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April is a month that holds a significant place in the calendar of pagan holidays. Paganism is a term used to describe a variety of pre-Christian religions that were prevalent in ancient times. These religions typically worshipped nature, spirits, and deities. Many of their rituals and celebrations were based on the changing seasons and agricultural cycles. In April, there are several pagan holidays that mark the arrival of spring and the rebirth of nature. One such holiday is Ostara, which falls on the spring or vernal equinox.

McGill men's sports teams to be known as the Redbirds

McGill University made the announcement about the new name, the Redbirds, more than a year after doing away with the old Redmen name, which Indigenous students, faculty and staff argued was discriminatory.

One such holiday is Ostara, which falls on the spring or vernal equinox. Ostara is a time to celebrate the balance between light and dark as the days become longer and the weather gets warmer. It also symbolizes the return of life and fertility, as plants start to bloom and animals come out of hibernation.

McGill ditched old name, which Indigenous students, faculty and staff found discriminatory, last year

CBC News · Posted: Nov 17, 2020 11:10 AM EST | Last Updated: November 17, 2020

McGill announced its new name Tuesday, more than a year after doing away with the old Redmen name. (Ryan Remiorz/Canadian Press)

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Another significant pagan holiday in April is Beltane, celebrated on May 1st. Beltane marks the beginning of summer and is traditionally a time of joy and abundance. It is a celebration of fertility and the union between the goddess and the god. Bonfires are often lit, and people dance and sing around them to ward off evil spirits. Beltane is also a time for ritualistic activities such as Maypole dancing, where a tall pole is erected and decorated with colorful ribbons, and people weave in and out in a pattern, symbolizing the continuing cycle of life and the union of male and female energies. It is important to note that these pagan holidays have been incorporated and reinterpreted by modern-day Wicca and other neo-pagan religions. Today, these holidays are observed by people who follow these spiritual paths as a way to connect with nature and celebrate the changing seasons. While these holidays may not be widely recognized or celebrated in mainstream society, they hold a deep significance for those who follow pagan traditions..

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phenderix elements