Comparing Different Versions of the Sticky Magic Mount

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The sticky magic mount is a versatile phone or tablet accessory that uses adhesive material to securely hold devices in place. It is often made of a flexible silicone material that is sticky to touch but can easily be removed without leaving any residue. The sticky magic mount is typically used in cars as a phone holder. It can be attached to the dashboard, windshield, or any other smooth surface in the vehicle. The strong adhesive ensures that the device stays in place even when driving on bumpy roads or taking sharp turns. One of the main advantages of the sticky magic mount is its versatility.

Celtic solstice witch

One of the main advantages of the sticky magic mount is its versatility. It can be adjusted to hold devices at different angles, allowing the user to view their phone or tablet in the most comfortable position. This is especially useful for navigation purposes, as it allows the driver to easily see the screen without taking their eyes off the road.


Yule celebrates the winter solstice, the year’s shortest day when the sun ceases its southern journey and begins its return north. Yule is a Nordic word meaning wheel. The Celtic name for this solstice is Alban Arthuran. The winter solstice was celebrated throughout the ancient pagan world and included Greek and Roman festivals.

The sun provided light and warmed the earth; its gradual disappearance each fall caused great concern. Each year our ancestors worried that maybe this year the sun would not return. Consequently their solstice celebrations used lots of lights in an attempt to lure back the Sun.

Yule also celebrates the death and rebirth of the sun god(s). Ancient Celts believed that the Goddess lived forever, but the sun god was annually born at Yule. He matured during the winter and spring, became her lover and mated with her during the fullness of the growing season, then grew old and frail as the crops matured and were harvested. At Yule the Goddess gave birth to his son, the new sun king, after the old king died, and so the annual cycle began again. Later, the Druids believed that the Oak King ruled during the waxing year. At Yule he battled and overcame the Holly King who ruled during the waning year. At Litha, the summer solstice, the two kings battled again with the returned Holly King emerging as victor until the next Yule.

An older Irish explanation for the change of seasons beginning at the solstices involved the robin and wren. At Yule, the robin, a symbol of the waxing year, killed the wren, a symbol of the waning year. According to Edain McCoy in her book Witta: An Irish Tradition, at one time each Irish family killed at least one wren at Yule. Here is a recording of the song The Cutty Wren, which tells of hunting the wren on St. Stephens Day.

Whatever tradition is honored and remembered at Yule, it is clear that a major change of season begins with the return of the sun, although obviously longer days and the return of moderate temperatures are not noticed until Imbolc or Candlemas.

Modern Yule Rituals

Modern Pagans can celebrate a hearty traditional Yule without compromise because it is their ancient pagan holiday. Anyone who celebrated Christmas as a child knows the basic pagan Yule customs. These are preserved as the secular Christmas traditions and include the burning of lights and the bringing of evergreen decorations into our homes. Green fir, pine, or holly represent living plant life preserved during the dark season that began at Samhain. Their presence in our homes visually expresses a hope and longing for the regreening of nature in spring. You celebrate a traditional pagan Yule when you place candles in the windows, decorate a “Christmas” tree with lights, use decorations of holly and mistletoe, sing “secular” seasonal songs, feast with friends, and give gifts to loved ones. All these customs originated with Yule celebrations that predated Christianity.

A more specific pagan custom is to burn white, red, and black candles which symbolize the maiden, mother, and crone aspects of the Triple Goddess. White and red are still major Christmas colors. Sing “Deck the Halls” or other “old English” carols that describe joyous celebrations and express good feelings toward all of mankind. Coven rituals can include a reenactment of the death of the old Sun King and his rebirth, or the victory of the Oak King over the Holly King. Light a new yule log, an old French phallic symbol, using the remnants of last year’s Yule log as kindling. Exchange small anonymous gifts among coven members, and of course, follow the ritual with a sumptuous feast.

Yule and Christmas

The Saturnalia honored the Roman god Saturn and was the new year’s festival held at the winter solstice in pre-Christian Rome. Gifts were exchanged in honor of those who had died during the previous year. Determining which day the actual solstice occurred was difficult because the day length varied by less than one minute between December 16 and December 26 and mechanical clocks were yet to be invented. The Roman emperor Aurelian decided by decree in 273 C. E. that December 25 would be the day of the Saturnalia. This was also the birthday of Mithra, a Persian savior god, whose anti-female cult greatly influenced early Christianity. Later, in the 4th century C.E., the Christian leaders decided to celebrate the birth of Christ on this date. This did not mean that they believed that Jesus was born on December 25. Rather, they chose to celebrate Christ’s birth at this time to redirect the people away from pagan celebrations. Later generations of Christians were unaware that the officially chosen date for the celebration of Christ’s birth was not the actual date. Despite the historical inaccuracy, Christ fit the profile that other sun/son gods had who were honored at this time of year.

