Defending the Realm: The Epic Battles Fought by the Magical Guardians

By admin

The whole magical guardian corps is comprised of individuals who have been bestowed with supernatural powers and abilities. These guardians are tasked with protecting the realms from dark forces and maintaining the delicate balance between the magical and human worlds. Each guardian undergoes rigorous training to harness their abilities and unlock their full potential. They are taught various forms of combat, spellcasting, and defensive techniques to equip them for battles against powerful adversaries. Additionally, they are trained in diplomacy and negotiation skills, enabling them to mediate conflicts and maintain peace within the realms. The magical guardian corps is a diverse group, consisting of individuals from different backgrounds, races, and cultures.

A counterpart to PSICOM, Guardian Corps soldiers are often assigned to protect citizens and secure cities during times of strife. In the days before the main events of Final Fantasy XIII, Guardian Corps regiments investigated the town of Bodhum and the nearby Pulse Vestige, as the Sanctum was concerned about Pulse "infection".

Lightning s standard attire in Final Fantasy XIII is a variant of the Guardian Corps female uniform, with a white coat with light green shoulders, no leggings, and various other additional details. I remember in an old FF forum I used to go to, before I even went to ACF, there was a topic that was something in regards to Shinra vs Galbadia , or it may have been Shinra vs Galbadia and Esthar or whatever.

The whole magical guardian corps

The magical guardian corps is a diverse group, consisting of individuals from different backgrounds, races, and cultures. This diversity is celebrated as it brings together a wide range of perspectives, knowledge, and skills, making the corps stronger and more adaptable. One of the main responsibilities of the guardians is to protect the innocent and vulnerable beings within the realms.

The "Which FF military force would win in a war" poll idea.

The LTD thread seems to be popular here, so I thought I'd bring up some other ideas that might bring up some fanboy/girl fervour as well.

I remember in an old FF forum I used to go to, before I even went to ACF, there was a topic that was something in regards to "Shinra vs Galbadia", or it may have been "Shinra vs Galbadia and Esthar" or whatever. Point being, I thought the discussion was interesting at the time, and thought an all encompassing discussion involving all the states/corporations/groups in the FF series with their own military would be interesting.

Anyways, if you guys are interested, perhaps you could help me list them all, and then we could have each fight each other one on one in a poll, until we have an ultimate winner.

Suggested thus far:

FFII: Wild Rose Rebellion.
FFII: The Palamecian Empire.
FFIV: The Baron Kingdom.
FFIV: The Dwarf Kingdom.
FFVI: The Gestahl Empire.
FFVII: Shinra Inc.
FFVII: Wutai.
FFVIII: Galbadia.
FFVIII: Esthar.
FFIX: Alexandria.
FFIX: Lindblum.
FFIX: Burmecia.
FFIX: Cleyra.
FFX: Yevonites.
FFX: Al Bhed.
FFXI: Bastokan Military.
FFXI: San d'Oria Military.
FFXI: Windurstian Military.
FFXII: Archadian Empire.
FFXII: Kingdom of Dalmasca.
FFXII: The Resistance.
FFXII: Rozarrian Empire.
FFXII-RW: The Aegyl.
FFXIII: Guardian Corps.
FFXIII-2: Caius's Army.
FFT: The Hokuten.
FFT: Nanten Knights / Order of the southern sky.
FFT: Knights Templar.

Last edited: Feb 8, 2013


Save your valediction (she/her)

2 The Palomecian Empire
4 The Baron Empire
4 The Dwarf Kingdom
6 The Gestahl Empire
7 Shinra Inc.
7 The WRO
7 Deepground
T The Hokuten
8 Galbadia
8 SeeD
8 Esthar
9 Alexandria
9 Lindblum
9 Burmecia

Those are the games I know.

Kai Schulen

AKA Trainer Red

XII: Archadian Empire (Archadian Judges? I dunno the official name of Archadia's army.), Order of the Knights of Dalmasca (Dunno if they count though.)

Tactics: Mr. Ite, how could you forget the Nanten Knights/Order of the Southern Sky? 3 Words:

Everyone else can go home.

(Well actually scratch that. Ramza and his merry group can make everyone else go home.)

and uh, I guess the Knights Templar too, if we count Church of Glabados too. (There's also the Order of the Eastern Sky, but no one cares about them. Also brings to question of a Order of the Western Sky exists too.)

XIII: Guardian Corps, PSICOM

. Can we include rebel groups too or no?


Great Old One
XIII: Guardian Corps, PSICOM

I'd suggest splitting that in two, as they're two different entities run by different sources. But that's probably what you meant.

Kai Schulen

AKA Trainer Red

I'd suggest splitting that in two, as they're two different entities run by different sources. But that's probably what you meant.

Yeah, that's what I meant. (Did the same thing with Archadia Empire and Dalamasca's military force. )

Ghost X


FFX: Yevonites (Pretty much everyone in Spira bar the Al Bhed.)
FFX: Al Bhed.
FFXII: I've put the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca under the "Kingdom of Dalmasca", unless there is reason why they should be a separate entity, but I think not.
FFXII: The Resistance I've put in because it is a reasonable size force.

