Tears as a Gateway to the Subconscious Mind

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Tears of Magic In a world filled with wonder and enchantment, tears hold a unique power - the tears of magic. Throughout history, these tears have been revered and sought after by those who believe in the extraordinary. Legend has it that these tears are shed by mystical beings - fairies, pixies, and other ethereal creatures. They are said to possess incredible healing and transformative properties, making them highly coveted by both humans and magical beings alike. The tears of magic are believed to be the physical manifestation of the purest form of magic. It is said that when a magical being sheds tears, their emotions are imbued in the drops.

The game is currently scheduled for PC release in January 2025. We’ll see if information on a possible release for PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch is released at the end of the crowdfunding campaign. While we wait to learn more about the project, we’d like to remind you that the Kickstarter Campaign is still open. We can only wish the Good Old Pixel team luck with the development of their project and hope to enter the magical world of Tears of Magic as soon as possible!

According to the developers, the sound design and soundtrack will be an extra not to be overlooked, also thanks to the collaboration with Yoshino Aoki and Travis Moberg. With his group of brave companions, he fought through hordes of monsters to reach the source of everything, ending it, and returning peace to the world.

Tears of mvagic

It is said that when a magical being sheds tears, their emotions are imbued in the drops. This results in tears that are not only infused with magical energy but also carry the essence of the being who shed them. These tears hold immense power, capable of granting wishes, reversing aging, and even resurrecting the dead.

Tears of mvagic


It started with a quick storm, one century ago. Thunder roared through the sky and a torrential rain poured briefly. The "Tears of Magic", as it was labelled later, were believed to be tears of the goddess Aria herself, disappointed with the selfishness of mankind. When the sun started to shine again, animals became savage beasts and even people started losing their minds, attacking friends and family. The effects were more severe in those with higher magic, converting many of the strongest warriors and magicians into soulless killing machines. The few who resisted "corruption" fought to survive and protect others, but no matter how much they resisted, the waves of enemies were just endless.

When the last embers of hope were about to extinguish, the Dragon Clan came to humans aid, raising their morale and helping them recover. They divided their clan members to defend all nations and became the main force against the Great Calamity, fighting in the front lines against hordes of corrupted monsters and humans. It wasn't an easy battle, with many dragons dying and entire towns disappearing in a matter of weeks. Whenever a place was destroyed, the corrupted swarmed to attack the next, increasing the pressure to defend.

With the situation getting worse every day, it's said the Dragon Lord himself decided to dive into the depths of the Great Calamity to investigate, sensing where it all begun. A group of brave humans followed him, fighting hordes of monsters to reach their destination. After a couple of weeks, the Great Calamity ended and the heroes returned triumphant. The Dragon Lord, however, sacrificed himself to put an end to that madness, with his last words being "the lives of many outweighs the life of one".

The Dragon Clan was almost wiped and the few survivors were never seen again. Humans, on the other hand, associated the Great Calamity to the use of magic, creating different organizations to control or forbid such practices.

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Tears of mvagic

Their potency lies in the intensity of the emotion behind them. The stronger the emotion, the more powerful the tear becomes. However, obtaining tears of magic is no easy feat. Magical beings are elusive and rarely reveal themselves to humans. They guard their emotions closely, making it challenging to witness their tears, let alone obtain them. Legends speak of quests and adventures undertaken by brave individuals in their quest for tears of magic. These quests often involve traversing treacherous lands, solving riddles, and demonstrating unwavering determination. Those who prove their worthiness and show respect for the magical world may be rewarded with a single tear - a priceless gift. Once in possession of a tear, one must handle it with the utmost care, as its delicate nature makes it prone to crumbling into dust if mishandled. Many have lost the opportunity to benefit from the tear's magic due to their lack of caution. The tears of magic hold not only the power to change lives but also the ability to teach valuable lessons about the importance of emotions and connection. They remind us that magic is not confined to fairytales but exists within the deepest reaches of our hearts. In conclusion, tears of magic are a symbol of the extraordinary. They represent the essence of emotion and the untapped potential that lies within us all. To obtain a tear is to unlock a world of enchantment and wonder, where dreams can become reality and the impossible can be made possible..

Reviews for "The Language of Tears: Communicating with the Divine"

- Samantha - 2/5 stars - I was really disappointed with Tears of Magic. The story felt disjointed and the characters lacked depth. I couldn't connect with any of them and found myself skimming through pages just to get through it. The plot had potential, but it never fully developed and left me unsatisfied. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone looking for a captivating fantasy read.
- Andrew - 2/5 stars - Tears of Magic fell flat for me. The writing style was bland and lacked any sort of creativity. The world-building was weak and left me confused about the setting and rules of magic. The characters were forgettable and their actions often illogical. I struggled to finish this book and found myself losing interest quickly. I wouldn't waste my time on this one.
- Emily - 1/5 stars - I have to say, Tears of Magic was a complete letdown. The plot was predictable and full of cliches. The dialogue felt forced and didn't flow naturally. The pacing was incredibly slow, and I found myself bored throughout most of the book. It's a shame because the concept had so much potential, but it was executed poorly. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone who enjoys well-written fantasy novels.
- Chris - 2/5 stars - I struggled to get through Tears of Magic. The writing was lackluster and didn't engage me at all. The characters were one-dimensional and their motivations made no sense. The world-building was mediocre and left many unanswered questions. Overall, I found this book to be unoriginal and uninspiring. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for an exciting fantasy read.

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