Enhancing Your Wiccan Moon Rituals with Google Calendar's Scheduling Features

By admin

Wiccan moon rituals are an important and beloved tradition within the Wiccan community. These rituals are generally performed during the different phases of the moon, as each phase holds its own unique energy and symbolism. Many modern Wiccans and witches are utilizing technology to help them track the moon phases and plan their rituals accordingly. One popular tool for this is the Google Calendar. By creating a Wiccan moon rituals calendar on Google, practitioners can easily keep track of upcoming moon phases and plan their rituals in advance. This digital calendar can be personalized, allowing individuals to include additional information such as specific rituals, intentions, or materials needed for each phase.

With free talks and workshops on both days.

Looking up at the night sky is always a good way to tell where the moon is at obviously but if you are like me and sometimes a bit spacey all over the place, then having a Moon Calendar on hand is my perfect solution to make sure I am always up to date and aware of the next Full Moon. There are so many different ways to work with the energy of the Moon, but if you are just starting out, there are only two main differences that you need to know.

Wiccan moon rituals google calendar

This digital calendar can be personalized, allowing individuals to include additional information such as specific rituals, intentions, or materials needed for each phase. It is a convenient and modern way to stay organized and make sure that no important rituals are missed. Overall, the Wiccan moon rituals Google calendar is a valuable resource for witches and Wiccans alike, helping them to align their practices with the natural rhythms of the moon and honor the spiritual significance of each phase.

How to Plan Your First Full Moon Ritual (A Beginner’s Guide)

Whether have never performed a Moon ritual before, or you have been around the spiritual block for a while, you know that the Full Moon comes with a certain amount of wonder, pull, and magic. And if you are sensitive to energy, then you know very well that the Moon can (and does) have an affect on our soul.

For some, it might be the lack of sleep around the time of the Full Moon. For others, it is the onset of what feels like deep emotional release. Either way, you know that there is something about the Full Moon that draws you in on a spiritual and energetic level, which is why you are here. So let’s dive into the three things you need to know about planning a Moon Ritual.

Step 1: Identify the Next Full Moon

The first thing you need to know about performing a Moon Ritual is that the Full Moon comes around once every 29 days. This means that you have almost a month between Full Moon Rituals. If you are getting in the habit of performing both a Full Moon Ritual and a New Moon Ritual, then that means you’ll be doing a ritual about once every two weeks.

And since time flies, that means it is easy to miss one which is why it’s good to know the specific date so you don’t miss it. I keep two Moon Calendars handy - one hung up in my room and a smaller one printed at my desk for general reference. I recommended having some kind of reliable Moon Calendar with you as well so you don’t miss these oh so anticipated lunar events.

Whether you are performing just 1 moon ritual or making it a bi-monthly habit, it is always a good to plan your Rituals in advance. Looking up at the night sky is always a good way to tell where the moon is at (obviously) but if you are like me and sometimes a bit spacey & all over the place, then having a Moon Calendar on hand is my perfect solution to make sure I am always up to date and aware of the next Full Moon. Plus, when you start incorporating more of the Moon phases into your life, you’ll get a sense of rhythmic energy and how you can actually plan effectively around specific lunar events. If you don’t have a Moon Calendar, then I recommend checking out my Moon Ritual Bundle which comes with a printable 2020 Moon Calendar which can be found here.

Step 2: Schedule Your Full Moon Ritual, Witches

Now that you have identified when they next Full Moon is, the next step is to actually plan your ritual! This means get that bad boy in the books and on your schedule. Because you know what they say: Things that get scheduled, get done.

I recommend putting your Moon Ritual down in your planner, in your Google Calendar, on your mirror, or somewhere you’ll see it and be reminded. This is very important because too often we intend to do a ritual, but then life gets in the way. Or we completely forget. Or we say that we will do it next month. But the things is, we are the ones responsible for our healing and our own spiritual growth. And unless you truly prioritize your own spiritual/self care, then it simply won’t get done.

“Okay cool Sarah, got it. But what if I can’t do my ritual that night.” Well, Moon Child, I’m glad that you asked. You see, the EXACT time of a Full Moon lasts for about a second.

But what most people don’t know is that the energy of the Full Moon lasts for about 72 hours before and after the moment the Moon turns full. This means that you have about a 2 day window around the Full Moon to schedule your Moon Ritual. If you can’t do it the day of, no worries. Do it the night before. Be a rebel it the morning after. Just make sure that you do it.

Remember, this is your practice so you call the shots. The main takeaway here is that there is a window that your moon ritual can be performed.

You don’t have to be spiritually pressured or feel guilty if you can’t do it when all the hype is. If I have others plans the night of the Full Moon that I can’t get out of (#introvertproblems), then I’ll make sure to it either the night before or even within the next 2 days.

Once you start getting into the groove of your Moon Rituals, you might just clear that night in your calendar if you feel like it.

Again, your ritual, your rules.

Stay Wild, Moon Child. 2020 Moon Ritual Bundle is available NOW!

Step 3: Prepare for the Correct Moon Ritual

When getting started on your Moon Ritual journey, it is good to know the difference between a Full Moon Ritual vs. New Moon Ritual. This is because each lunar phase comes with a certain type of energy. The energy of the Full Moon hold space for different intentions and opportunities than the energy of the New Moon.