I so want to put in FFV Kingdoms, and FFXII Rozarria, but there isn't much information to work from. As added to OP, I think it might be a good idea to mention each group's assets, EG: Shrina's got the Sister Ray, SOLDIER, etc.

Last edited: Feb 5, 2013


AKA Minato

What is the military force that attacked Valhalla in the XIII-2 opening, cause that included the strongest FF villain of all time. After them, i'm putting my money down on the Archadian Empire, they seem to have the largest airshipfleet (and the capacity to go nuclear on a city).

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
AKA TresDias

Oh, man, I remember those Galbadia vs. Shin-Ra wars at GameFAQs. Shit got intense. People were very passionate.

I think with those two in particular, you have to compare them when they were at their best -- which still doesn't really help you reach a conclusion. Depending on geography, the Sister Ray might be useless while Galbadia's missile base can apparently hit any target anywhere in the world.

Of course, assuming the Sister Ray is mounted in such a way as to provide 360-degree rotation, any stationary base (e.g. the missile base) would end up fucked. On the other hand, Galbadia ends up with two mobile bases during the course of FFVIII, one of them boasting a force field. While the extent of its capacity to take abuse is unclear, the force field would presumably hold back anything but a blast from the Sister Ray and perhaps an attack from the more powerful members of SOLDIER.

Of course, even with this defensive advantage, the Lunatic Pandora is not exactly built for offense, so it would pretty much require the aid of a fully-manned, ready-for-battle Galbadia Garden to actually put a hurting on the enemy. I dare say Lunatic Pandora's greatest application would be to park it above the missile base so as to provide the stationary installation with the benefits of a force field.

Yet doing so would open up the mobile base to an attack from the Sister Ray. It would then become a question of whether the missile base fired upon the Sister Ray first, or vice versa.

With respect to the mobile Garden aiding Lunatic Pandora in an assault, Shin-Ra would have the distinct advantage due both to numbers and the strength of its SOLDIER unit, which was apparently quite large prior to Genesis's exodus of many 2nd and 3rd Class members during Crisis Core.

Furthermore, though all Galbadian soldiers can use para-magic, even if Shin-Ra kept materia issued only to members of SOLDIER, you still have sheer numbers on that side, even when reduced only to boots on the ground wielding machine guns.

Granted, with a solid defense, lucky timing and the proper application of its own impressive firepower, those numbers would be leaves in a tornado.

My conclusion is that Galbadia has more sophisticated weaponry, but Shin-Ra's strength of numbers and capacity for crude-yet-effective destruction would make them far from easily toppled. Much of it would come down to intel, timing (e.g. who fired first, as well as with what) and plain old luck.

I so want to put in FFV Kingdoms, and FFXII Rozarria, but there isn't much information to work from. As added to OP, I think it might be a good idea to mention each group's assets, EG: Shrina's got the Sister Ray, SOLDIER, etc.
The whole magical guardian corps

They act as defenders and caretakers, ensuring the well-being and safety of magical creatures, enchanted objects, and mystical locations. They also act as guides and mentors to those who are new to their powers, assisting them in mastering their abilities and understanding their role as guardians. The magical guardian corps operates under a strict code of ethics, with values such as honor, courage, and sacrifice at its core. Guardians are expected to uphold these values and prioritize the greater good over personal gain or ambition. They must also adhere to the laws and regulations set by the governing body of the magical realms. Collaboration and teamwork are crucial within the guardian corps. Guardians often work in teams or units, combining their unique abilities and talents to overcome challenges and defeat threats. Through their unwavering unity and camaraderie, they create a formidable force capable of defending the realms against even the most formidable foes. In conclusion, the whole magical guardian corps is an elite group of individuals entrusted with the duty of protecting the realms from dark forces, maintaining peace, and upholding the balance between the magical and human worlds. Through their diverse backgrounds, rigorous training, and unwavering dedication, they serve as beacons of hope and guardians of the realms..

Reviews for "The Prophecies and Prophets of the Magical Guardian Corps"

1. John - 2 stars - I just couldn't get into "The whole magical guardian corps". The characters felt flat and the plot was predictable. It lacked depth and substance. The magical elements seemed forced and didn't add anything meaningful to the story. Overall, I found it to be a disappointing read.
2. Sarah - 3 stars - While "The whole magical guardian corps" had an interesting concept, I didn't feel like it lived up to its potential. The world-building was weak, and I found it hard to connect with the characters. The pacing was off, and the story dragged in some parts. I think with better execution, this could have been a captivating book, but unfortunately, it fell short for me.
3. Michael - 2 stars - I was really disappointed by "The whole magical guardian corps". The writing style was clunky and awkward, making it hard to get immersed in the story. The dialogue felt forced and unnatural, and the character development was lacking. I had high expectations for this book, but it failed to deliver an engaging and memorable reading experience.
4. Emily - 2 stars - I didn't enjoy "The whole magical guardian corps" at all. The plot felt disjointed and confusing, and the pacing was uneven. The magical elements were underdeveloped and didn't make much sense. I struggled to stay engaged throughout the book and found myself skimming through some parts. Overall, it was a forgettable read that didn't leave a lasting impression.

Secrets of the Magical Guardians Revealed

The Magical Guardian Corp's Influence on Society and Culture