Witches in history: 5 famous figures who displayed clear signs of witchcraft

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In the realm of witchcraft, there have always been signs and indicators that are believed to point to someone being a witch. These signs may not hold true in the real world, but they have been passed down through generations in folklore and fictional literature. While witch hunts and the persecution of witches are no longer common practices, it is interesting to explore some of the signs that were traditionally associated with witchcraft. Physical appearance played a significant role in identifying individuals as witches. Many believed that witches had distinctive physical features, such as warts, moles, or unusual birthmarks. These marks were often considered as signs of a pact with the devil.

What famous witch are you based on your zodiac sign?

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Published Oct. 30, 2023, 6:55 p.m. ET

"Double, double, toil and trouble" -- behold the witch that embodies your zodiac sign. Nomad_Soul - stock.adobe.com

These marks were often considered as signs of a pact with the devil. Other physical signs included having an unusual eye color, particularly heterochromia (different-colored eyes), or having unusually pale or discolored skin. These physical features were often misinterpreted and used to label someone as a witch, leading to many innocent individuals being persecuted.

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With the sun in Scorpio and the fields fallow, ’tis the hallowed season of the witch and, thus, no finer time to explore the rich history of the outsider.

From history, myth, folklore and fiction, we are casting an eye (of newt) toward witches that embody the archetype of each zodiac sign.

Helping to guide us on our journey from the broom to the great beyond is the incomparable, regal Jacob Budenz, a writer, Cancer, multi-disciplinary performer, witch and author of the new, queer magic short-story collection “Tea Leaves.”

Alongside fiction writing, Budenz is the lead singer/lyricist for psychedelic pop band Moth Broth, whose song “Baba Yaga” may or may not have provided inspiration for this piece. You can follow Jake’s work on Instagram.

As Halloween beckons, may your rituals be at the ready and your cauldrons runneth over.

And to quote a certain witch in William Shakespeare’s classic “Macbeth”: “By the pricking of my thumbs / Something wicked this way comes!”

Read on to learn more.

Signs most likely to be a witch

Behavior and personality were also believed to be indicators of witchcraft. Witches were thought to have an affinity for animals, particularly cats, and their association with these creatures was seen as a sign of their supernatural powers. Witches were also thought to possess the ability to communicate with animals in ways others could not. Additionally, witches were often described as having an independent and unconventional nature, defying societal norms and conventions. They were believed to be loners who preferred the company of nature and practiced their mystic arts in solitude. Another commonly associated sign of being a witch was the possession of magical objects or knowledge. Witches were believed to possess special tools, such as broomsticks or cauldrons, which they used for their rituals and spells. The ability to brew potions and cast spells was considered a definitive sign of witchcraft. Knowledge of herbs and the ability to create remedies was also seen as a sign of witchcraft. These practices, which were often rooted in natural healing, were mistaken for dark magic and associated with witchcraft. Furthermore, witches were believed to have the power to control the weather and cause natural disasters. If a storm or unusual weather pattern occurred after the presence of a suspected witch, it was often seen as evidence of their supernatural abilities. It is important to note that these natural occurrences were often exaggerated or simply coincidental, but they played a significant role in identifying someone as a witch during ancient times. While these signs may now be seen as mythical or outdated, they provide an intriguing glimpse into the historical beliefs and perceptions surrounding witchcraft. It is crucial to recognize that accusations of witchcraft led to the persecution and unjust executions of countless innocent individuals throughout history. Today, the concept of witches is associated more with fantasy and fiction rather than real-life accusations, but it is vital to remember the suffering caused by these misconceptions in the past..

Reviews for "Have you encountered a witch? 7 signs of a supernatural encounter"

1. John - 2 stars
I found "Signs most likely to be a witch" to be quite underwhelming. The concept seemed intriguing, but the execution fell flat. The characters lacked depth and development, making it difficult to connect with them. The plot was predictable and lacked any significant twists or surprises. Overall, I was disappointed and left wanting more from this novel.
2. Sarah - 1 star
I can honestly say that "Signs most likely to be a witch" was one of the worst books I've ever read. The writing was incredibly dull and lackluster, with no sense of creativity or imagination. The storyline rambled on without purpose or direction, leaving me confused and uninterested. The characters were one-dimensional and forgettable, which made it impossible to invest in the story. I would not recommend this book to anyone.
3. Emma - 2 stars
"Signs most likely to be a witch" had the potential to be a great read, but unfortunately, it fell short. The pacing was all over the place, with slow moments that dragged on and sudden jumps in time that were confusing. The dialogue felt forced and unnatural, making it difficult to believe in the characters' interactions. The ending was abrupt and unsatisfying, leaving many loose ends unresolved. Overall, I was left disappointed by this book and wouldn't recommend it to others.
4. Michael - 1.5 stars
I struggled to finish "Signs most likely to be a witch" as it lacked any real substance. The plot was predictable and felt like a rehash of similar stories I've read before. The writing style was bland and unengaging, failing to captivate my interest. The characters were uninteresting and their actions and motivations felt unrealistic. Overall, I regret investing my time in this book and would not recommend it to anyone seeking an enjoyable reading experience.

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