The Magic of MLP Legends of Magic: An Inside Look

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My Little Pony: Legends of Magic is a comic book series based on the animated television show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The series is published by IDW Publishing and was first released in April 2017. It serves as a prequel to the television show, exploring the history and origins of Equestria. Legends of Magic focuses on a group of legendary ponies known as the Pillars of Equestria. These ancient heroes played a vital role in shaping the land of Equestria, and the series delves into their past and the adventures they went on. The main protagonist of the series is Rockhoof, a strong earth pony who is known for his legendary strength and bravery.

Keep on scrolling for an exclusive preview of the issue that’ll have you on the edge of your seat.

If you ve been following along with the My Little Pony Legends of Magic series, you know that Sunburst made a fascinating discovery at the end of the last issue. We don t want to share much else, so you re not spoiled, but My Little Pony Legends of Magic is heading in a really fun direction, and we just can t wait to see what happens next.

Mlp legends ob magic

The main protagonist of the series is Rockhoof, a strong earth pony who is known for his legendary strength and bravery. Throughout the series, Rockhoof is joined by other members of the Pillars of Equestria, including Mage Meadowbrook, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, Somnambula, and Star Swirl the Bearded. Each issue of the comic features a different pillar, allowing readers to learn more about their backstories and their contributions to the world of Equestria.

EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #7

If you’ve been following along with the My Little Pony: Legends of Magic series, you know that Sunburst made a fascinating discovery at the end of the last issue.

To recap, Issues #1-5 explored the real stories behind some of the most legendary ponies in the history of Equestria. As Sunburst scoured page after page of Starswirl the Bearded’s personal library, he discovered that some of the legends he grew up on had different backstories than everypony ever believed.

In Issue #6, just as we think we’re wrapping up the tales of these iconic ponies, Sunburst discovers a book he had somehow missed. A book that seemed to tie everything together in a huge way.

In the latest issue, My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #7, he hunkers down in his adorable little home, and that’s where we find him now. Curled up with a story of the scholar pony Stygian about how all the legendary ponies came together to stop a mighty evil from under the sea.

Keep on scrolling for an exclusive preview of the issue that’ll have you on the edge of your seat.

EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW: My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #7:

If you though the preview was exciting, just wait until you see what’s waiting for you on the next page. We’ll give you a clue. They’re beautiful siren ponies who live down below the depths of the ocean. And they’re not very nice.

We don’t want to share much else, so you’re not spoiled, but My Little Pony: Legends of Magic is heading in a really fun direction, and we just can’t wait to see what happens next. This storyline also ties in with the Season 7 finale of Friendship is Magic airing October 28th on Discovery Kids. If you’re a true pony fan, you’ll definitely want to read this.

My Little Pony: Legends of Magic #7
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Jeremy Whitley
Tony Fleecs
Subscription Cover:
Brenda Hickey
Variant Cover:
Nicoletta Baldari
You’ve met the most legendary ponies in Equestria’s history… now find out how they first came together to battle an unstoppable evil!

You can pick up this issue on October 18th at your favorite comic store. Need more ideas on what comics to add to your next haul? Click here!

If you’ve been following along with the My Little Pony: Legends of Magic series, you know that Sunburst made a fascinating discovery at the end of the last issue.
Mlp legends ob magic

The comic book series not only delves into the past of the Pillars of Equestria, but it also explores the themes of friendship, teamwork, and overcoming obstacles. Each issue presents a lesson or moral that reflects the core values of the My Little Pony franchise. The series also introduces new characters and expands upon the lore of Equestria, providing fans with a deeper understanding of the world and its inhabitants. The artwork in Legends of Magic is vibrant and colorful, capturing the whimsical and magical nature of Equestria. The characters are beautifully drawn and bring life to the pages with their detailed designs. The writing is engaging and captures the spirit of the television show, making it an enjoyable read for fans of all ages. Overall, My Little Pony: Legends of Magic is a captivating comic book series that expands upon the lore and history of Equestria. It provides fans with a deeper understanding of the world and its characters, while also delivering important lessons about friendship and teamwork. Whether you're a longtime fan of My Little Pony or new to the franchise, this series is definitely worth checking out..

Reviews for "The Fan Community and MLP Legends of Magic: A Love Story"

- Sarah - 1/5 - I found "Mlp legends of magic" to be extremely boring and uninteresting. The storyline was overly simplistic and lacked depth. The characters felt flat and one-dimensional, and I couldn't connect with any of them. The animation quality was also subpar, and it felt like a cheaply made show. Overall, I was disappointed with the series and would not recommend it to anyone looking for an engaging and entertaining animated show.
- Jake - 2/5 - "Mlp legends of magic" had potential, but it failed to deliver. The pacing was off, with episodes dragging on without any significant development. The plot felt disjointed, and it seemed like the writers were trying to include too many storylines at once. The show also relied too heavily on cliché and predictable tropes, making it feel unoriginal and uninspiring. While it had some moments of humor, it wasn't enough to save the overall dullness of the series. I wouldn't waste my time watching it again.
- Emily - 1/5 - I had high hopes for "Mlp legends of magic," but I was sorely disappointed. The animation style was unappealing, and the colors were too bright and garish. It was distracting and made it hard to focus on the actual storyline. Speaking of which, the plot was confusing and poorly executed. It seemed like the creators were trying to cater to too many different age groups, resulting in a mess of a show that failed to satisfy anyone. I couldn't get through more than a few episodes before giving up on it completely. I would not recommend wasting your time on this series.

Exploring the Magic Elements in MLP Legends of Magic

The Artistic Inspiration Behind MLP Legends of Magic