The Ethical Use of Celestia Spirit Magic in Magical Practice

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Celestia spirit magic is a powerful form of magic that harnesses the energy of the celestial bodies to perform incredible feats. It is a rare and ancient practice that has been passed down through generations of skilled magicians. The practitioners of Celestia spirit magic are known as Celestial Mages. They have the ability to form a connection with the stars, planets, and other celestial bodies, channeling their energy to cast spells and create enchantments. This magic requires a deep understanding of the cosmos and a strong spiritual connection. Celestial Mages can communicate with celestial spirits, beings that reside in the stars and are guardians of the cosmos.

Celestia spirit magic

Celestial Mages can communicate with celestial spirits, beings that reside in the stars and are guardians of the cosmos. These spirits can be called upon by the mage to assist them in their magical endeavors. Each celestial spirit has its unique abilities and characteristics.

Celestia spirit magic

True Celestial Spirit Magic
is the true nature of Celestial Spirit Magic. The user have diffrent captabillities, much more advanced than the normal.

- Gate Control/Enforcment: The user have the special abillity to open/close a spirit's gate without the use of keys, but it requires a little bit more power than the use of keys. It's restricted to the spirits with the mage has contract with.

- Multiple Summon: The user is capable of summonig more than 1 spirit for time.

- Telepathy: The Celestial Mage have the abilitty to communicate with it's contracted spirits via Telepathy .

- Spirit Cross Fuse : A unique spell; not a magic proper, that makes full use of a Celestial Spirit Mage's link with their spirits. Due to the user holding a contract with them, the sprit has a special "magic link" with the user, essentially a contract of sorts that they can annul at any time. By synchronizing their magical power frequency with that of the spirit's when the two are in close proximity, with the spirit's approval, the user can perform this spell; which merges the mage and the spirit, integrating the spirit within their body. This allows the mage to replicate the powers of the spirit; filtering out magic (known as drawing) from the spirit and storing it ready to be used by the user. This allows the user to possess near superhuman abilities, such as increased speed and strength, as well as being able to use the spirit's magic. When the mage and their spirit are merged, two kinds of beings are brought together, and since the user possesses a comparable consciousness, the spirit will lose their solid form and can only manifest for limited periods of time while the merging is occurring; giving the user superhuman strength and enhancing their body functions. The merger grants the user an extreme boost in power; giving them access to new abilities, including executing powered-up spells; and when entering fusion mode, a pair of white feathered wings will emerge from the user's back. The merger can only be executed when the user gathers enough eternano; however. In order to activate the merger, the spell has an "limit meter" that fills as the user collects eternano; which are glowing orbs of light that appears whenever an attack is landed or an attack is blocked; the user automatically absorbs eternano as they move around the area, but not while attacking or being attacked. When the user can enter the merger, the user begins to glow orange. Once the merger is entered, the user's magical power slowly drains, and the merger ends when it is depleted. The rate at which the power drains can be lowered by using certain accessories and equipment pieces. While in the merger, the character can still collect eternano, refilling their power as it depleted. While in the merger, the user slowly begins regenerating their stamina; while they gain a higher chance of obtaining a critical hit; as well as generic bonuses as special attacks, increased damage, and other enhancements. Entering the merger blocks any spell the opponent is striking the user with and knocks them back; however, this can be a double-edged sword, as the user's current magic is cancelled out when activating the mode; but despite this, this drawback can be morphed into a blessing, letting attacks be chained together in new ways. During a successful merge, striking hair or pupil colour changes become apparent, and it will even change the colour of clothing the user is wearing at the time. The mage can always initiate telepathic contact with the spirit. However, in the case that that the user loses consciousness or the spirit for any other reason has to assume full control over their shared body the spirit creates a so-called "Internal Space" (内部空間, Naibu Kūkan, pocket dimension ), where the user can communicate with the spirit in safety and even recuperate.

- Spirit Boost: The use is able to add its own Eternano energy, adding special attributes to the keys depending on the key's own attribute.

Celestia spirit magic

Some are known for their healing powers, while others excel in offensive magic or elemental manipulation. To perform Celestia spirit magic, the mage must first establish a bond with a celestial spirit. This bond is built upon trust and mutual respect between the mage and the spirit. Through this connection, the mage gains access to the spirit's vast knowledge and magical abilities. Celestia spirit magic can be used for various purposes, including healing, protection, divination, and even combat. With the aid of their celestial spirit partners, Celestial Mages can cast powerful spells that can reshape reality and manipulate cosmic energies. However, Celestia spirit magic is not without its limitations. The power of the celestial bodies is vast but also difficult to control. It requires great focus and concentration to effectively tap into this energy source. Some spells may also require specific celestial alignments or timeframes to be properly executed. In conclusion, Celestia spirit magic is a complex and potent branch of magical practice that draws upon the power of the celestial bodies. It enables the mage to access incredible abilities and knowledge through their connection with celestial spirits. With great skill and understanding, Celestial Mages can perform extraordinary feats and shape the world around them using the energy of the stars..

Reviews for "Protecting Yourself from Negative Energies with Celestia Spirit Magic"

1. Jane - 2/5 stars - I was really looking forward to reading "Celestia Spirit Magic" but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. The story was quite predictable and lacked depth. The characters felt one-dimensional and it was hard to connect with any of them. The writing style felt amateurish, with too much telling and not enough showing. Overall, I was disappointed with this book and wouldn't recommend it.
2. Alex - 1/5 stars - "Celestia Spirit Magic" was a complete letdown for me. The plot was unoriginal and full of clichés. The dialogue felt forced and unrealistic, making it difficult for me to engage with the story. The world-building was lacking, leaving me with many unanswered questions. I found myself skimming through the pages, just trying to finish it. I would not recommend this book to anyone seeking an immersive and captivating read.
3. Sarah - 2/5 stars - I had high hopes for "Celestia Spirit Magic" but unfortunately, it didn't live up to the hype. The pacing was incredibly slow, and the story did not grip me from the beginning. The romance felt forced and lacked chemistry between the characters. The ending was also anticlimactic and left me wanting more resolution. Overall, this book was underwhelming and I wouldn't recommend it to fans of the fantasy genre.
4. Michael - 2/5 stars - I found "Celestia Spirit Magic" to be a mediocre read. The writing style was lackluster and lacked descriptive imagery, making it hard to visualize the setting and characters. The plot felt disjointed and it was difficult for me to follow along. The main protagonist was bland and lacked development. Overall, this book fell flat for me and I wouldn't recommend it to others.
5. Emily - 3/5 stars - "Celestia Spirit Magic" was an okay read for me. While the concept was interesting, I felt that the execution was lacking. The pacing was inconsistent, with some parts dragging on while others felt rushed. The character development was subpar, and I didn't feel a strong connection to any of the characters. However, the magical elements were intriguing, and there were a few moments that kept me engaged. I would consider this book if you enjoy light fantasy reads but don't expect anything groundbreaking.

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