The Delicious Sensation of Lemon Drop Pie by Rachel Linden

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"The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie" by Rachel Linden is a captivating and heartwarming novel that takes readers on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and the power of forgiveness. Set in the picturesque backdrop of a small coastal town in California, the story follows the life of Lindsay, a talented pastry chef running her own bakery. The main idea of the book revolves around the magic of lemon drop pie. Lemon drop pie is not just a dessert; it has a deeper meaning and symbolism throughout the story. For Lindsay, lemon drop pie represents love, memories, and a connection to her past. It reminds her of her grandmother, who taught her the art of baking and passed on her passion for creating delicious confections.

What was really nice, what saved the book for me, were Lolly’s best friend and aunt and the setting. Even though Magnolia, Washington wasn’t terribly detailed, I got a sense of Washington and really loved the beach Lolly loved going to. It was the small details that transported me there, the small town feeling. It felt cozy and lovely. But Lolly’s friend Eve and aunt Gert stole the show. They were such fun ladies, ladies who really grabbed their lives by the horns and tamed it into what they wanted. They lived their lives, they did what made them happy, and I couldn’t help but admire them. They felt entirely at odds with Lolly, which might explain why I liked her, but longed for more for her.

It also offered Lolly the enviable opportunity to briefly live a life she could have had on her journey to either torture herself with what could have been or to help her find her way from the daily drudgery she s committed herself to since her mother s untimely death right when everything was going right for Lolly. Surprising and empowering, each experience helps Lolly let go of her regrets and realize the key to transforming her life lies not in redoing her past but in having the courage to embrace her present.

The magic of lemon drop pie by rachel linden

It reminds her of her grandmother, who taught her the art of baking and passed on her passion for creating delicious confections. As Lindsay navigates the challenges of running a business, she also grapples with personal struggles and a tragic loss that has left her feeling broken. However, with the help of her quirky and supportive friends, Lindsay begins to find solace in the act of baking and serving lemon drop pie to her customers.

Book Review: The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie by Rachel Linden

“Heartfelt, heartwarming, joyful, and uplifting. You can't go wrong with a Rachel Linden book.”—#1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber

An uplifting novel about a heartbroken young pie maker who is granted a magical second chance to live the life she didn’t choose. . . . from the bestselling author of The Enlightenment of Bees.

Lolly Blanchard's life only seems to give her lemons. Ten years ago, after her mother’s tragic death, she broke up with her first love and abandoned her dream of opening a restaurant in order to keep her family’s struggling Seattle diner afloat and care for her younger sister and grieving father. Now, a decade later, she dutifully whips up the diner’s famous lemon meringue pies each morning while still pining for all she's lost.

As Lolly’s thirty-third birthday approaches, her quirky great-aunt gives her a mysterious gift—three lemon drops, each of which allows her to live a single day in a life that might have been hers. What if her mom hadn’t passed away? What if she had opened her own restaurant in England? What if she hadn’t broken up with the only man she's ever loved? Surprising and empowering, each experience helps Lolly let go of her regrets and realize the key to transforming her life lies not in redoing her past but in having the courage to embrace her present.

The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie by Rachel Linden is a heartwarming tale of one woman’s journey to discover what her present life would be like if she were able to change her past.

Lolly Blanchard is stuck in a rut. As the manager of her family’s restaurant and the primary pie maker, she’s content with her life, until she finds a list she wrote when she was a child with her life goals and she realizes she hadn’t done any of the items on the list. What if’s plague her. What if she had moved to England to open up her own restaurant? What if her mother hadn’t died ten years ago? And What if she hadn’t left the love of her life?

Her great aunt then gives her a gift of three lemon drops along with instructions to take one at night and wish for the life she wants and she will have one day in the life she’s always dreamed of. What will happen when Lolly sees the lives she could have had?

I enjoyed this book very much. I like the premise of Lolly being able to have a peek at different lives. Lolly is a wonderful character, she is driven to help her family at all costs, and I like her dedication to her family and the business. She has a wonderful relationship with her little sister, who is much younger. While her dedication to her family is admirable, the cost to her own well-being is high, and that’s what this book is about.

The focus of the book is on Lolly, her journey, and also the journey of her family. There is a romance in the book but it’s very secondary to the rest of the story. I thought the lemon drops were a good way to have Lolly reflect on her decisions, and how they affected her present, and her family. The magical realism was light enough, that I was able to believe in the lemon drops.

