Embracing the Wheel of the Year: Understanding the Summer Solstice Pagan Holiday

By admin

The summer solstice is a pagan holiday that celebrates the longest day of the year. It occurs in June when the sun is at its highest point in the sky. This holiday has been celebrated by various cultures throughout history and is still observed in modern times. In pagan traditions, the summer solstice is a time to honor the sun and its life-giving properties. It is seen as a time of abundance, growth, and vitality. Many rituals and customs are performed during this time to harness the energy of the sun and ensure a bountiful harvest.

Floor magic rockoort

Many rituals and customs are performed during this time to harness the energy of the sun and ensure a bountiful harvest. One common ritual is the lighting of bonfires. These fires represent the power and warmth of the sun and are believed to have purifying and healing properties.

Floors & More: Membership works ‘wonders’ for Floor Magic

By Ken Ryan—Bob Duke, owner of Floor Magic —with locations in Rockport and Damariscotta, Maine—thought he was simply joining a buying group when he signed on with Floors & More two years ago. The reality, he learned, is the relationship is so much more than that.

“Originally, my interest was to be part of a group that would allow me to find new core vendors—and Floors & More has done that,” Duke explained. “I found that many of my existing vendors were not part of Floors & More, so it did open up my world to a lot of other suppliers that I had not worked with in the past.”

For Duke, the biggest benefit as a Floors & More member is being part of a network that is sized right (not too huge, not too small) and is still influential. “I believe right now we’re about [60 members] strong, which equates to about [80 retail stores] nationwide,” he said.

Duke serves on the retail council representing the Northeast where he is the point of contact for retailers in that region. As he explained, “Being part of that council has been extremely helpful because when we are on Zoom calls we can share ideas and thoughts. Many of those thoughts have actually helped me run my business better. Some of our council members operate much larger retail operations, and some are stronger on the installation side—which allows me to take away some best practices from each.”

When Duke requested a counseling session to help his own business, his counselor turned out to be Vinnie Virga, president and CEO of Floors & More. Virga made the trip to Maine and spent the day with Duke to assess his business. “He spoke to my wife and me that evening and came back the next morning with a multi-page report of ways to improve our situation.”

The report included strategies on improving margins. “I was thinking 35% gross profit was the best I could do; I’m now in the high 40s,” Duke stated. To get there, he raised prices at the behest of Virga and calculated gross profit by category to boost margins wherever he could. “I was able to get my margins up without making myself look like we’re overpriced.”

In addition, Virga advised Duke to consolidate mill shipments to achieve better rates. “Floors & More is our advocate when we run into issues with vendors,” Duke said.

Prior to joining the group, Duke said Floor Magic was similar to other independents in that they were surviving but not necessarily thriving. “The one thing I would say to [unaffiliated] retailers who are very small and feel they don’t matter is to get involved with a group of like-minded retailers,” Duke advised. “Floors & More allowed us to remain a private-label retailer. I chose to maintain my brand and not [take on] the Floor to Ceiling or Big Bob’s name, but I am part of Floors & More, and I am just as important as the biggest guys.”

Weathering the storm

When COVID-19 first hit in March 2020, Duke said he was “scared to death” about his survival as a business. He said he spent a weekend contemplating what to do in the event things went south. However, “it turned out not to be the darkest of days.”

As a business that provided construction services, Floor Magic was considered essential in Maine and never shut down entirely. “I started out being pretty aggressive with any customers to not lose any sales,” Duke said. “What I found quickly was online leads were very strong, and business was going to be good.”

Things turned out to be better than good. Duke’s sales volume in 2020 was 25% higher than 2019. He thought that increase was outstanding until 2021, when sales volume jumped by 40% over the previous year. His business is about 70% hard surface flooring, 20% soft and 10% kitchens.

“My focus now is to see how we can do a better job with customer service,” he explained, citing the company’s tagline, ‘Your wish is our command.’ “How can we improve that experience being a small business? Our strength is customer service and how we promote that every day is going to make the difference.”

As a business that provided construction services, Floor Magic was considered essential in Maine and never shut down entirely. “I started out being pretty aggressive with any customers to not lose any sales,” Duke said. “What I found quickly was online leads were very strong, and business was going to be good.”
Summer solsticd pagan holiday

People gather around the bonfires to dance, sing, and make offerings to the sun. Another tradition is the gathering of herbs and flowers, particularly those associated with healing and protection. These plants are believed to be at their most potent during the summer solstice and are used in various rituals and spells. The summer solstice is also a time for feasting and celebration. People come together to share food, drink, and good company. It is a time to reconnect with nature and each other, to appreciate the beauty and abundance of the world around us. Although the summer solstice is primarily a pagan holiday, it has been incorporated into other religious and cultural celebrations. For example, Midsummer's Eve, which falls on the eve of the summer solstice, is celebrated in many European countries with parades, bonfires, and dancing. In conclusion, the summer solstice is a pagan holiday that marks the longest day of the year. It is a time to honor the sun, celebrate abundance, and connect with nature. Whether through bonfires, herb gathering, or feasting, it is a time for joy and celebration in many cultures around the world..

Reviews for "From Stonehenge to Burning Man: Modern Interpretations of the Summer Solstice Pagan Holiday"

1. John - 2 stars
I found the "Summer Solstice Pagan Holiday" event to be rather disappointing. While I appreciate the idea of celebrating nature and the changing seasons, I felt that the event lacked substance. There were no educational or informative activities, and it mostly consisted of people dancing around a bonfire. Additionally, the event seemed disorganized, with no clear schedule or structure. Overall, I was hoping for a more enriching experience, and unfortunately, this event did not meet my expectations.
2. Sarah - 1 star
Attending the "Summer Solstice Pagan Holiday" was a complete waste of my time. The event was poorly managed and lacked any meaningful content. It felt like a group of people randomly came together to burn things and dance, without any understanding or respect for the traditions they were supposed to be celebrating. Moreover, the event attracted a rowdy and disrespectful crowd, detracting from any potential enjoyment. I left feeling disappointed and regretful for having wasted an evening on such a lackluster event.
3. Emily - 2 stars
I had high hopes for the "Summer Solstice Pagan Holiday" but was ultimately let down. The event felt more like a superficial gathering than a meaningful celebration. There was a lack of traditional rituals or ceremonies, and it seemed more focused on creating a party-like atmosphere rather than honoring the significance of the solstice. The lack of organization and structure made it difficult to fully engage with the event, and I left feeling unsatisfied and disconnected from the intended purpose. I would not recommend this event to someone seeking a genuine and culturally rich experience.

The Power of the Sun: Harnessing Energy and Vitality on the Summer Solstice Pagan Holiday

Unlocking the Mysteries: Exploring the Symbolism of the Summer Solstice Pagan Holiday