Unlocking Forbidden Knowledge: Journeying with the Magical Beast Pathfinder

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A magical beast pathfinder is a unique and extraordinary creature that possesses the ability to navigate through unknown terrains with ease and precision. These pathfinders are often sought after by explorers and adventurers who desire to venture into uncharted territories and discover hidden treasures. Although magical beast pathfinders come in various forms and sizes, they all share a common trait – their innate magical abilities. These creatures are believed to have a deep connection with the magical energies of the land, allowing them to tap into and harness these energies to guide themselves and others through unfamiliar and treacherous landscapes. The unique abilities of a magical beast pathfinder make it an invaluable asset in any quest for discovery. These creatures can sense danger, locate hidden passageways, and find shortcuts that would otherwise go unnoticed.

After you've caught a beast, you can look at it by going to the Menu → Inventory → Beasts. If the same star symbol appears by the name of a creature on this screen then you know this beast is shiny.

If you cast awaken again, any previously awakened creatures remain friendly to you, but they no longer undertake tasks for you unless it is in their best interests. Just like how there are shiny Pokémon in Game Freaks popular game series, there are different colored variants of the 13 magical beasts in Hogwarts Legacy.

Magial beast pathfindeer

These creatures can sense danger, locate hidden passageways, and find shortcuts that would otherwise go unnoticed. Their heightened senses and acute awareness of their surroundings enable them to detect even the most subtle changes in the environment, making them ideal guides for those in search of adventure and fortune. Magical beast pathfinders are not only adept at navigating physical landscapes but are also known to possess the uncanny ability to navigate through magical barriers and enchantments.

Pathfinder 1E Creating a pegasus (or other non-speaking Magical Beast) PC.

I've liked the idea of playing a pegasus PC for a long time, long before I became a fan of My Little Pony. It would have limitations, but ones which are fun to play. Something like a pegasus Monk or pegasus Cleric could be quite fun.

Minimal dexterity is easy to acquire for 900 GP (Amulet of Hand of the Mage) or 2500 GP (Mage Hand + Permanancy). But pegasi, although having human-level intelligence do not speak. Unicorns have it easier, they can speak common.

Animals have Awaken, which does rather more, but there's nothing for granting speech to a magical beast.

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First Post

My druid liked to cast the third level anthropomorphic animal spell while in wild shape as a huge saber-tooth tiger.

"Professor Tiger" would wear scholar's robes and glasses with a pipe, and carry a Shillelagh.

For fun he would sometimes make appearances in town with his hands positioned backwards (rakshasa style).

Stainless Steel Fox

First Post

My druid liked to cast the third level anthropomorphic animal spell while in wild shape as a huge saber-tooth tiger.

"Professor Tiger" would wear scholar's robes and glasses with a pipe, and carry a Shillelagh.

For fun he would sometimes make appearances in town with his hands positioned backwards (rakshasa style).

That's awesome! I'm currently running a Kitsune Wizard. And I have taken Nine-Tails Inheritor. I took the spell Fly as soon as I hit 5th, and I'm going large on Item Crafting Feats. All I need now is a blue hedgehog as a familiar.

I don't think Tongues would work, as while it doesn't say anything explicitly about needing to be able to speak already to use it, it does say you can't communicate with those races who don't speak. So it's iffy. Telepathy with Permanancy would work, or a Helm of Telepathy, for communicating, but if you wanted to play a caster, you'd be stuck. No somatic components already cuts out most Arcane classes, but can you use telepathy to cast verbal components?


First Post

Another useful druid spell is Beastspeak (10 minutes per level).

When you're in the form of an animal (such as when you are using wild shape or are affected by a polymorph effect), you can speak normally, including when you cast spells with verbal components, and you sound like your normal self when you speak. You can cast this spell while in animal form, using animal-appropriate somatic components.

However I do not believe you can make a creature speak who has never spoken before.
For that you would need the fifth level druid spell Awaken, which should also work on magical beasts.

You awaken a tree or animal to human-like sentience. To succeed, you must make a Will save (DC 10 + the animal's current HD, or the HD the tree will have once awakened). The awakened animal or tree is friendly toward you. You have no special empathy or connection with a creature you awaken, although it serves you in specific tasks or endeavors if you communicate your desires to it. If you cast awaken again, any previously awakened creatures remain friendly to you, but they no longer undertake tasks for you unless it is in their best interests.

An awakened tree has characteristics as if it were an animated object, except that it gains the plant type and its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores are each 3d6. An awakened plant gains the ability to move its limbs, roots, vines, creepers, and so forth, and it has senses similar to a human's.

An awakened animal gets 3d6 Intelligence, +1d3 Charisma, and +2 HD. Its type becomes magical beast (augmented animal). An awakened animal can't serve as an animal companion, familiar, or special mount.

An awakened tree or animal can speak one language that you know, plus one additional language that you know per point of Intelligence bonus (if any). This spell does not function on an animal or plant with an Intelligence greater than 2.

"Professor Tiger" would wear scholar's robes and glasses with a pipe, and carry a Shillelagh.
Magial beast pathfindeer

They can detect and decipher magical signatures, allowing them to traverse even the most enchanted forests and mysterious realms. The process of acquiring the assistance of a magical beast pathfinder can be challenging. They are elusive creatures that tend to inhabit remote and inaccessible regions. Seekers must possess great determination, patience, and a deep understanding of the magical forces that govern their existence to successfully locate and establish a connection with these creatures. Once a bond is formed between a magical beast pathfinder and an individual, a lifelong partnership is often forged. These loyal creatures are known to develop a strong sense of allegiance towards their chosen companion, offering their unwavering guidance and protection throughout their shared adventures. In conclusion, magical beast pathfinders are extraordinary creatures endowed with exceptional magical abilities. Their unique talents make them an invaluable asset for any explorer or adventurer in search of uncharted lands and hidden treasures. Their acute senses, innate magical awareness, and ability to navigate through both physical and magical barriers make them the ultimate guide in the pursuit of discovery and adventure..

Reviews for "The Influence of the Magical Beast Pathfinder on Modern Fantasy Literature"

1. Jane123 - ★☆☆☆☆
I found "Magical Beast Pathfinder" to be incredibly disappointing. The characters were one-dimensional and lacking depth, making it difficult to connect with them or care about their journey. The plot itself seemed disjointed and poorly developed, with random events thrown in without any real purpose or impact on the overall story. Additionally, the writing style was clunky and lacked finesse, making it hard to stay engaged. Overall, I was left unimpressed and wouldn't recommend this book to anyone seeking an immersive and well-crafted fantasy adventure.
2. Bookworm87 - ★★☆☆☆
While the concept behind "Magical Beast Pathfinder" had potential, the execution fell flat for me. The pacing was incredibly slow, with long stretches of mundane dialogue and little action to keep me engaged. The world-building felt incomplete and lacked the depth that is necessary for a fantasy novel. Furthermore, the characters seemed to lack any real growth or development, which left me feeling disconnected from their struggles and triumphs. Overall, I had high hopes for this book but found it to be underwhelming and would not recommend it to avid readers of the fantasy genre.

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