So what’s the difference between the two? I’m glad you asked.

The New Moon carries the energy of new beginnings, of starting over, and of a blank slate. Meaning that it is a good time for opening your mind and getting excited about the possibilities of the future.

It is also a good time to tap into your creative side. To use your imagination in order to explore those beautiful possibilities within you and around you. It also creates the perfect storm of manifesting, planning, and planting new seeds for the future.

Whether you are following my same New Moon Ritual or you are creating your own, remember that the energy behind the New Moon is one of creation. To take on new projects. The goal is make the universe away of what you intend to bring forth into existence. during the this next lunar cycle.

Many people think that the ideal time to manifest or to create something new is during the Full Moon. But as you have just learned, it is actually the New Moon that you want to start planting those seeds + doing your manifestation rituals.

Examples of some solid New Moon Ritual practices include writing down your wishes, drawing / painting the things you want to manifest, or spending time visualizing your future.

On the opposite spectrum, the Full Moon this is a time for deep introspection. Just as the Moon becomes full, it acts like a mirror reflecting back the truth within you and around you. Meaning this is a perfect time to do some inner work and self-reflection. The Full Moon gifts us with a specific type of energy that helps bring up emotions, truths, and energies that have maybe gone unnoticed. And since there is a lot of movement and high energy around this time, it is the perfect opportunity to look at what is around you and within you, and then make the choice to let go of the very things that are no longer yours to keep.

There are so many different ways to work with the energy of the Moon, but if you are just starting out, there are only two main differences that you need to know. The intention behind the New Moon is creating and manifesting while the intention behind the Full Moon is reflecting and releasing. Hopefully that simple overview will help you when it comes time to planning and performing your next Full Moon or New Moon Ritual.

In Conclusion

I hope that the information within this blog post is able to get you started on the right foot when it comes to planning and performing your next Full Moon Ritual.

Again, the important thing to remember here is that you set aside time each month to focus on your spiritual growth and well-being. By doing so, you making a power proclamation to the universe filled with intention and action. And the more Moon Rituals you perform, the more you will find how aligning your life with the phases of the Moon can drastically how you view your growth and healing journey.

It will also help you grow, reflect, and ultimately become more self-aware of who you are and what you want on a soul level. Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If you are looking more guidance on how to perform a Full Moon Ritual, then I highly recommend checking download the Full Moon Ritual + Moon Bundle that I created which can be found here.

It was created with the intention of helping your get started with your Moon Ritual and get the most out of the two lunar phases. This downloadable Moon Ritual Bundle includes easy to follow instructions that will guide you on your first (or next) Moon Ritual. Either way, I hope you find healing, power, and clarity wherever the next phase of your spiritual journey leads you. And again, thank you so much for taking the time to read. With love, Sarah Kreuz

Full Moon Ritual on Zoom.
Wiccan moon rituals google calendar


Reviews for "Utilizing Google Calendar to Manifest Intentions through Wiccan Moon Rituals"

1. John Doe - 2 stars
The Wiccan moon rituals google calendar was not what I expected. As someone who was looking for accurate information and guidance on Wiccan practices, I found this calendar to be lacking in substance. The descriptions and instructions for the rituals were often vague, leaving me confused and unsure of what to do. Additionally, there were several instances where the dates for the moon phases were incorrect, resulting in me performing rituals on the wrong days. Overall, I was disappointed with this calendar and would not recommend it to others seeking genuine Wiccan practices.
2. Jane Smith - 1 star
I was extremely disappointed with the Wiccan moon rituals google calendar. The information provided was incredibly basic and lacked depth. I was hoping for detailed rituals and explanations, but instead, I found only generic descriptions that left me wanting more. Additionally, the calendar frequently had errors in the dates of the moon phases, making it unreliable for planning rituals accurately. I would not recommend this calendar to anyone serious about Wiccan practices as it does not provide the in-depth knowledge and guidance that one would expect.
3. Amanda Johnson - 2 stars
As a Wiccan practitioner, I was excited to try out the Wiccan moon rituals google calendar, but unfortunately, it didn't live up to my expectations. The rituals and descriptions provided were shallow and lacked the depth and richness that I was looking for. There were also inconsistencies in the calendar itself, with dates being incorrect or poorly updated. It was frustrating to rely on this calendar for guidance and have to double-check the accuracy of the information. Overall, I found this calendar to be a disappointment and would not rely on it for accurate and genuine Wiccan moon rituals.
4. Michael Thomas - 1 star
The Wiccan moon rituals google calendar was a letdown. The information provided was very limited and lacked the detailed explanations and guidance that I needed for meaningful rituals. Additionally, there were several instances where dates for the moon phases were incorrect or not in alignment with other reputable sources. This made it difficult to plan and perform rituals accurately. I would not recommend this calendar to serious Wiccan practitioners as it falls short in providing the necessary information for authentic ritual practices.

Tracking the Lunar Cycle with Google Calendar for Wiccan Moon Rituals

Planning Wiccan Moon Rituals in Advance with Google Calendar