Unveiling the Secrets of Space Witchcraft

By admin

The concept of a space witch is a captivating and intriguing idea that merges the realms of magic and space exploration. It combines the mysticism and power of a witch or sorceress with the vastness and wonders of outer space. The term itself is a unique combination that sparks curiosity and imagination. A space witch can be envisioned as someone who possesses both magical abilities and an affinity for all things related to space. Imagine a sorceress donning a flowing robe adorned with celestial patterns, wielding a wand that harnesses the energy of distant stars. She might command powerful spells that manipulate gravity or conjure stardust to create ethereal illusions.

I’m a bit confussed about the timeline of the series so far in regards the beans… I mean, in the 1×19 “The return”, the Blue Fairy says that the bean she gave Baelfire was the last one on that land. Then in the 2×4 “The Crocodrile”, Mr. Smee had another one, and I thought “ok, fine, he traffics at the ports, he looks for strange and new thing…that bean could come from any other land”. But now, after the last episode, “Tiny”, I’m cofussed again: I read somewhere that between what happens in “The return” and the curse, there are 300 years… so, 300 years after the Blue Fairy saying there were no more magic beans, the giants still grew up beans.

I m one of those followers of the scheming fairies theory Blue Fairy was the one who started the talk about there being no more beans, maybe she wanted people to believe that. In original fairytales the fairies are never the good guys they are the ones who lure people in the the dark woods and kidnappes them Another thing, I think nurse Ratched Belles evil nurse is on of the scheming super bad fairies.

Once upon a time magic beanm

She might command powerful spells that manipulate gravity or conjure stardust to create ethereal illusions. This concept allows for endless possibilities in storytelling, art, and popular culture. It opens the door to new narratives where witches can traverse the universe, discovering otherworldly realms and encountering extraterrestrial beings.

The last Magic Bean.

Hi, people of the forums! here my salutation and first comment. I’m a bit confussed about the timeline of the series so far in regards the beans… I mean, in the 1×19 “The return”, the Blue Fairy says that the bean she gave Baelfire was the last one on that land. Then in the 2×4 “The Crocodrile”, Mr. Smee had another one, and I thought “ok, fine, he traffics at the ports, he looks for strange and new thing…that bean could come from any other land”. But now, after the last episode, “Tiny”, I’m cofussed again: I read somewhere that between what happens in “The return” and the curse, there are 300 years… so, 300 years after the Blue Fairy saying there were no more magic beans, the giants still grew up beans. I know, they do not trade with humans anymore, but what about fairies? If the Blue Fairy would give a magic bean to Rumplestiltskin to follow his son, she would not only help the child to be with his dad, but also would liberate FTL from the evilness of the Dark One. So, my question is: what happened there? The giants didn’t want to trade with fairies? if so, why not?
or was it the Blue Fairy who keep the existence of the beans as a secret? and, if so, why would she do so?
To the first question i have no answer… to the second one i can figure out only one, that the Blue Fairy wanted the curse to be cast. A disturbing idea.

[adrotate group="5"] February 12, 2013 at 10:14 pm #172806 Participant

Think the giants hid from everyone, kept their existence a secret from everyone, even from the fairies. Don’t think the fairies are all knowing just because the can do magic. Even the Blue Fairy, as old as she might be and as much as she knows, doesn’t know everything. Some though have the theory, that the Blue Fairy has her own grand scheme running. Not a theory a share, but would fit if, that she kept any knowledge about the giants to herself. Another question is: Did Rumple learn about it? It sounded like Jack and James attacked the giants with an army, and somehow I can’t imagine, that Rumple didn’t hear of that attack. If he did hear about it, must have nurtured his hate of the fairies.

February 12, 2013 at 10:28 pm #172811 Participant

I’m one of those followers of ‘the scheming fairies theory 🙂
Blue Fairy was the one who started the talk about there being no more beans, maybe she wanted people to believe that. And I believe she worked behind the scenes in casting the curse on Fairytaleland. I don’t think she workes alone, but that there are more ‘bad’ fairies. In original fairytales the fairies are never ‘the good guys’ they are the ones who lure people in the the dark woods and kidnappes them 😀
Another thing, I think nurse Ratched (Belles evil nurse) is on of the scheming super bad fairies..

February 13, 2013 at 5:28 am #172897 Participant

Or, the Blue Fairy simply lied.
It would’t be the only time. I think she’s good, but, I do think she has her own agenda (what her agenda is, I don’t know at this point)…but, I think she’ll do whatever she can to make things work in her favor and if that means lying, she’ll lie.
If that means not helping when she could have, then she’ll stay out of it.

