO® NATURALOVE ORGANIC TOY CLEANER or a bar of mild soap and warm water.

JO® NATURALOVE ORGANIC TOY CLEANER is a USDA Certified Organic product that features a formulation of 95% pure ingredients, providing a natural care option to cleanse your Le Wand products hygienically. The organic lemon fruit extract works quickly to keep your toys ready for play and improves the lifespan of your item. JO® NATURALOVE ORGANIC TOY CLEANER is a soap-free formula and does not contain any alcohol, triclosan, or sulphates. It is safe for all toy materials and gentle on hands during use.

One of the easiest and cost-effective ways to clean the magic wand massager is to wipe it down with a hot soapy towel after every use to avoid any crud build up. The best way to perform this cleaning task is to use some gentle soap such as Softsoap and apply some to a warm towel. After doing so, wipe the head of the massager in a rotating manner for 30 – 45 seconds to ensure the head is clean and ready for future use. Please view this demonstration video.

If your toy is not waterproof (many large wands are not), you will want to wipe it down with a damp cloth and then allow it to air dry. Toy cleaning sprays are fashionable but not actually necessary. If using one makes you feel safer, go for it, but you can also keep your toy perfectly safe and clean without them.

When using soap and water, use a mild, unscented hand or dish soap. Avoid detergents that contain oils or moisturizers, as they can break down the product. Additionally, studies have shown that it is unnecessary to use antibacterial soaps because their use is no more effective in killing germs than a 15-second scrub with plain soap. Antibacterial soaps (usually containing triclosan or triclocarban) can also leave a residue that is not only irritating but can potentially disrupt the endocrine system, weaken the immune system, and cause congenital disabilities and cancer.

Keep in mind that the body of the Le Wand Vibrating Massager is not waterproof. Submerging the wand in water during cleaning or playtime will damage it and void the warranty (note: Le Wand attachments alone can be submerged in water).

For those tricky to clean hard or soft plastic toys or anything with a cord, you can use safe alcohol, and paraben-free spray made especially to clean your erotic gizmos.

You want to make sure to rinse away all the soap, so be thorough in your cleaning. , OB-GYN Jacqueline Walters told Essence that even mild soap could irritate your privates. "The vagina has its own pH level, so it's supposed to be acidic [and the level should be] no less than 4.5," she said. "When we start adding all of the antibacterial soap what happens is you kill off the bacteria that is supposed to be there that creates the eco-system for the vagina and controls the acidity." Like you would clean anything you want to sterilize, rinse your toy with warm water.

The headcover should be cleaned after each use with a mild soap or sex toy cleaner using a soft cloth. To protect the head, it is advisable not to use with oil-based lubricants as these can damage the head material.

Dry and Store

Once your toy is clean, you want to make sure to dry it with a paper towel or clean towel. Women's Health recommended storing your sex toy in a silk bag to "protect it from other bacteria-laden items." Makes sense to me! Check out out our Magic Men lube page which has everything adult shop related that you might need.

Honestly, under the mattress is not the best place to stash your sexy stuff. It puts a lot of pressure on the toys and so, especially things with moving parts, are in real danger of being damaged. Some toys come with storage pouches so you can discreetly store them in a drawer if your toy didn't come with a pouch you could often find something cute (picture an extra-large pencil case) at your local adult shop or re-use something like the dust bag from a purse to keep your toy safely stashed away.

Before you store your Le Wand products, it is crucial to wash them and allow them to dry entirely thoroughly. Doing this is essential to avoid the growth of mould and mildew.

Additionally, we do not advise storing toys randomly in drawers, as they can collect dirt and dust. Keep your Le Wand Massager in the storage bag. Fortunately, Le Wand comes with its own case, but for toys that do not, zip lock bags, makeup bags, even dust bags work well. Once covered, toys can be stored together in a drawer or another desired location. Extreme temperatures can cause product destruction. Store your beloved buddies in a relaxed and dark place.

Read about the many benefits of the Hitachi Magic Wand and why you should own one.

The Hitachi Magic Wand is an electric massager that is being used for the soothing of sore muscles of your back, arms, legs, neck and other areas of the body for more than 30 years. It has been a best-seller for decades and is regarded as one of the world’s finest massagers because of a number of benefits it has to offer to its users. Besides relieving muscle tension and soothing nerves, it is widely utilized as a sex toy.

The Hitachi Magic Wand is a two-speed massager, with the rubberized 64 mm spherical head, which is attached to the main body of the massager via a thin, flexible neck. The switch is located on the device’s slender handle and the vibration speed can be adjusted to a low speed of 5,000 rpm (revolutions per minute) and a high speed of 6,000 rpm. The massager comes with a 6-foot cord and weighs 1.3 lbs. Its strong electric motor operates on 110-120 volts. Additional aftermarket accessories are also available for this device, which are custom made to fit on the head of the Hitachi Magic Wand which provide finer control and usability with the device.

