The Captivating Artistry of Pastel Yymi: The Magic Idol

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Once upon a time, in a small village nestled at the foot of a majestic mountain, there lived a young boy named Timmy. Timmy was an imaginative and curious boy, always seeking adventure and magic in the world around him. He often spent his days exploring the enchanted forests and secret caves that surrounded his village. One fateful day, while Timmy was on one of his expeditions, he stumbled upon a hidden pathway that led to a mysterious clearing. In the center of this clearing stood a peculiar statue of a small, pastel-colored unicorn. Its eyes sparkled with an otherworldly glow, and Timmy couldn't help but feel drawn to it.

Pastel yymi the magic idol

Its eyes sparkled with an otherworldly glow, and Timmy couldn't help but feel drawn to it. Timmy approached the unicorn statue cautiously, unsure of what he would discover. As he reached out to touch it, a surge of energy pulsed through his fingers, causing a burst of colorful sparks to emanate from the statue.

Art of Pastel Yumi, the Magic Idol

Pastel Yumi, the Magic Idol is an animation series produced by Studio Pierrot and directed by Akira Sugino in 1986. It was simultaneously released as a manga by Kiyoko Arai. The fourth magical girl series created by Studio Pierrot, Pastel Yumi also appears in a feature-length OVA as well as the Majokko Club Yoningumi A-kūkan kara no Alien X OVA. The pictures on this page are a collection of artworks created for this series. The material was collected by SetteiDreams, and can be downloaded in high-definition, HERE.


Yumi Hanazono loves flowers. She does not perform well in school, but loves to draw, and wants to be a manga artist. Her family runs a flower shop so she has grown up with a floral appreciation. Yumi is a very good artist, but does not always use the best judgement when she chooses her subjects. On the day of the Flower Festival, she entertains the other children by drawing portraits of the Lady Fukurokouji on the walls of her mansion. An angry Fukurokouji makes her clean the entire wall, but as she is doing so, she sees Fukurokouji about to destroy a dandelion. After saving it, she replants it in a tulip field. To her surprise, it starts speaking to her. The voices belong to Kakimaru and Keshimaru, two flower elves who have come to the Human World to grant Yumi special powers as a reward for her kindness. The two elves give Yumi a magical wand and locket made from tulip blossoms. If Yumi draws something in mid-air with her wand, and recites the phrase, "Pastel Poppuru Poppin-pa!", whatever she drew will become real. The magic will only last for a short time, however…

Discover thousands of model sheets, concept designs, background paintings from the best animation movies and TV series!


Character Design References

Character Design References (CDR) is an online platform that celebrates and showcases exceptional character-focused art within the realms of animation, illustration, games, and comics. It stands as a vibrant hub for the largest community of character designers on the Internet, uniting over 1 million artists, art enthusiasts, and animation fans from across the globe.

At CDR, we curate and share exquisite artworks on a daily basis, providing a constant source of inspiration and creative fuel for our passionate community. We gather the finest references and tutorials, serving as a valuable resource for artists seeking to refine their skills and explore new techniques in character design. Through our collective appreciation for visual arts, we foster a dynamic and supportive environment where artists can connect, collaborate, and grow together.

Whether you're an established professional, a student, an aspiring artist, or simply an admirer of the art form, CDR invites you to join our ever-expanding community and partake in the celebration of character design excellence. Explore, create, and be inspired as we embark on a journey filled with limitless artistic possibilities.

See production info at IMDbPro
Pastel yymi the magic idol

Startled but intrigued, Timmy quickly drew his hand back. To his astonishment, the unicorn statue transformed into a living, breathing creature right before his eyes. The unicorn introduced itself as Pastel Yymi, the Magic Idol. Pastel Yymi explained that it had been trapped in the statue for centuries, waiting for someone pure of heart to set it free. Timmy couldn't believe his luck. He had always dreamed of encountering magic, and now he had a magical companion right by his side. From that day forward, the adventures of Timmy and Pastel Yymi began. With Pastel Yymi's guidance and magical abilities, Timmy discovered hidden realms and encountered mythical creatures. Together, they used their combined skills to solve puzzles, bring harmony to troubled lands, and protect the innocent from danger. But it wasn't all a fairytale. Along their journey, Timmy and Pastel Yymi faced challenges and obstacles that tested their courage and friendship. They encountered dark forces and cunning villains seeking to use Pastel Yymi's magic for their own sinister purposes. However, with Timmy's pure heart and Pastel Yymi's wisdom, they always managed to overcome the odds. As the years passed, Timmy and Pastel Yymi formed an unbreakable bond. They became renowned throughout the land as heroes and protectors of the magical realm. But despite their fame, Timmy remained humble, always cherishing the adventures they had shared. The tale of Pastel Yymi and Timmy serves as a reminder that magic and wonder exist in the world, waiting to be discovered by those who believe. It teaches us the importance of friendship, bravery, and the possibility of finding extraordinary things in the most unexpected places. And so, the legend of Pastel Yymi and Timmy lives on, inspiring generations to believe in the power of imagination and the magic that lies within us all..

Reviews for "The Lessons and Morals Portrayed in Pastel Yymi: The Magic Idol"

1. John - ★★☆☆☆
I was really excited to watch "Pastel yymi the magic idol" after hearing so many good things about it. However, I must say I was quite disappointed. The plot was weak and predictable, and the characters were one-dimensional. The animation was decent, but it couldn't make up for the lack of substance in the story. Overall, it felt like a generic and forgettable anime that didn't live up to the hype.
2. Sarah - ★☆☆☆☆
I don't understand all the praise for "Pastel yymi the magic idol". The animation was subpar, with poorly-drawn characters and inconsistent art style. The dialogue was cringeworthy, with cheesy and predictable lines that made me roll my eyes. I found it hard to connect with the characters, as they lacked depth and development. The story itself was unoriginal and didn't offer anything new or interesting. I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on this anime.
3. Emily - ★★☆☆☆
I had high expectations for "Pastel yymi the magic idol" considering the positive reviews, but it fell flat for me. The pacing was all over the place, with rushed and forced plot developments. The protagonist was annoying and lacked any real growth throughout the series. The supporting characters were equally uninteresting, and the romance subplot felt forced and unnecessary. Despite the colorful animation, the overall experience was underwhelming and forgettable. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for a captivating anime.

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How Pastel Yymi: The Magic Idol Inspires Imagination and Creativity