Channeling the Energy: Spells for the Witches' Full Equinox

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The Witches' Full Equinox is a term that refers to a special time of the year in witchcraft and pagan traditions. It is a celebration that takes place during the equinox, which occurs twice a year when the length of day and night are approximately equal. The exact dates may vary depending on the hemisphere. During this time, witches and pagans come together to honor the balance between light and darkness, as well as the changing of the seasons. It is a time of reflection, gratitude, and setting intentions for the future. Witches may gather in groups or celebrate individually, depending on their personal preferences and beliefs.

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You may submit up to 3 pieces in any one genre poetry, flash prose, or image for a reading fee of 5, which will be used toward ongoing programs and publications at hotpoet, and which will fund a 100 best in show prize for every category of work poetry, flash prose, and image in each edition of Equinox. You may submit up to 3 pieces in any one genre poetry, flash prose, or image for a reading fee of 5, which will be used toward ongoing programs and publications at hotpoet, and which will fund a 100 best in show prize for every category of work poetry, flash prose, and image in each edition of Equinox.

Witches full quinox

Witches may gather in groups or celebrate individually, depending on their personal preferences and beliefs. They may engage in rituals, spells, or ceremonies to mark the occasion. This can include lighting candles, meditating, casting circles, communing with nature, and performing divination or spellwork.

Witches full quinox

hotpoet has launched Equinox , a biannual digital multimedia journal that showcases poets, writers, and artists. While solstices are the extremes of the year, an equinox is equidistant, poised on the edge of one thing or another, the cusp of change or transformation. With this archetypal significance in mind, Equinox strives to explore the contemplative and motivational power of writers and artists; to celebrate how word and image can create a world and then change it.

We invite you to send us your poems, flash fiction, flash essay, photography, and art. We look for contemplative, argumentative, globally aware, despair-resistant, and apathy-abolishing works.

Submission Periods and Publication Dates:

We accept submissions via Submittable.

Fall Submission : June 15th through August 15th with a publication date of September 21st.

Fall Theme : The theme for our fall 2023 issue of Equinox is “Into the thicket.” Why “the thicket”? As always, this theme is open-ended, as the thicket can invoke multiple interpretations metaphorically and symbolically. A thicket, by definition, is dense and daunting—full of conflicting, challenging, and even painful forces (brambles, biting insects, even predatory animals). Yet it is teeming with life, beauty, possibility. The thicket is also archetypal—the dark unknown—and even magical (think Hansel and Gretel, Snow White, witches and elves). It is home to outlaws and outliers—another dimension to
explore. We can’t wait to read your rich and original reflections on this multi-faceted theme.

Spring Submission : December 20th through February 20th, with a publication date of March 20th.

Spring Theme : To be announced

  1. You may submit up to 3 pieces in any one genre (poetry, flash prose, or image) for a reading fee of $5, which will be used toward ongoing programs and publications at hotpoet, and which will fund a $100 “best in show” prize for every category of work (poetry, flash prose, and image) in each edition of Equinox.
  2. You may submit more than three pieces or in multiple genres, but separate submissions are needed to do so and separate reading fees will be assessed for each.
  3. We do not accept previously published work, whether online, self-published, in chapbooks, in anthologies, or in literary journals. We do accept simultaneous submissions but ask that you immediately withdraw any piece that gets accepted elsewhere for publication.
  4. All submissions must be in standard font and formatting. Poetry should be single spaced with double spacing between stanzas. Prose should be double-spaced and include a word count. There is no line limit for poetry, but flash fiction and flash essay should be limited to 500 words. Images should be in png format.
Spring Theme : To be announced
Witches full quinox

The Witches' Full Equinox is seen as a time of transition and transformation. It is a time to let go of the old and welcome the new. Witches may cleanse their physical and spiritual spaces, release negative energy, and invite positive energy and abundance into their lives. The equinox is also associated with a time of balance between the elements and energies. It is a time to honor the masculine and feminine energies within and around us. Witches may work with representations of these energies, such as invoking deities or using symbols of the sun and moon. Overall, the Witches' Full Equinox is a time of spiritual growth, connection, and celebration in witchcraft and pagan traditions. It allows practitioners to come together and honor the cycles of nature and the divine. It is a time to embrace the magic that lies within and around us during this transitional period..

Reviews for "Embracing the Harvest: Rituals for the Witches' Full Equinox"

1. Emily - 2 stars
I found "Witches full quinox" to be a disappointing read. The plot was all over the place and lacked coherence. It seemed like the author was trying to include too many elements without properly developing any of them. Additionally, the characters were shallow and lacked depth, making it hard for me to connect with them. Overall, I was not satisfied with this book and wouldn't recommend it.
2. Jacob - 1 star
I couldn't finish "Witches full quinox" because I found the writing to be incredibly dull and uninspiring. The pacing was incredibly slow, and the prose was lackluster, failing to create any sense of suspense or excitement. The dialogue was also poorly executed, feeling unnatural and forced. I was hoping for a captivating witch-themed story, but unfortunately, this book fell far short of my expectations.
3. Sarah - 2 stars
I struggled to get through "Witches full quinox" as the storytelling felt disjointed and confusing. The narrative lacked a clear direction, and the transitions between scenes were abrupt and poorly executed. Furthermore, there were numerous grammatical errors throughout the book, which proved distracting and disrupted the flow of the story. Overall, I was left feeling disappointed and frustrated with this read.
4. Michael - 2 stars
I was intrigued by the concept of "Witches full quinox," but I found the execution to be lackluster. The world-building was weak, and the magical elements felt underdeveloped and inconsistent. The plot lacked depth and struggled to maintain my interest, with predictable and unexciting twists. Additionally, the pacing was uneven, making it difficult to stay engaged in the story. Unfortunately, this book didn't live up to its potential for me.
5. Jessica - 1 star
"Witches full quinox" was a complete letdown for me. The writing style was bland, with a lack of descriptive language that failed to immerse me in the story. The characters were one-dimensional, lacking realistic motivations and growth. The plot felt repetitive and uninspired, following tropes without bringing anything new to the table. Overall, this book felt like a wasted opportunity and left me disappointed.

Manifesting Your Intentions: Rituals for the Witches' Full Equinox

The Healing Powers of the Witches' Full Equinox: Exploring Rituals and Practices