The Wheel of the Year: A Journey through the Wiccan Observance Calendar

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Wicca, a contemporary pagan religious movement, follows an observance calendar that acknowledges the changing seasons and the cycles of the moon. The Wiccan observance calendar consists of eight major festivals known as Sabbats, which are divided into two categories: the Greater Sabbats, also known as the "cross-quarter" festivals, and the Lesser Sabbats, also referred to as the "quarter" festivals. The Greater Sabbats include Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lammas. Samhain, celebrated on October 31st, is considered the Wiccan New Year and marks the beginning of winter. It is a time when the veil between the physical world and the realm of spirits is believed to be the thinnest. Imbolc, observed on February 1st, represents the awakening of nature and the return of light.

This list is not meant to be comprehensive. Additional holy day listings can be found on the Interfaith Calendar 2023 and Interfaith Calendar 2024.

í Oct 20 Friday Samhain Wicca Pagan Oct 31 Nov 1 Tuesday-Wednesday All Saints Day Day of the Dead Christian Latinx Nov 2 Thursday Diwali Jain Sikh Hindu Nov 12 Sunday Guru Nanak Gurpurab Sikh Nov 27 Monday Advent Christian Dec 3 Dec 24 Sunday-Sunday Hanukkah Jewish Dec 7 Dec 15 Thursday-Friday Bodhi Day Rohatsu Buddhist Dec 8 Friday Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Feast of the Immaculate Conception Christian Dec 8 Friday Our Lady of Guadalupe Christian Dec 12 Tuesday Christmas Christian Dec 25 Monday Kwanzaa African-American Dec 26 Jan 1 Monday- Sunday. Please note that all dates are based on Northern Hemisphere events unless otherwise noted, and the full moon dates and times displayed here are based upon the Farmer s Almanac schedules, which is listed in Eastern Standard Time.

Wiccan observance calendar

Imbolc, observed on February 1st, represents the awakening of nature and the return of light. This festival is associated with the goddess Brigid and is often celebrated with rituals of purification and initiation. Beltane, held on May 1st, marks the beginning of summer and the blossoming of flowers.

Religious Observances Calendar

The following calendar provides a non-exhaustive list of globally recognized religious observances. Please note that Jewish and Islamic observances begin at sundown the evening before the date listed. Some of the dates may be approximate, as many holidays, such as Islamic and Hindu holy days, are based on the lunar calendar. While this list does not necessarily reflect Iona's academic calendars, having a religious observance calendar can help foster a more inclusive and respectful environment for the diverse religious backgrounds of our campus community. Here are some reasons why it is important:

Accommodation: By having a religious observance calendar we can be more aware of the potential need to accommodate campus constituents needing to observe their religious holidays and festivals.

Respect: A religious observance calendar can also help promote respect and understanding among campus constituents of different religious backgrounds. It can help create a culture of inclusivity where everyone feels valued and respected.

Overall, having a religious observance calendar is an important step toward creating a more inclusive and respectful environment for members of our campus community with diverse religious backgrounds. It can help promote understanding, reduce conflicts, and show that diversity and inclusivity are valued at Iona University.

Religious Observances Calendar 2023
Date Holiday Religion
January 1 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Roman Catholic
January 1 Oshogatsu Shinto
January 3 Asara B'Tevet Judaism
January 6 Epiphany or Three Kings Day Christian
January 13 Maghi Sikh
January 15 Makar Sankranti Hindu
January 15 World Religion Day Baha'i
January 22 Lunar New Year Buddhist
February 2 Imbolc Pagan and Wiccan
February 3 Setsubun Shinto
February 5 - 6 Tu BiShvat Judaism
February 15 Nirvana Day Buddhist
February 17 - 18 Lailat al Miraj Islam
February 18 Maha Shivaratri Hindu
February 22 Ash Wednesday Christian
February 22 - April 8 Lent Christian
February 25 - March 1 Festival of Ayyam-i-Ha Baha'i
March 6 Ta'anit Esther Judaism
March 6 - 7 Purim Judaism
March 7 - 8 Mid-Sha'ban Islam
March 8 - 10 Hola Mohalla Sikh
March 8 Holi Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist/Jain
March 13 Birthday of L. Ron Hubbard Scientology
March 19 Feast of St. Joseph Roman Catholic
March 21 Ostara Pagan and Wiccan
March 21 Naw Rúz Baha'i/Zoroastrian
March 22 - April 21 Ramadan Islam
March 30 Magha Puja Buddhist
April 2 Palm Sunday Christian
April 4 Mahavir Jayanti Jain
April 6 Maundy (Holy) Thursday Christian
April 5 - 13 Passover Judaism
April 7 Good Friday Christian
April 8 Holy Saturday Christian
April 9 Easter Sunday Christian
April 14 Vaisakhi Hindu/Sikh
April 16 Easter/Pascha (Orthodox) Christian
April 17 - 18 Yom HaShoah Judaism
April 18 Laylat al-Qadr Islam
April 21 - 22 Eid al-Fitr Islam
April 24 - 25 Yom HaZikaron Judaism
April 25 - 26 Yom HaAtzma'ut Judaism
May 1 Beltaine Pagan and Wiccan
May 5 Vesak Buddhist
May 8 - 9 Lag B'Omer Judaism
May 25 - 27 Shavout Judaism
May 26 Buddha's Birth Buddhist
May 28 Pentecost Sunday Christian
June 16 Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Sahib Sikh
June 24 Litha Pagan and Wiccan
June 26 - July 1 The Hajj Islam
June 28 - 29 Eid al-Adha Islam
July 5 - 6 Fast of Tammuz Judaism
July 9 Martyrdom of Báb Baha'i
July 18 - 19 Islamic New Year Islam
July 24 Pioneer Day Christian
July 26 - 27 Tisha B'Av Judaism
August 1 Lughnasadh Pagan and Wiccan
August 15 Feast of the Assumption Roman Catholic
September 5 - 6 Arba'een Islam
September 6 - 7 Krishna Janmashtami Hindu
September 15 - 17 Rosh Hashanah Judaism
September 18 Tzom Gedaliah Judaism
September 21 - 29 Mabon Pagan and Wiccan
September 24 - 25 Yom Kippur Judaism
September 26 - 27 Mawlid Islam
September 29 - October 6 Sukkot Judaism
October 6 - 8 Shemini Atzeret Judaism
October 7 - 8 Simchat Torah Judaism
October 15 - 24 Navarati Hindu
October 16 Birthday of Báb Baha'i
October 17 Birthday of Baha'u'llah Baha'i
October 24 Dussehra Hindu
October 31 Samhain Pagan and Wiccan
November 1 All Saints Day Christian
November 2 All Souls' Day Christian
November 12 Diwali Hindu/Sikh/Jain
November 24 Martyrdom of Guru Bahadur Sikh
November 28 - January 6 Christmas Fast Christian
December 3 - 24 Advent Christian
December 7 -15 Hanukkah Judaism
December 8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic
December 8 Bodhi Day Buddhist
December 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe (Feast Day) Christian
December 16 - 24 Las Posadas Christian
December 21 - January 1 Yule Pagan and Wiccan
December 22 Asara B'Tevet Judaism
December 24 Christmas Eve Christian
December 25 Christmas Day Christian
December 26 St. Stephen's Day Christian
Wiccan observance calendar