The Sun’s Cycle Through the Year

The ancient explanation for the disappearance of the sun each fall, followed by its reappearance after the Solstice was as follows. It seems that an immortal goddess gave birth to a new sun god at the last Solstice. As the infant sun god slowly grew in size and strength, the sun returned north and the days slowly became longer and warmer. By the time spring arrived and the plants bloomed and the leaves appeared, the young sun god had grown into a strong young man who was ready for a mate. His mother, the goddess, noticed that he was no longer a child but rather a handsome man who now attracted her attention. The goddess and sun god then mutually selected each other as partners. The year continued to progress into the long warm summer days. The goddess and sun god consummated their marriage and she became pregnant again.

The summer season gradually turned into fall with its shorter days. This occurred because the sun god had exhausted his energy in heating and lighting the earth so that the crops would grow. After the harvest there was nothing left for the sun god to do but grow old and die. Slowly he retreated south, providing less warmth and daylight. The immortal goddess, however, fondly remembered her time with him when he was in his full summer vigor. At Yule the goddess rebirths the sun god and the cycle continues.

1. Campenelli, Pauline and Dan. Wheel of the Year: Living the Magical Life. Llewellyn, 1993.
2. Hutton, Ronald. The Stations of the Sun. Oxford University Press, 1996.
3. Nahmad, Claire. Earth Magic: A Wisewoman’s Guide to Herbal, Astrological, & Other Folk Wisdom. Destiny Books, 1994.
4. Pennick, Nigel. The Pagan Book of Days. Destiny Books, 1992.
5. O’Gaea, Ashleen. Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara, Career Press, 2009.

1. Campenelli, Pauline and Dan. Wheel of the Year: Living the Magical Life. Llewellyn, 1993.
2. Hutton, Ronald. The Stations of the Sun. Oxford University Press, 1996.
3. Nahmad, Claire. Earth Magic: A Wisewoman’s Guide to Herbal, Astrological, & Other Folk Wisdom. Destiny Books, 1994.
4. Pennick, Nigel. The Pagan Book of Days. Destiny Books, 1992.
5. O’Gaea, Ashleen. Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara, Career Press, 2009.
Sticky magic mount

Another benefit of the sticky magic mount is its compact size. Unlike traditional phone holders that take up a lot of space on the dashboard or require clips to hold the device, the sticky magic mount is small and unobtrusive. It can easily be stored in a glove compartment or pocket when not in use. The installation process of the sticky magic mount is simple and straightforward. It usually involves cleaning the surface where it will be attached, removing the protective film from the adhesive, and pressing the mount firmly against the chosen surface. Once installed, the mount can be used immediately to hold the desired device. In conclusion, the sticky magic mount is a convenient and practical phone or tablet accessory that offers secure and adjustable device holding. Its adhesive material ensures that devices stay in place while driving, and its compact size makes it a space-saving option. Installing the sticky magic mount is easy, allowing users to use their devices hands-free with ease..

Reviews for "Achieving Optimal Phone Viewing Angles with the Sticky Magic Mount"

1. Emma - ★☆☆☆☆
I was really disappointed with the Sticky Magic Mount. It didn't hold my phone securely at all and it kept falling off the dashboard while I was driving. The adhesive was not strong enough to keep it in place and it completely lost its stickiness after just a few uses. It also left a sticky residue on my phone which was difficult to remove. Overall, I would not recommend this product as it did not live up to its claims.
2. John - ★★☆☆☆
I found the Sticky Magic Mount to be quite unreliable. It would work fine for a short period of time, but then it would suddenly lose its stickiness and my phone would fall off the mount. I tried cleaning the adhesive and even reapplying it, but it didn't make a difference. The quality of the product just seems very poor and not worth the price. I wouldn't trust it to securely hold my phone again.
3. Sarah - ★★☆☆☆
The Sticky Magic Mount did not meet my expectations. While it initially stuck to my car's dashboard, it didn't hold up well over time. The adhesive started to wear off quickly, causing my phone to constantly fall while driving. I ended up having to remove it and find an alternative solution. It's a shame because the concept seemed great, but the execution was poor.
4. Michael - ★☆☆☆☆
I regret purchasing the Sticky Magic Mount. It simply did not work for me. The adhesive was weak and my phone would constantly detach from the mount, posing a danger while driving. It might work for smaller and lighter phones, but for larger smartphones, it's a complete waste of money. I would advise against buying this product if you're looking for something reliable and sturdy.
5. Laura - ★★☆☆☆
I had high hopes for the Sticky Magic Mount, but unfortunately, it failed to deliver. The adhesive didn't hold up well in hot weather conditions, causing my phone to fall off multiple times. It also didn't stick firmly to my car's dashboard and would often slide around. The design and durability of the product were lacking, and I would not recommend it to others.

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