smart morror

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Witches broom is the name given to an abnormal growth formation that occurs on various plants, particularly trees and shrubs. It is characterized by the appearance of an excessive number of small, dense branches that grow closely together, giving the broom-like shape from which it gets its name. These brooms can vary in size and shape, ranging from a small cluster of branches to a larger, more intricate formation. The exact cause of witches broom can vary depending on the plant species involved, but it is often the result of a hormonal imbalance or infection caused by a pathogen such as a fungus, bacterium, or virus. This disruption in the plant's normal growth patterns leads to the development of the broom-like clusters of branches. Witches broom can have both positive and negative impacts on the affected plant.

Blold jade amulet wotlkh

Witches broom can have both positive and negative impacts on the affected plant. On one hand, the dense clusters of branches can create a unique and visually striking appearance, making the plant desirable for ornamental purposes. This has led to the cultivation of some witches broom variants as horticultural novelties.

Blold jade amulet wotlkh

I find no reason to use any other amulet other than Jade Amulet. I treat this item as essentially giving you 50% more traits and/or ability upgrades. It is just too good to pass up.

I supposed I could do more "unique" builds using a different amulet, but the fact the Jade amulet gives you more levels allows you to make your builds more unique in the first place by granting you more traits/abilities.

I think the EXP gain from the amulet should be reduced as you keep leveling, or it should have some negative downside (along with an exp gain reduction). Perhaps it can make you move slower or take more damage? If you start out with this in the beginning of the run, you could replace it with another amulet later once it is no longer useful. Currently it is more than useful from beginning to end, especially on Viaducts so all characters can reach level 100+. Only with the Jade amulet was I able to get a Warlock to level 111.

The same goes for Wind Crown, all thought I think it is far less powerful than Jade Amulet and the fact that it does nothing versus bosses is fair. The effect still seems vastly superior versus other helmet options.

Отредактировано GooLooGooLoo; 23 июл в 11:36 Автор сообщения: Duze:

I think even if we don't all agree that JADE is the best amulet,
we all agree that if it were to be removed & replaced by a blessing, we'd all win.
More exp for those who didn't use it, and more options for those who did.

Сообщения 1 – 15 из 29 23 июл в 11:51

The lightning hat is pretty good if you build around it, but in general, there aren't many items worth using once you have the best effects.

Head: Wind Crown
Body: Ranger Armor
Boots: doesn't matter
Gloves: Ranger Gloves
Rings: Guiding Star, Crit Chance or Echoing Band
Neck: 50% xp gain

A lot of the other options for these slots need to buffed. Rings are probably the only slot that has a decent amount of useful options. The effects on most gloves are kind of junk. None of the shoes matter. The body armors mostly do nothing, but Ranger Armor at least adds damage. Finally, Wind Crown is stupidly powerful relative to anything else you could use.

Отредактировано Eyeburn; 23 июл в 11:51 23 июл в 11:58

I can relate to this. As you mention, the Wind Crown and Jade are just too good really. I don't think it's the matter of nerfing those items with new maps and agony mode coming. However, the other items need to be much more significant. Another example is the Guiding Star ring, it's so powerful I often always have it on unless I am going for a specific crit build or something.

For example, my favourite unit by far is Exterminator, so you'd think I would want items with fire based skills. Ie: Blazing Shell (50% chance to burn when they hit you + 6 block) but blood soaked shirt is just too useful on every class, plus I don't want to be hit plus why would I want a 50% chance to burn an enemy when my main weapon just MELTS them? Another example would be Sparking tips, this should be an incredible item for Exterminator since it adds splash damage when burned. However, just simply going for Quickhand gloves or Hunting gloves just adds more DPS that isn't RNG on burn chance. And finally, Ruby circlet would be awesome for exterminator, if it wasn't completely out done by wind crown.

There are some really cool items in the game that have so much potential for certain classes, but they rely on 50% RNG or just are over shadowed by other items that just become BIS.

I definitely see your point and agree, but I don't think it's all about nerfing them, I think it's about making the other items stronger or have other effects that make them viable.

All of the Jewelcrafting dailies in Northrend are picked up from Timothy Jones, who is found in Dalaran’s trading quarter. It can be tough to navigate Dalaran if you aren’t familiar with it, so here’s an exterior and top-down view of the building Timothy is in:
Smart morror

On the other hand, witches broom can also have detrimental effects on the health and growth of the plant. The excessive branching often results in decreased vigor, reduced flower or fruit production, and overall stunted growth. In severe cases, witches broom can even lead to the eventual decline or death of the affected plant. To control witches broom, various measures can be taken depending on the specific circumstances. These may include pruning and removing the broom-like growths, applying fungicides or other treatments to combat the underlying infection, or in some cases, removing and replacing the entire affected plant. In conclusion, witches broom is an abnormal growth formation that can occur on various plants, causing the development of dense clusters of branches. While it can have visual appeal, it can also have negative effects on the plant's health and growth. Proper management and control measures are necessary to minimize its impact on affected plants..

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smart morror

smart morror