Connecting with Divinity in the 5th Dimensional Oasis

By admin

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, there exists a realm unlike any other. Hidden away in the depths of the 5th dimension, lies a magical oasis, a mystical sanctuary untouched by time and space. This ethereal realm is a place of infinite possibility, where dreams come to life and the boundaries of reality are pushed to their limits. As one ventures into this otherworldly oasis, they are immediately enveloped in a sense of awe and wonder. The air is thick with an enchanting energy, as if the very fabric of the universe hums with a secret melody. Vibrant hues of purple and blue dance across the sky, weaving a tapestry of colors that could only exist in the realm of dreams.

“The final pattern of this game will be turn-based tactical combat + adventure sandbox. At present the primary gameplay, turn-based and party-based tactical combat with the Arena mode, has been completed, players who just like combat would be able to get a lot of fun. So we release the Early Access version to collect players' feedbacks. And then continue to develop another core content: the Adventure/Story mode.

What this means is that people trained in magic can create crystals that when used cast spells, and anyone not trained in magics now has access to them on a mass scale. Eventually, the journey of discovery made both stronger, and even the elemental lord himself transformed into an elemental and became part of the elemental forces.

Lown magic age

Vibrant hues of purple and blue dance across the sky, weaving a tapestry of colors that could only exist in the realm of dreams. Here, reality is malleable and the power of the mind knows no bounds. Thoughts manifest into tangible form, allowing visitors to create their own paradise within the oasis.

Lown magic age

For arcane spellcasters, the endless mysteries contained in the Planes have a fatal allure, especially those of the Elemental Planes. Summon elemental spells or rituals known to adventurers, and the overwhelming combat advantage brought by a variety of powerful elemental allies, all attracted many spellcasters to indulge in.

The elemental lord takes it a step further. Years of intense research and even fieldwork have made the elemental lord more knowledgeable about all aspects of elementals than other spellcasters. He has studied the ways, means, origins, and formation of elementals, and instinctively knows an elemental’s strengths and develops an unbreakable bond with a powerful elemental companion.

Elemental companions are usually summoned through spells or rituals, and then bargained and contracted for a longer-term partnership. However, rumor has it that some radical elemental lords are deeply uncomfortable with this, and they consider it too hasty, even a sacrilege to do so. They prefer to spend huge amounts of resources, through various means, to reach the Elemental Planes, in order to an official visit and negotiate a partnership with the elemental of their choice, believing that the bond established in this way is more trustworthy.

Either way, as this bond deepens over time, the elemental lords kinship with the elemental companion deepens, blurring the line between master and servant. Eventually, the journey of discovery made both stronger, and even the elemental lord himself transformed into an elemental and became part of the elemental forces.

Base Classes: The knowledge required to learn the secrets of the Planes is arcane in nature, and thus this prestige class is filled mostly with wizards and sorcerers — though anyone else who meets the requirements may choose to take the journey of an elemental lord.

Role: Although rarely seen in adventure groups, once an elemental lord decided to become part of a group, with his powerful elemental companion, uncanny traits, and impressive spellcasting ability, in the front line or back row of the battlefield can be at ease, he will soon become reliable for other members.

Alignment: Similar to most arcane spellcasters who are addicted to a certain field of study, elemental lords spend their lives in pursuit of the mysteries of the Planes and the way to live in harmony with elementals. They have no time for morals and ethics, which are meaningless to them, so they tend to be neutral, neutral good, or neutral evil.

Non-adventurers: With a reliable elemental companion by his side, the elemental lord usually embarks on the journey of discovery alone, no need to group with other adventurers, unless as a last resort. Most adventurer groups certainly welcome the addition of an elemental lord (plus a powerful ally).


Caster Level: 10.
Skills: Knowledge (The planes) 8 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 4 ranks, Diplomacy 4 ranks.
Feats: Spell Focus: Conjuration, Augment Summoning.
Spells: Ability to cast level-2 arcane spells, Summon Elemental.

Class Features:

Level Limit: 10.
Hit Dice: d4.
Base Attack Bonus: Average.
Good Saves: Fortitude, Will.
Key Abilities: Charisma, Intelligence, Dexterity.

Class Skills: Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Knowledge, Profession, and Spellcraft.
Skill Points per Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Weapon Proficiency: None.
Armor Proficiency: None.

Bonus Feats: Gains an extra feat every 4 levels after 10th level (14, 18. ).

Bonus Spellcasting Level: When leveling up this class, the effective spellcasting level of a spellcasting class is also increased.

Class Abilities: Elemental Companion

At 1st level, an elemental lord picks his element of study: air, earth, fire, or water. This choice cannot be changed.

At the same time, the elemental lord gains an elemental companion of the type chosen that starts at Medium size. It grows larger every two levels thereafter (3, 5, 7. ). At 9th level it becomes an elder elemental.

The elementals level is always equal to the masters arcane level. If the elemental dies, the elemental lord takes damage equal to the elementals level, and also takes 1d4 points of damage to each ability score.

Elemental Form

An elemental lord gains the ability to turn himself into an elemental three times per day.

This elemental is an elder elemental of the elemental lord’s element of study, and its level is equal to the elemental lord’s arcane level.

The effect lasts for 12 hours, or until the elemental lord changes back.

Elemental Type

Over time, an elemental lord slowly turns into an elemental, gaining an elementals traits along the way.