Also, there is a recipe for Lemon Drop Pie, so that’s a fun little bonus. I highly recommend The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie to anyone who enjoys women’s fiction. I received a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

About Rachel Linden

Rachel Linden is a novelist and international aid worker whose adventures in over fifty countries around the world provide excellent grist for her writing. She is the author of The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie, The Enlightenment of Bees, Becoming the Talbot Sisters, and Ascension of Larks. Currently Rachel lives with her family on a sweet little island near Seattle, WA where she enjoys creating stories about strong women facing big challenges, travel, food, and second chances at love. She promises her readers a happy, or at least very hopeful, ending and infuses each of her stories with a touch of magical realism.

Have you read The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie?

Rachel Linden is a novelist and international aid worker whose adventures in over fifty countries around the world provide excellent grist for her writing. She is the author of Ascension of Larks, Becoming the Talbot Sisters, and The Enlightenment of… More about Rachel Linden
The magic of lemon drop pie by rachel linden

The novel beautifully explores the healing power of food and the role it plays in our lives. Through her baking, Lindsay is able to channel her emotions and find a sense of purpose. The act of creating something with her own hands and seeing the joy it brings to others becomes a source of healing and a way for her to connect with those around her. Linden's storytelling is filled with vivid descriptions of food that will leave readers salivating and craving a taste of the delectable lemon drop pie. The author's attention to detail transports readers to Lindsay's bakery, where the aroma of freshly baked goods permeates the air, and every bite of lemon drop pie is pure bliss. In addition to the culinary delights, "The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie" offers a cast of relatable and endearing characters. Lindsay's relationships with her friends and loved ones are intricately woven into the narrative, adding depth and warmth to the story. The book also explores themes of forgiveness, second chances, and the importance of following one's passion. Overall, "The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie" is a delightful and enchanting read that celebrates the magic of food, love, and the power of finding joy in the simplest of pleasures. Through the lens of lemon drop pie, Rachel Linden reminds us that sometimes the sweetest things in life can be found in the most unexpected places..

Reviews for "The Allure of Lemon Drop Pie: Unveiling the Magic in Rachel Linden's Recipe"

1. John - 2 stars - I was really disappointed by "The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie" by Rachel Linden. The story itself was promising, with the potential for a heartwarming tale centered around family and healing. However, I found the characters to be flat and underdeveloped. Their actions and motivations often felt forced and unnatural, making it difficult to connect with them. Additionally, the pacing of the book was off, with slow and dragged-out sections that left me wanting more. Overall, I was left unsatisfied and wouldn't recommend this book.
2. Sarah - 1 star - "The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie" was a complete letdown. The plot was predictable and lacked originality, making it difficult to stay engaged. The writing style was also quite lackluster, with repetitive phrases and cliché descriptions that felt like they were straight out of a cheap romance novel. The characters were one-dimensional and uninteresting, failing to evoke any emotional connection. I found myself struggling to finish this book as it failed to hold my interest or provide any meaningful depth. Save your money and skip this one.
3. Michael - 2 stars - I had high hopes for "The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie" by Rachel Linden, but unfortunately, it didn't live up to expectations. The story had the potential to be heartwarming and captivating, but it fell flat. The writing felt forced and unnatural, lacking the depth and authenticity necessary to fully engage the reader. The characters lacked development, making their actions and decisions seem illogical and unrealistic. I found it difficult to connect with the story or feel invested in the outcome. Overall, this book was a miss for me.
4. Emily - 1 star - I couldn't finish "The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie" by Rachel Linden. The dialogue was stilted and unnatural, with characters speaking in ways that real people wouldn't. The plot felt contrived and predictable, lacking any surprises or twists. The overall writing style was bland and unexciting, leaving me uninterested and unengaged. I found myself skimming pages just to get through it, and ultimately gave up. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone looking for a compelling read.
5. Matthew - 2 stars - "The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie" started off promising, but quickly lost steam. The plot was predictable and lacked depth, making it difficult to stay engaged. The characters felt underdeveloped and lacking in complexity, resulting in a lack of emotional investment. Additionally, the pacing was inconsistent, with long stretches of slow-moving plot that left me wanting more action. Overall, I was disappointed by this book and wouldn't recommend it to others.

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