The Power of My Magic Breath: How It Transformed My Life

By admin

I have a magic breath that has the power to transform my state of mind and bring peace to my soul. It is a simple yet powerful tool that I carry with me wherever I go. With each inhale and exhale, I am reminded of the infinite possibilities that lie within me. When stress and anxiety start to take over, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. As I inhale, I feel the coolness of the air entering my nostrils, filling my lungs with life-giving oxygen. I envision any negative energy being replaced by a sense of calm and tranquility.

Magic Tunnel Car Wash is Opening!

CIRCLEVILLE – A new car wash option is popping up in town, and in my opinion, we do need it. Being a person who lives on the North end where there are several car wash locations and when the nasty weather is over, I’ve seen a line of cars on North Court street wanting to get into one of the two car washes.

Magic Tunnel will be located beside 1469 South Court Street in Circleville, in between the new strip mall in construction and Chipotle. Construction is over and opening day is Monday August 26, 2019. Owner of Magic Tunnel Roger Beck recently sold his original company Goo-Goo car wash and according to him starting over again. Beck said the last Goo-Goo car wash was opened in Chillicothe just before he sold the company.


“I always had to drive through Circleville to get to Chillicothe from 23, and I started noticing Circleville was growing quickly. With some research, Beck saw what an excellent opportunity Circleville was and decided to build.”

Magic Tunnel has opened three locations in Ohio already Tiffin, Sidney, and Troy.

Magic Tunnel will offer an automated service much like other large chains like Moo Moo or Goo Goo car wash, with the free vacuum service, a statement on the webpage says, “Pull into a spot and use the high suction vacuums all you want. Take your time, and the vacuum stays on as long as you need it. Don’t forget to use the mat cleaning machines spaced across the vacuum area. These are quick, easy and also Free!”

Magic Tunnel Express also offers an unlimited monthly pass with its standard wash package at 19.95 a month. Two other premium packages offered for 15 and 20 dollars per wash but add underbody flush, magic seal, glass and paint treatments. A break down of the types of services provided can be view on the website here,Magic Tunnel

Magic Tunnel Express Car Wash locations in the USA

Number of locations available for download in this dataset are 16.
This data set was last updated on
December 21, 2023.

Categories: All Stores, Automotive
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I envision any negative energy being replaced by a sense of calm and tranquility. With my magic breath, I am able to release any tension or worry that may have built up throughout the day. As I exhale, I imagine all the stress leaving my body, being expelled with each release of air.


Complete list of all Magic Tunnel Express Car Wash locations in the US with geocoded address, phone number, open hours etc for instant download.

Magic Tunnel Express Car Wash list on the map

Fields included in the Magic Tunnel Express Car Wash location database

  • Store No.
  • State
  • Latitude
  • Name
  • Country
  • Longitude
  • Provider
  • Zip Code
  • URL
  • Street
  • Phone
  • Status
  • City
  • Open Hours
  • Updated Date
  • County
  • Direction URL

Included locations: Open, Opening soon

My magic breatj

This simple act of breathing allows me to let go of things that no longer serve me and make space for positivity and inner peace. Sometimes, when I feel overwhelmed or lost, I take a moment to just breathe. I close my eyes and focus solely on my breath. Inhaling slowly and deeply, I visualize a bright light filling my being, revitalizing me from the inside out. As I exhale, I let go of any self-doubt or fear, allowing myself to be present in the moment. My magic breath reminds me that I have the power to choose how I react to any situation. By taking a moment to breathe before responding, I am able to approach challenges with clarity and grace. It serves as a reminder that I am in control of my emotions and can choose to respond with kindness and compassion. Taking the time to utilize my magic breath has brought a sense of balance and harmony to my life. It has allowed me to connect with my inner self and tap into a deeper sense of awareness. Through the simple act of breathing, I am able to calm my mind, nourish my body, and uplift my spirit. My magic breath is always with me, ready to be called upon whenever I need it. It is a tool that allows me to find peace amidst the chaos of life. With each breath, I am reminded of the beauty and strength that resides within me..

Reviews for "Cultivating Joy and Presence through the Magic Breath Practice"

1. Emily - 2/5 stars - "I was disappointed with 'My Magic Breath.' The concept seemed promising, but the execution fell flat for me. The story lacked depth and substance, and the illustrations were underwhelming. I found myself losing interest quickly, and struggled to connect with the characters. Overall, it just didn't resonate with me as much as I had hoped."
2. Alex - 1/5 stars - "I found 'My Magic Breath' to be incredibly boring and dull. The plot was predictable and the writing lacked creativity. The book failed to grab my attention and failed to deliver any impactful message. The illustrations were also uninspiring and added very little to the overall experience. I don't understand the hype surrounding this book, as it did nothing for me."
3. Sarah - 2/5 stars - "I wanted to like 'My Magic Breath,' but unfortunately, I found it to be quite underwhelming. The story felt rushed and lacked depth, leaving me feeling unsatisfied. The illustrations were average at best, and I was hoping for more visually engaging artwork. Overall, it fell short of my expectations and I wouldn't recommend it to others."
4. Jonathan - 1/5 stars - "I really struggled to get through 'My Magic Breath.' The story seemed disjointed, and I couldn't connect with the characters or the overall message. The writing style also didn't captivate me, and I found myself losing interest quickly. While the concept was interesting, the execution left much to be desired. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone."

The Key to Calmness: Unlocking the Magic Breath Within

The Transformative Power of Conscious Breathing: My Personal Story