Unveiling the Mysteries of Apoison Magic

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Magic Steeped in Apoison Magic has always been a realm of fascination and intrigue. It has captured the hearts and minds of people throughout the ages, beckoning them with promises of power, wonder, and escape from the mundane realities of everyday life. However, there exists a darker, more sinister side to magic – a side steeped in apoison that can corrupt and consume those who dare to dabble in its forbidden secrets. The allure of harnessing supernatural forces is undeniably seductive. The ability to bend reality to one's will, to make the impossible possible, is a temptation that few can resist. But this power comes at a price, and the cost of tampering with forces beyond comprehension can be dire.

For Ning, the only thing worse than losing her mother is knowing that it’s her own fault. She was the one who unknowingly brewed the poison tea that killed her―the poison tea that now threatens to also take her sister, Shu.

Like, girl, did you not run away from home just so you can try your best to win a favour from a princess to save your sister who s on her deathbed and only able to hang on because of the experimental antidotes she ingests. Filled with beautiful imagery and rich depictions of Chinese culture , A Magic Steeped in Poison is the first book in a duology featuring a girl named Ning who can perform magical feats using tea, desperately trying to save her dying sister whom she accidentally poisoned along with their mother.

Magic steeeped in apoison

But this power comes at a price, and the cost of tampering with forces beyond comprehension can be dire. Apoison, in the context of magic, refers to a malevolent energy that pervades certain spells, rituals, or artifacts. It taints the very fabric of magic, infusing it with darkness and destruction.

[Review] A Magic Steeped in Poison by Judy I Lin

A Magic Steeped in Poison by Judy I Lin
Series: The Book of Tea, #1
Published: 2022 by Feiwel and Friends
Genre(s): Young Adult, Fantasy
Book Depository

Filled with beautiful imagery and rich depictions of Chinese culture, A Magic Steeped in Poison is the first book in a duology featuring a girl named Ning who can perform magical feats using tea, desperately trying to save her dying sister whom she accidentally poisoned along with their mother. In an attempt to achieve this goal, Ning heads over to the imperial palace to compete in a competition where the winner is allowed one favour from the princess. However, things don’t go smoothly for her because of saboteurs and issues brought forth by her lack of awareness, knowledge and social status.

Despite all the aforementioned problems normally being what I enjoy reading about, I found myself feeling very lukewarm toward the book. Although reading A Magic Steeped in Poison was a practice in holding back my hunger and refraining from being tempted by the many delicious descriptions of tea and food, it also was boring because it took a long time for the interesting and crucial parts to develop. The pacing was really off because on one hand, we have a dying sister but then on the other, there’s this competition that’s taking weeks to progress and a lot of other events taking the tension and anxiety away from that sister’s impending death. Honestly, it felt like the story kicked off at the first page but only truly continued in the last few chapters. Everything else in between had filler vibes.

The romance also felt out of place as I thought it was too much for Ning to fall in insta-love with a stranger (attributing their strong attraction to the powers of the magical tea they drank together is questionable too) while her sister is dying. Like, girl, did you not run away from home just so you can try your best to win a favour from a princess to save your sister who’s on her deathbed and only able to hang on because of the experimental antidotes she ingests? FOCUS, please!

Other than that, I’m disappointed by the flat characters. There’s been a lot of care placed on the tea, the food and the culture but not enough of the same care was given to developing the characters into more complex ones. Sure, there were some internal struggles Ning had but they were too little and came too late. Nevertheless, I’m optimistic that it’ll get better in the sequel as there won’t be a competition limiting anything.

All in all, A Magic Steeped in Poison wasn’t a bad read, but it wasn’t entirely good either. I look forward to how everything develops further in the second book, though I’m not going to have high hopes—just in case.

Judy I. Lin was born in Taiwan and immigrated to Canada with her family at a young age. She grew up with her nose in a book and loved to escape to imaginary worlds. She now works as an occupational therapist and still spends her nights dreaming up imaginary worlds of her own. She lives on the Canadian prairies with her husband and daughter. judyilin.com
Magic steeeped in apoison

Those who succumb to its allure risk losing themselves, their morality, and the very essence of their being. The effects of magic steeped in apoison can be manifold. It may consume the caster, twisting their intentions and poisoning their soul. What was once a desire for knowledge or power becomes an insatiable hunger, driving the user to greater and more dangerous acts. Their actions become increasingly self-serving, manipulative, and devoid of compassion or empathy. Furthermore, magic steeped in apoison can manifest in physical ways as well. Spells and enchantments cast with this tainted magic may have unintended consequences, inflicting harm or causing chaos. The very nature of these spells becomes corrupted, twisting what was meant to bring light and goodness into something dark and destructive. Legends and stories from across cultures warn of the dangers of tampering with magic steeped in apoison. They speak of individuals who became consumed by their desires for power, ultimately bringing about their own downfall. These cautionary tales serve as reminders that not all magic is benevolent, and that there are consequences to meddling with forces beyond our understanding. In conclusion, magic steeped in apoison serves as a haunting reminder of the perils and temptations that come with unlocking the secrets of the supernatural. It serves as a cautionary tale, urging us to approach magic with humility, respect, and a deep understanding of the consequences that may follow. For those who dare to venture into realms of unknown, it is crucial to be vigilant and mindful of the poison that may lurk within..

Reviews for "Apoison Magic: Unraveling the Power of Toxins"

- Sarah - 2 stars - I wanted to like "Magic Steeped in A Poison" because the premise seemed intriguing. However, I found the story to be slow and confusing. The world-building was not well-developed, leaving me with more questions than answers. Additionally, I didn't connect with any of the characters, and found their motivations to be unclear. Overall, I was disappointed with this book and wouldn't recommend it to others.
- John - 3 stars - While "Magic Steeped in A Poison" had some interesting elements, I couldn't fully get into the story. The pacing was uneven, with long stretches of exposition followed by rushed action sequences. The writing style also felt disjointed, making it difficult for me to immerse myself in the narrative. I appreciate the author's attempt at creating a unique magical system, but it felt underdeveloped and lacked depth. Overall, I think this book has potential but falls short in execution.
- Emily - 2.5 stars - As a fan of fantasy novels, I was excited to dive into "Magic Steeped in A Poison". However, I quickly felt overwhelmed by the complex world-building and convoluted plot. The author introduced too many subplots and characters, making it hard to keep track of who was who and what was happening. Despite the intriguing premise, I found myself struggling to stay engaged with the story. The writing style was also a bit dry and lacked emotional depth. Unfortunately, this book didn't live up to my expectations.

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