Magical Girl Families: How the Apocalypse Tests the Bonds of Kinship

By admin

In a world where darkness looms over the horizon, a sinister force threatens to bring about an apocalypse. But fear not, for a group of extraordinary individuals rise to the occasion, transforming into powerful magical girls to combat the impending doom. These magical girls possess incredible abilities granted to them by ancient artifacts or mythical creatures. They are tasked with defending the world from an array of nightmarish creatures, demons, and fallen angels. With their magical wands and enchanting spells, they embark on a perilous journey to save humankind from complete demise. However, as the apocalyptic force grows stronger, it becomes evident that their powers alone may not be enough to prevail.

This manga also has the inclusion of one of THE MOST unlikeable characters I have ever seen in a manga. Specifically, Akuta Rintarou. His entire personality (if you can even call it that) revolves around being a disgusting pervert the entire time. All he does is lust after high school girls, specifically Yoruka Hanzawa whom he calls "Lil' Miss Funbags" in reference to her gigantic knockers. He literally spends the entire manga doing nothing but trying to bang her, or masturbate. He's also a sociopath who literally cares for no-one and only steps up to defend Yoruka because if she's dead, how can he have sex with her? (Not that he's picky about having sex with a corpse.) I expected him to get killed off early on (in fact, I prayed for it to happen) only for him to play a central role in the plot and become some sort of hero later on, even though that goes against his whole "I don't care about anyone" schtick.
Pervert characters play a role in a lot of different manga, but they offset this with the inclusion of interesting backstories, and the fact that the pervert aspect of their personality doesn't define their entire character. Akuta fails in this respect because that literally defines everything about him. Caring for others? Nope. Being selfless? Nope. Forging any meaningful connections with other characters? Nope. Having some sort of goal beyond wanting to grope Yoruka's titties? Nope. He's a completely loathsome asshole with no redeeming qualities.

New plot threads and characters are thrown in consistently, and it was a bit difficult to keep track of who was who and what their part was in the overall story which became increasingly convoluted as time went on. I suppose I got sucked into the initial premise, which was interesting, and then by the time I was fairly invested in it, it started to really grate on my nerves and I finished it out of spite.

Magical girl apocolpyse

However, as the apocalyptic force grows stronger, it becomes evident that their powers alone may not be enough to prevail. The enemy has learned to drain the life force of magical girls, causing them to lose their abilities. As this happens, the world witnesses the fall of its protectors, one by one.

Magical Girl Apocalypse: ending.

Idk man, i was so happy to find out Kaede and Kogami ship sailed in the old universe. To find out about the New Universe is just.. Disappointing. I wish Kaede had a better a guy beside her.

Because holy cow, folks. Kaede did MAJORITY of the job in the plan, she had to go through endless pain and brainwash sht for kogami. for the future. Kaede did almost everything, but she only got engaged with Kogami. Worst, at the mean and f-ed up universe. Meanwhile, the other girl claims a kid from MC because she's a magical girl. she was the reason why the shitty thing took another step further in the first place! then she suddenly becomes the main b**** and MC suddenly falls in love with her for one moment. but anyways, i'm not gonna complain. I guess she deserves her ending too, since in the older universe, she watched her first love grow up and not even become happy with him because she's a magical girl.

Although for me, It's just sad, bros. Kaede deserves better. Kaede deserves a better ending. She deserves Kogami, she doesn't deserve to be spacing out everyday in her 5 years because she couldn't do anything to retrieve Kogami. Seeing her cry is shit. Kaede Sayano, best grill.

But on the other hand:

I find it totally cool that the Alternative Magicals became humans. holy fudge, they were adorable as hell. 💘 I rlly like the idea of it. Wish the time travel robot became human too, she was pretty cute.

Their endings were cute too! some of them got married, some of them even had children! so far, so good. I got worried about Natsuki's ending, tbh. She's the main love interest at chapter one, thank goodness she got paired off with the bestfriend HSHHAHSHA it was reallt funny too!

Akuta never changed, and it made me sigh in relief. Although Miu seemed to be permanent on the timeline, she was older on the new universe. I guess she's not a kid anymore? hahaha. it was cool to see her living her dreams with Akuta. hopefully that asshole wont cheat on her HHAHAHAHAHA. i would slap him back by back, for real.

It was also awesome that the future dudes never forgot about Kogami, travelling way back in the past just to visit him. Although i wonder if future fukumoto tsukune got affected tho, did she have a child as well?

It felt like it was wrapped up neatly though. Wotaru got reborn as a child of Maria and the researcher. cjdjxja. you have no idea how much that made me happy. Sure, i despised him to the core at the old universe, but at least he became human as he wished.

Although for me, It's just sad, bros. Kaede deserves better. Kaede deserves a better ending. She deserves Kogami, she doesn't deserve to be spacing out everyday in her 5 years because she couldn't do anything to retrieve Kogami. Seeing her cry is shit. Kaede Sayano, best grill.
Magical girl apocolpyse

But in the face of despair, hope finds a way. The magical girls, determined to prevent the apocalypse, seek out ancient prophecies and hidden sources of power. They delve into forgotten realms and make alliances with other mystical beings, in their quest to unlock new abilities and levels of strength. Together, they push the boundaries of their own potential to face the challenges that lie ahead. The magical girl apocalypse, however, is not just a physical battle but also a psychological one. The girls face their deepest fears and confront their darkest secrets. The weight of their duty, the sacrifices they make, and the toll it takes on their personal lives become ever more prominent. The friendships they forge and the sacrifices they make for one another become the source of their strength. As the magical girls continue their valiant fight, the lines between good and evil begin to blur. Some girls succumb to the corrupting influence of their powers, turning against their former allies. Trust becomes a fragile thing, forcing the remaining girls to question the intentions of those they once considered friends. With each passing day, the world descends further into chaos, which seems unstoppable. The cities lie in ruins, and humanity desperately searches for a glimmer of hope. It is in this bleak landscape that the magical girls must ultimately face their greatest test - to rediscover what it truly means to be a hero and to decide whether the ends justify the means. The magical girl apocalypse is an epic tale of self-discovery, sacrifice, and the relentless battle between light and darkness. Through trials and tribulations, the magical girls must navigate a treacherous path, learning the true extent of their power and the consequences of their choices. Only by overcoming their own inner demons can they hope to save the world from an irreversible catastrophe..

Reviews for "Deconstructing the Magical Girl: Examining the Subversion of Tropes in the Apocalypse"

1. Emily - 2 stars - I was really excited to read "Magical Girl Apocalypse" as I am a fan of both magical girl anime and apocalyptic settings. However, I found the execution of the concept to be quite disappointing. The storyline felt rushed and lacked depth, leaving many unanswered questions. The characters were also underdeveloped, making it difficult for me to connect with them or care about their fate. Additionally, the violence and gore depicted in the manga felt excessive and unnecessary, overshadowing the potential for a compelling story. Overall, "Magical Girl Apocalypse" left me feeling unsatisfied and wishing for a more fleshed-out and engaging narrative.
2. Matthew - 1 star - I couldn't even finish "Magical Girl Apocalypse". The artwork was messy and hard to follow, making it difficult to discern what was happening in many panels. The dialogue felt disjointed and unnatural, with characters constantly spouting clichés and unnecessary exposition. The plot itself was extremely predictable, offering nothing new or refreshing to the genre. Moreover, the overuse of shock value and gruesome imagery further detracted from any potential enjoyment I could have derived from the manga. In my opinion, "Magical Girl Apocalypse" fails at every level and is not worth anyone's time.
3. Jessica - 2 stars - While I appreciated the unique combination of magical girl elements and a post-apocalyptic setting in "Magical Girl Apocalypse", I found the story to be convoluted and confusing. The pacing was all over the place, rushing through important plot points and lingering unnecessarily on gory scenes. The characters lacked depth and development, making it hard for me to invest in their struggles or even remember their names. Additionally, the depiction of female characters felt somewhat misogynistic, reducing them to sexualized objects rather than empowering magical girls. Overall, "Magical Girl Apocalypse" had potential but fell short of delivering an engaging and meaningful narrative.

The Magical Girl Revolution: Challenging Gender Roles in the Apocalyptic World

The Art of Survival: Strategies and Tactics of Magical Girls in the Apocalypse