At 2nd level, he gains darkvision 60 ft.

At 4th level, he becomes immune to sleep effects.

At 6th level, he becomes immune to poison.

At 8th level, he becomes immune to paralysis and stunning.

At 10th level, the elemental lord’s type changes to elemental, and he gains the subtype of the appropriate element. He becomes so much like an elemental that he loses the normal human orientation toward “front” and “back.” Like an elemental, he can’t be flanked and is no longer subject to critical hits.

Resistance/Immunity to Energy

An elemental lord gains resistance against the energy type associated with his element of study (air: electricity, earth: acid, fire: fire, and water: cold).

At 1st level, this resistance is 5. It increases by 5 every two levels thereafter (3, 5, 7. ). At 9th level, the elemental lord gains immunity to the energy type in question.

Damage Reduction

A creature with this special quality ignores damage from most weapons and natural attacks. Wounds heal immediately, or the weapon bounces off harmlessly (in either case, the opponent knows the attack was ineffective), unless the attack is from a certain kind of weapon.

Auto Gained Abilities:

Lv 1 Elemental Companion (Medium), Resistance to Energy 5
Lv 2 Darkvision 60 ft., Damage Reduction 1/-
Lv 3 Elemental Companion (Large), Resistance to Energy 10
Lv 4 Immunity to Sleep, Damage Reduction 2/-
Lv 5 Elemental Companion (Huge), Resistance to Energy 15
Lv 6 Immunity to Poison, Damage Reduction 3/-
Lv 7 Elemental Companion (Greater), Resistance to Energy 20
Lv 8 Immunity to Paralysis and Stunning, Damage Reduction 4/-
Lv 9 Elemental Companion (Elder), Immunity to Energy
Lv 10 Elemental Form, Elemental Type, Cannot Be Flanked or Critical Hit, Damage Reduction 5/-


Fixed: workshop submitting bug (error code: 9)
Fixed: no enough selectable spells when level up Mystic Theurge
Fixed: AC (flat-footed) excludes monk's AC Bonus

New Adventure Mode Dev Preview #2: Villages and Farms

In addition to internal buildings and facilities, farms outside a village also belong to the village. Villagers will periodically labor in farms, and monsters may attack villages, farms, and other affiliated facilities.


Compared to villages, cities occupy more tiles and have more affiliated facilities.

Next, we'll work on (rough list):

Adventure mode, and its predecessor works: more prestige classes (Assassin), player races (Lizard Scion, Minotaur, Centaur), feats and spells, etc.

Note: If you have any suggestions or feedback, please feel free to leave them in this announcement or send to [email protected] (attach your saves if necessary: game folder/saves).

At the same time, the elemental lord gains an elemental companion of the type chosen that starts at Medium size. It grows larger every two levels thereafter (3, 5, 7. ). At 9th level it becomes an elder elemental.
The magical oasis in the 5th dimension

Imagination becomes the compass that guides exploration, and every corner of this dimension is teeming with the flora and fauna of one's wildest fantasies. Time functions differently in this magical oasis, with moments elongating and contracting at will. It is a place where one can experience a lifetime within a single breath, or lose themselves in a single second. It is a realm without limitations, where the past, present, and future coexist in perfect harmony. Yet amidst all of this magic, the oasis also holds a profound wisdom. It whispers ancient secrets to those who listen, offering insights into the very nature of existence. It is a place for introspection and self-discovery, where individuals can delve deep into their consciousness and unlock the hidden potential within. But the magical oasis in the 5th dimension is not easily found. It exists beyond the realm of the ordinary, where only those who possess an open mind and a pure heart can gain entry. It is a realm that tests the limits of belief and challenges the confines of one's own perception. Visiting this enchanted realm is a life-changing experience. It leaves an indelible mark on the soul, an imprint that forever alters the way one perceives reality. The oasis in the 5th dimension is a reminder that there is more to this universe than what meets the eye, and that magic truly does exist for those who dare to seek it..

Reviews for "Ascension Practices in the 5th Dimensional Oasis"

1. John - 1/5 - This book was an absolute disappointment. I was enticed by the promise of a magical oasis in the 5th dimension, but it ended up being a confusing and poorly executed story. The plot was disjointed and lacked any coherence, making it difficult to follow. The characters were also poorly developed, and I couldn't find myself connecting with any of them. Overall, I found "The magical oasis in the 5th dimension" to be a complete waste of time.
2. Sarah - 2/5 - I had high hopes for "The magical oasis in the 5th dimension," but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. While the concept of a magical oasis in the 5th dimension intrigued me, the execution was lacking. The pacing of the story was slow, and the descriptions felt overly detailed, bogging down the narrative. Additionally, the dialogue between the characters felt forced and unnatural. Overall, I couldn't fully immerse myself in the book or connect with the story, leaving me disappointed.
3. Alex - 2/5 - "The magical oasis in the 5th dimension" had an interesting premise, but it failed to deliver an engaging story. The writing style was overly descriptive, with excessive details that slowed down the plot. The characters were one-dimensional and lacked depth, making it difficult to care about their journey through the magical oasis. There were also inconsistencies in the world-building, leaving me confused and disengaged. Overall, I found the book to be a letdown and struggled to finish it.

Harmonizing Mind, Body, and Spirit in the 5th Dimensional Oasis

The Life-Changing Magic of the 5th Dimensional Oasis