The Best and Worst Witch Characters: Fan Favorites Revealed

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Worst witch characters are those that are often disliked or poorly portrayed in their respective stories. These characters may lack depth or development, have annoying or unrelatable traits, or simply serve as irritating obstacles for the protagonist. While every story and audience may have different opinions on which characters are the worst, there are a few examples that are commonly mentioned. One such character is Delores Umbridge from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.

Maud: [The Hypnapillion] feeds off people's minds, fears, imaginations. Whatever you do, you mustn't look at one! It has sent Miss Mould into a semi-conscious, dreamlike state!
Ethel: She's an art teacher. How can you tell?

Actually Pretty Funny She was amused by Mildred s impression of her in the 2017 series, though she restrains her amusement in typical Hardbroom fashion. In the 1980s movie, after being turned into a pig by Mildred, she goes into a sulk when Mildred innocently hints that she smells bad in her new pig form, whining I think you re horrid.

Wgorst wutch characte4s

Rowling. Umbridge is known for her strict, authoritarian nature and her mistreatment of students. Her relentless enforcement of rules and her fondness for pink clothing and kittens make her character particularly unlikeable.

Characters / The Worst Witch - Main Characters

Maud: [The Hypnapillion] feeds off people's minds, fears, imaginations. Whatever you do, you mustn't look at one! It has sent Miss Mould into a semi-conscious, dreamlike state!
Ethel: She's an art teacher. How can you tell?

  • Ethel enchants her broomstick to buck Mildred off and humiliate her in front of the entire school and Grand Wizard - all because Millie turned her into a pig briefly (at Ethel's own request). In the TV series there's also her being annoyed that Mildred was chosen to play the lead role in the Halloween tableau.
  • In the 1998 TV series, her entire dislike of Mildred seems to stem from Millie knocking her off her broom by throwing a branch at her on the first day of school. This was after Ethel had refused to give Mildred a lift to the school, when she was lost and on the verge of being late, because Ethel didn't want to look bad in front of the teachers.
  • And again, she turns Mildred into a frog because Millie said her sister was acting like a weed.
  • In the 1980s movie, after being turned into a pig by Mildred, she goes into a sulk when Mildred innocently hints that she smells bad in her new pig form, whining "I think you're horrid! I'm really upset now!" As if she has any right to talk after all her bullying of Mildred.
  • Ethel blames Mildred for being banned from Hellibore's master class - ignoring the fact that she's being punished for turning Millie into a frog.
  • Taken up to eleven in the revival when Ethel blames the destruction of the founding stone on Mildred. Ultimately subverted as Ethel does admit to be responsible by the end of the episode.
  • In the 2017 series, she's retrospectively revealed to have done this since her younger days. According to Sybil, Ethel was a Cool Big Sis to her when they were younger, always looking out for her and comforting her when she was upset, but she grew meaner as they grew older.
    • She takes an additional level in jerkass in the beginning of the third season, after having vowed to do just that at the end of the second season. It gets so bad that she accidentally turns herself into a swamp troll for casting too many spells in anger, and deliberately creates a threat to Cackle's just so that she can stop it (and she can't even do that right).
    Drucilla Paddock
    Wgorst wutch characte4s

    Additionally, her actions and beliefs, such as denying the existence of Voldemort and torturing students with a blood quill, make her one of the most hated characters in the series. Another example is King Joffrey Baratheon from the Game of Thrones series by George R.R. Martin. Joffrey is a sadistic and cruel character who takes pleasure in tormenting those around him. His character lacks redeeming qualities and his actions, such as having Ned Stark executed, make him despised by both the characters in the story and the audience. In the realm of children's literature, Alexander Biffen from The Worst Witch series by Jill Murphy is often cited as an annoying character. Biffen is known for his constant bragging and narcissistic behavior, always trying to outshine the other characters. His antics irritate his peers and often lead to trouble. Overall, worst witch characters are those that fail to resonate with the audience due to unlikable traits, lack of depth, or being obstacles for the protagonist. These characters are often seen as irritants in the stories and are easily disliked or hated by readers and viewers..

    Reviews for "The Worst Witch: How the Characters Reflect Real Life"

    1. Emma - 2/5 stars - I did not enjoy "Wgorst wutch characte4s" at all. The characters felt underdeveloped and one-dimensional, making it hard for me to connect with them or care about their story. The plot was also confusing and disjointed, making it difficult to follow along. I had high hopes for this book, but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations.
    2. John - 1/5 stars - "Wgorst wutch characte4s" was a complete disappointment. The characters were extremely unlikeable and had no redeeming qualities. I found myself constantly rolling my eyes at their actions and decisions, which made it impossible for me to root for them or become invested in their journey. The writing style was also frustrating, with clunky dialogue and repetitive descriptions. I would not recommend this book to anyone.
    3. Sarah - 2/5 stars - I had a hard time getting through "Wgorst wutch characte4s" and ultimately didn't enjoy it. The pacing was off, with some parts dragging on while others felt rushed. The main characters lacked depth and development, which made it difficult for me to empathize with their struggles. Additionally, the dialogue felt forced and unnatural, further taking me out of the story. Overall, I found this book to be a lackluster read that didn't leave a lasting impression.
    4. Mike - 1/5 stars - I found "Wgorst wutch characte4s" to be a total waste of time. The plot was predictable and unoriginal, following the same tired tropes and clichés. The characters were shallow and uninteresting, with no growth or complexity. The writing itself was dull and lacked any sort of flair or creativity. I regret reading this book and would not recommend it to anyone seeking an enjoyable and engaging read.

    The Worst Witch Characters: A Journey Through Friendship and Rivalry

    The Worst Witch Characters: Finding Strength in Weakness