Unlock the Secrets of the Fairy Kingdom with Oracle Cards

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Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards is an enchanting deck of cards designed to offer guidance and inspiration from the realm of fairies. Created by Doreen Virtue, a well-known author and spiritual teacher, these oracle cards are intended to help individuals tap into the playful and whimsical energy of the fairy realm. The main idea behind the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards is that fairies are powerful allies in our spiritual journey and can provide us with guidance and insights. According to Virtue, fairies are nature spirits that reside in plants, animals, and bodies of water. They are believed to be highly intuitive and can offer wisdom and support to those who seek their assistance. These oracle cards feature gorgeous artwork depicting different fairies in a variety of settings.

Yggdrasil divination pack

These oracle cards feature gorgeous artwork depicting different fairies in a variety of settings. Each card is accompanied by a short message that contains a special message or wisdom from the fairies. The messages are meant to encourage self-reflection and provide guidance on different aspects of life, such as relationships, career, spirituality, and personal growth.

Yggdrasil: Norse Divination Cards

Based on the powerful mythology of the Norse, this 81 card divination deck brings the wisdom of the ancients into your life. Intricate pen and ink drawings are soulful representations of the Eddas, the stunning written accounts of the legends of old.

These cards along with the informative guidebook , are designed to be used for divination, guidance, and spiritual connection.

Created by a renowned artisit and long-time participate of the heathen revival, Haukur Halldórsson and his daughter Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir, this kit is a welcome addition to those who desire to work more deeply with the Nordic pantheon.

About the Author - Haukur Halldórsson and his daughter Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir are Icelandic artists living and working between Iceland, Denmark and Germany. Both adhere to heathenry, or Asatru, as viewed by the Icelandic Asatru community. Halldórsson is one of the original members active in reviving the traditional Nordic mythology of Iceland in the seventies and has devoted his art to Nordic and Northern European mythologies and folklore. Hauksdóttir grew up in heathendom, surrounded by folkloric illustrations, stories, poems and nature.

For the Yggdrasil deck , father and daughter come/came together with illustrations and their readings to enable the deciphering of the message of the mythologies and folklore and to make it accessible for readers.

Published - July 2019

81 cards with 216 pp. guidebook.

Boxed set measures - 12.07 x 5.72 x 19.69 cm

Magical messages from the fairies oracle cards

To use the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards, the user can shuffle the deck and select one or multiple cards. The chosen cards can then be read individually or in combination to gain insight into a specific question or situation. The user can also simply draw a card each day as a way to receive daily guidance and inspiration. The key strength of the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards lies in their ability to offer a lighthearted and joyful approach to divination. The messages from the fairies are often positive and uplifting, focusing on self-love, intuition, and embracing one's unique gifts and talents. These cards encourage individuals to connect with their inner child and approach life with a sense of wonder and playfulness. Overall, Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards can be a valuable tool for those who are seeking guidance and support on their spiritual journey. Whether used for daily inspiration or for specific questions, these cards provide a fun and enchanting way to connect with the wisdom of the fairy realm..

Reviews for "Strengthen Your Connection with the Natural World using the Fairy Oracle Cards"

1. Emma - 1 star - I was very disappointed with the Magical messages from the fairies oracle cards. The illustrations were not appealing and felt cheaply made. The messages on the cards seemed generic and lacked depth. I found the guidebook to be confusing and not helpful in understanding the meanings behind the cards. Overall, I do not recommend this deck for anyone looking for a meaningful and insightful oracle card experience.
2. Christopher - 2 stars - I had high hopes for the Magical messages from the fairies oracle cards, but they fell short of my expectations. The artwork was average at best, and the messages on the cards felt repetitive and unoriginal. The guidebook, although informative, didn't provide enough depth and context to fully understand the meanings of the cards. I have used other oracle card decks that have a much stronger connection and resonance, so I was left feeling disappointed with this one.
3. Sarah - 2 stars - I found the Magical messages from the fairies oracle cards to be underwhelming. The artwork was not visually appealing, and the messages on the cards were not insightful or profound. I also had difficulty connecting with the messages in the guidebook, as they seemed disconnected from the actual cards. Overall, I felt that this deck lacked depth and failed to provide the guidance and inspiration I was seeking.
4. Michael - 2 stars - As someone who has used various oracle card decks, I was not impressed with the Magical messages from the fairies oracle cards. The artwork was lackluster and didn't evoke any kind of magical or mystical feeling. The messages on the cards felt cliche and lacked originality. Additionally, the guidebook wasn't very helpful in understanding the intended meanings behind the cards. I would recommend exploring other oracle card decks that offer a more profound and insightful experience.

Tap into the Wisdom of the Fairies for Guidance and Inspiration with Oracle Cards

Open Your Heart to Love and Compassion with Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards