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Looking for the magic In a world that is often filled with uncertainty and challenges, many people find themselves searching for something more, something that brings a sense of wonder and enchantment to their lives. This search for magic is not about finding tricks or illusions but rather a deeper connection to the world around us. The concept of magic has been a part of human history and culture for centuries. It represents the possibility of the extraordinary, the belief that there is more to life than meets the eye. Whether it is through stories of mythical creatures or the practice of ancient rituals, humans have always sought to understand and harness the power of the unknown. In today's modern society, the search for magic takes many forms.

Electronic ISSN 2731-5649

It will also encourage the development of a broader corpus of work in other related areas of magic and the supernatural, such as angels, devils, spirits, ghosts, folk healing and divination. It will also encourage the development of a broader corpus of work in other related areas of magic and the supernatural, such as angels, devils, spirits, ghosts, folk healing and divination.

Online textbook on the history of witchcraft

In today's modern society, the search for magic takes many forms. Some may seek it through spirituality or religion, finding solace and meaning in a higher power or divine energy. Others may turn to creative outlets such as art, music, or writing, finding magic in the ability to express themselves and create something beautiful.

Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic

The history of European witchcraft and magic continues to fascinate and challenge students and scholars. There is certainly no shortage of books on the subject. Several general surveys of the witch trials and numerous regional and micro studies have been published for an English-speaking readership. While the quality of publications on witchcraft has been high, some regions and topics have received less attention over the years. The aim of this series is to help illuminate these lesser known or little studied aspects of the history of witchcraft and magic. It will also encourage the development of a broader corpus of work in other related areas of magic and the supernatural, such as angels, devils, spirits, ghosts, folk healing and divination. To help further our understanding and interest in this wider history of beliefs and practices, the series will include research that looks beyond the usual focus on Western Europe and that also explores their relevance and influence from the medieval to the modern period.

'A valuable series.' - Magic, Ritual and Witchcraft

Electronic ISSN 2731-5649

Print ISSN 2731-5630

  • Jonathan Barry,
  • Willem de Blécourt,
  • Owen Davies
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For some, the search for magic is a personal journey of self-discovery. It is about finding purpose and meaning in life, and the quest for inner peace and happiness. This may involve exploring different philosophies or engaging in practices such as meditation or mindfulness to cultivate a deeper connection to oneself and the world. The search for magic is not limited to individuals but extends to society as a whole. In a world that often feels divided and disconnected, many people long for a sense of unity and oneness. This can be seen in the emergence of movements such as environmental conservation and social activism, as people come together to work towards a common goal and create positive change. Ultimately, the search for magic is about finding a sense of wonder and awe in the world. It is about embracing the unknown and allowing ourselves to be open to new experiences and possibilities. While the concept of magic may be intangible and subjective, it offers a glimpse into the limitless potential of the human spirit. In conclusion, the search for magic is a universal quest that transcends time and culture. It is a deep yearning to connect with something greater than ourselves and find meaning and purpose in life. Whether through spirituality, creativity, or personal growth, the pursuit of magic is a journey that can lead to a more fulfilling and enchanted existence..

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