February 13, 2013 at 8:55 am #172914 Participant @Andreth Stark wrote:
Hi, people of the forums! here my salutation and first comment.
Welcome! 😀

I’m a bit confussed about the timeline of the series so far in regards the beans… I mean, in the 1×19 “The return”, the Blue Fairy says that the bean she gave Baelfire was the last one on that land. Then in the 2×4 “The Crocodrile”, Mr. Smee had another one, and I thought “ok, fine, he traffics at the ports, he looks for strange and new thing…that bean could come from any other land”. But now, after the last episode, “Tiny”, I’m cofussed again: I read somewhere that between what happens in “The return” and the curse, there are 300 years… so, 300 years after the Blue Fairy saying there were no more magic beans, the giants still grew up beans.

Rumple is about 300 years old, Robert Carlyle confirmed that in an interview not long ago. In Tiny, it was mentioned that it takes 100 years for beans to be ready for harvest. So it’s possible, that at the time when Blue gave Bae the bean, that was indeed the last one they had from the previous harvest, and there may not be any more available for up to another 100 years.

I know, they do not trade with humans anymore, but what about fairies? If the Blue Fairy would give a magic bean to Rumplestiltskin to follow his son, she would not only help the child to be with his dad, but also would liberate FTL from the evilness of the Dark One. So, my question is: what happened there? The giants didn’t want to trade with fairies? if so, why not?

I’d guess that if they did stop trading with the fairies, their reasoning would be that it’s the job of the fairies to help humans. There’s a close association there. So if the Giants gave beans to the fairies, it stands to reason that they’d end up in the hands of the humans they were helping, like we saw when Blue gave one to Bae.

February 13, 2013 at 9:00 am #172916 Participant Gypsy-

I think she’s good, but, I do think she has her own agenda (what her agenda is, I don’t know at this point)…but, I think she’ll do whatever she can to make things work in her favor and if that means lying, she’ll lie.
If that means not helping when she could have, then she’ll stay out of it.

What exactly is good about that ?
She has her OWN agenda + she makes things work in HER favor + LYING + NOT HELPING when she could have = One very selfish ….. but that’s just my opinion

February 13, 2013 at 9:28 am #172917 Participant

Actually, I think the fairies are a bunch of screw-ups that act like a bunch of demi-gods. They do it “for the greater good” but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Several of the magic users, if not all of them have stated at one point or another that “No good comes from magic”, and they have the scars to prove it. Yet the blue fairy refuses to acknowledge that, and stubbornly persist on using it. Every time the fairies make a mistake, evil is created. It’s how the dark one came to exist, that girl Bae talks to names her as the source. Once evil is brought in the world, the fairies can’t undo it, except send you to another world.
Another example: Look at poor Dreamy/ Grumpy. He got messed up by a hit of fairy dust, and now is forever miserable.
So I don’t think that the fairies are bad, just extremely meddling busy-bodies, that can’t oversee their actions. And that leads to casualties. And who knows, maybe they are just fairy-dust addicts, even more addicted to magic than Rumpel.
The do look a bit drugged up in those suger-coated jellyfish outfits, don’t they? 😆 BTW if I remember correctly the Blue Fairy states only that it is “The last known bean”… there might be dozens of them laying in ditches throughout FTL

February 13, 2013 at 10:05 am #172921 Participant @SpinningGold wrote:

Actually, I think the fairies are a bunch of screw-ups that act like a bunch of demi-gods. They do it “for the greater good” but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Several of the magic users, if not all of them have stated at one point or another that “No good comes from magic”, and they have the scars to prove it. Yet the blue fairy refuses to acknowledge that, and stubbornly persist on using it. Every time the fairies make a mistake, evil is created. It’s how the dark one came to exist, that girl Bae talks to names her as the source.

I’ve thought for some time that the Dark One was likely created when Blue’s power got split somehow. She’s named as the “original power”, which should mean that she’s the original source of both good and evil power. I’ve wondered if perhaps she tried to rid the world of the dark power that she possessed, and in doing so, inadvertently created the Dark One. I’d never thought of it much beyond that, but what you say about the mistakes of fairies resulting in evil in the world is a great concept! Maybe it’s not even that they make mistakes to cause evil to be created, maybe it’s just that the price for them doing good magic is that dark magic has to keep doing its work in the world as well, to maintain the balance. Whenever something goes right, something also has to go wrong.