It is a time of fertility and is often celebrated with bonfires and maypole dancing. Lammas, occurring on August 1st, symbolizes the first harvest and the waning of the sun. It is a time of gratitude for the abundance of the Earth. The Lesser Sabbats consist of Yule, Ostara, Litha, and Mabon. Yule, observed on the winter solstice, typically December 21st, celebrates the rebirth of the sun and the gradual return of longer days. It is a time for reflection and honoring the cycle of life. Ostara, occurring on the spring equinox, usually March 21st, marks the arrival of spring and represents balance and renewal. It is a time of planting and growth. Litha, celebrated on the summer solstice, typically June 21st, heralds the peak of the sun's power and the longest day of the year. It is a time of abundance and celebration of the Earth's fertility. Mabon, observed on the autumnal equinox, typically September 21st, signifies the second harvest and the arrival of fall. It is a time of balance between light and dark and gratitude for the blessings of the Earth. Each Sabbat in the Wiccan observance calendar has its own unique traditions, rituals, and symbols. Wiccans may gather in covens or individually to honor these festivals, often by performing ceremonial rituals, casting spells, making offerings, and communing with nature. The observance calendar is an essential aspect of Wiccan spirituality, connecting practitioners to the natural rhythm of the Earth and celebrating its cycles..

Reviews for "Wiccan Holidays: A Time for Reflection, Celebration, and Renewal"

1. John - 2 out of 5 stars: The Wiccan observance calendar was a huge disappointment for me. I was expecting to find detailed and accurate information about the important dates and festivals in the Wiccan tradition, but this calendar fell short. The entries were vague and lacked depth, making it difficult for someone like me who is not well-versed in Wicca to understand. Additionally, the calendar itself was poorly organized and difficult to navigate, making it cumbersome to look up specific dates. Overall, I would not recommend this calendar to anyone looking for a comprehensive and user-friendly resource on Wiccan observances.
2. Sarah - 1 out of 5 stars: I found the Wiccan observance calendar to be highly inaccurate and unreliable. The dates mentioned in the calendar did not match up with the widely accepted dates for Wiccan festivals and celebrations. This made it incredibly frustrating to plan and participate in rituals and gatherings, as I constantly had to cross-reference with other sources to confirm the correct dates. Moreover, even when the dates were correct, the entries lacked substantial information and guidance, leaving me feeling lost and uninformed. Overall, this calendar was a waste of both time and money, and I would strongly advise against purchasing it.
3. Amanda - 2 out of 5 stars: As a beginner in Wicca, I was hoping to find a calendar that would help me understand and connect with the various observances and rituals in the Wiccan tradition. Unfortunately, the Wiccan observance calendar did not meet my expectations. While it did list the important dates, it failed to provide any sort of explanation or context for these observances. As a result, I felt disconnected and confused, as I had no idea what the significance of each date was or how to properly observe it. This calendar may be suitable for experienced practitioners who are already familiar with the traditions, but for beginners like me, it was of minimal help.

The Importance of Rituals in Wiccan Observance: Honoring the Gods and Goddesses

Embracing Nature with the Wiccan Observance Calendar: Connecting with the Earth and its Cycles