The strong vibrations of the Hitachi Wand penetrate and relax sore muscles, and release the tension of everyday living. The vibrations help stimulate the growth of body tissues and increase blood circulation to ligaments, thus relieving muscle soreness incredibly quickly. Muscle strains, which can result from playing sports, like tennis, football, basketball and baseball can be soothed by using the Hitachi Magic Wand. Moreover, this magical device helps relax nerves and eliminates pain in the neck, back and shoulders of housewives and/or working professionals.

Originally designed as a body massager, this device has become famous as a sex toy. When the head is placed against a vulva and clitoris in females or on the shaft and glans of the penis in males, the very powerful vibrations of the device cause stimulation of sensitive tissues in the genitals. These sensations in both sexes lead to extreme sexual pleasure, which in turn generate mind-blowing orgasms. Hitachi Magic Wand is mainly used for masturbation, but there are several other uses for the device, both heterosexual and homosexual. Heterosexual couples often use the device on the clitoral region during intercourse to reach intense sexual climax, whereas homosexuals, especially lesbians, use it to stimulate their sex partner’s clitoris and vulva.

This magical device makes a wonderful gift for those women who have difficulty achieving pleasurable orgasms or who are older. The attachments (G-spotter for example) that fit over the head of the device provide penetrative options for females, thus helping them achieve even more intense orgasms. Putting it aside as a sex toy for now, it is the highest quality massager available on the market that can produce unbelievable results. Its 9 inches long handle can easily reach those muscles, which aren’t simply accessible to hands.

The Hitachi Magic Wand is made up of smooth shiny plastic with a terrific feel. The soft-textured surface of the massager’s head can safely be lubed with a water-based lube such as ID-Glide or Gun Oil, as the high-quality vinyl coating of the head is quite resistant to degradation. Moreover, the device is very easy to clean. All you need to do is to soak a soft and clean cloth in the water and clean your device with the cloth to remove dust, dirt and patches. This device is portable and you can carry it even in your purse. All you need to do is find a plug when you NEED to use it! If properly handled and looked after, it can be utilized for a minimum of 10 years. Different Hitachi Magic Wand packages (the original device + best-selling massager attachments) are created to match the needs of pleasure-seekers. Popular packages include the Tri-Gasm package (the original Hitachi Magic Wand + Tri-Gasm attachment + Wand speed controller + ID-Glide Lubricant), G-Tip package (the original Hitachi Magic Wand + G-Tip attachment +Wand speed controller + ID-Glide Lubricant) and the Tri-Tip package (the original Hitachi Magic Wand + Tri-Gasm + G-Tip + ID Glide Lubricant + Wand speed controller).

Unlike most-battery powered vibrators, the Hitachi Magic Wand has the power to bring women and men to orgasm quickly because it is able to produce far more powerful vibrations than ordinary, novelty vibrators. It does produce some sound when using it on the high function because the massager is truly very powerful. Most users will put the device under a pillow on high speed and this cuts down drastically on the decibel level. One would only be concerned if they didn’t want a roommate to hear the device in use. Unlike battery-operated massagers that rely on batteries, this device never goes dead as a 6 foot long cord keeps it useable whenever and for at least 25 minutes of use at a time. The motor in the Hitachi has a deep pulsating resonance that protects the device from overheating. Ordinary vibrators, on the other hand, have a cluttering resonance, which can lead to overheating. You can reach out to for any questions on the many different Hitachi Magic Wand packages they carry.

These armies can consist of various magical creatures, such as flying monkeys, enchanted animals, or mind-controlled minions. The witches themselves may possess unique powers, including the ability to cast curses, brew potent potions, and summon dark forces. Wicked witch armies are commonly found in popular fairy tales and children's stories, such as "The Wizard of Oz" and "Snow White".

Langage translator

In these tales, the heroes face the daunting task of confronting and defeating the wicked witches and their armies in order to restore balance and harmony to their worlds. The armies are often depicted as relentless and unyielding, posing a great challenge to the protagonists. The wicked witch army serves as a symbol of the dark side of magic and the dangers of unchecked power. They embody the idea of evil forces working together to sow chaos and destruction. Through their defeat, the protagonists demonstrate the triumph of goodness, bravery, and the importance of standing up against tyranny. Overall, the concept of the wicked witch army showcases the captivating and sometimes terrifying aspects of fantasy storytelling. It adds depth and conflict to the narrative, allowing the heroes to demonstrate their courage and resourcefulness in the face of overwhelming odds..

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