The do look a bit drugged up in those suger-coated jellyfish outfits, don’t they? 😆
Seriously, whoever designed those costumes HAD to be high at the time. 😆 February 13, 2013 at 12:02 pm #172933 Participant

medchen – What I meant was, I think her intentions are good, even though her way of going about achieving her desired outcome may be questionable. I don’t think she would purposely hurt anyone, but manipulating a situation – I wouldn’t put it past her. I don’t see her doing anything like Rumple (zapping Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother) or Regina (poisoning an apple) to get her way.

February 13, 2013 at 1:10 pm #172939 Participant @Gypsy wrote:

medchen – What I meant was, I think her intentions are good, even though her way of going about achieving her desired outcome may be questionable. I don’t think she would purposely hurt anyone, but manipulating a situation – I wouldn’t put it past her. I don’t see her doing anything like Rumple (zapping Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother) or Regina (poisoning an apple) to get her way.

Like I said, the road to hell is paved with good intensions. And especially the Blue Fairy does that A LOT. I hope there will be a flashback with a Rumpel/Blue Fairy showdown sooner or later. If I am right, she made him (well at least the Dark One), but she shows no responsability. Same thing with Grumpy, he was a fairy dust mishap, and what does she do? Ruin his life. No good comes of magic. Each time it proves to be a quick fix, that later turns out sour. Rumpel magic but also Blue Fairy magic. And that is why I wonder if the fairy tale creatures aren’t better off in our world. Maybe that is the true underlining message of Once upon a Time: You can’t fix your life with magic, sooner or later you will pay the price for that.

Or, the Blue Fairy simply lied.
It would’t be the only time. I think she’s good, but, I do think she has her own agenda (what her agenda is, I don’t know at this point)…but, I think she’ll do whatever she can to make things work in her favor and if that means lying, she’ll lie.
If that means not helping when she could have, then she’ll stay out of it.
Space witch ook

They may draw power from lunar cycles, harness the energy of nebulae, or have an inherent connection to the cosmic forces that shape the universe. The space witch archetype appeals to our fascination with the unknown and our desire to explore what lies beyond our planet. It taps into our collective imagination and brings together two seemingly disparate worlds, creating a rich tapestry of possibilities. It challenges the conventional idea of witches being confined to earthly realms and elevates them to a whole new level of power and mystery. Additionally, the space witch also offers a metaphorical representation of personal growth and transformation. Just as witches can harness the energies of the universe, individuals can pursue their own inner journeys of self-discovery and enlightenment. The idea of a space witch compels us to embrace our own magical potential and explore the vastness of our own existence. In conclusion, the concept of a space witch is a captivating and imaginative idea that merges the realms of magic and space exploration. It opens the door to new narratives and allows us to explore the unknown, both within ourselves and beyond. The space witch archetype is a symbol of empowerment, inspiration, and the endless possibilities that lie within the cosmos..

Reviews for "Astrological Witchcraft: Merging the Celestial and the Magical"

1. GrumpyReader - 2 stars - I was really disappointed with "Space witch ook". The plot was confusing and felt disjointed, with too many subplots that were never fully explained or resolved. The characters were also underdeveloped, making it difficult to connect with any of them. Additionally, the writing style was lacking, with awkward sentence structure and excessive use of cliches. Overall, I found it to be a frustrating and unsatisfying reading experience.
2. DisappointedReader123 - 1 star - I cannot understand all the hype surrounding "Space witch ook". The story was boring and predictable, offering nothing new or exciting. The dialogue felt forced and unnatural, making it hard to believe in the characters or their relationships. Furthermore, the pacing was off, with long stretches of tedious exposition that added little to the overall plot. I was really hoping for a thrilling space adventure, but unfortunately, this book fell flat for me.
3. CriticExtraordinaire - 2 stars - I have to admit, "Space witch ook" did not live up to my expectations. The world-building was weak and lacked depth, leaving me with more questions than answers. The concept of space witches had potential, but it was poorly executed, with confusing magical elements that were never fully explored or explained. The writing style was also lackluster, lacking in vivid descriptions and failing to create a sense of wonder or excitement. Overall, this book left me unsatisfied and craving a more well-crafted and immersive story.

Casting Spells Under the Stars: Embracing Space Witchcraft

Lunar Rituals and Cosmic Spells: The Practice of Space Witchcraft