Comparing the Magic Mouse to other computer mice: Is it really magical?

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The Magic Mouse, developed by Apple, is a wireless computer mouse that aims to provide a seamless and intuitive experience for its users. With its sleek design and innovative features, the Magic Mouse is often praised for its aesthetics and functionality. However, the question arises: is it worth the expenditure? One of the main attractions of the Magic Mouse is its multi-touch surface, which allows users to interact with their computer in a way that feels more natural and intuitive. The ability to swipe, scroll, and gesture effortlessly adds a level of convenience and ease of use that is unmatched by traditional computer mice. This feature alone makes the Magic Mouse a worthwhile investment for those who value ergonomic design and user-friendly functionality. Another important aspect to consider is the build quality and durability of the Magic Mouse.

healthy in same package!

When I walk to the big door that is behind the statue and then go all the way to the right, into that one room and back outside again, I get a black screen. Unlike priests who devote themselves to worship, yellow mages use their occult powers to further their own interests and agendas, viewing gods as simply existing in their world.

Eclipse talisman fear and hynnger

Another important aspect to consider is the build quality and durability of the Magic Mouse. Apple is renowned for its attention to detail and high-quality products, and the Magic Mouse is no exception. It is solidly constructed and feels comfortable in the hand, making it suitable for prolonged use without causing fatigue.

Fear & Hunger

I can't tell if it's a bug or not but every now and then I can only attack one body part until it disappears and it gets really frustrating during boss fights where I NEED to attack the arms and legs and it targets the main body which has several times as much health.

Like no matter how much I move the selector it always stays on a certain body part

Hey! By any chance do you have your mouse cursor over the screen? The mouse cursor can overlap the keyboard commands.

I remember it being mentioned that we can grow limbs back now. Any hints how to do that and figure that out? Does it also include growing back legs? Cos I jumped into a hole and broke my legs cos my curiosity got the better of me.

I'd like to know this, too

Tomb of the gods got what you want.

and where is that cause I had NO arms since the beginning of the game.

It's after Level 7.

kuuujo 4 years ago (1 edit)

I jumped into the toilet hole. Please tell me it's not how it looks like.

Time to start again.

Spanier489 4 years ago (1 edit)

Sorry for bothering you again but here is this really nasty bug which happens in the ancient city (City after the Catacombs).

When I walk to the big door that is behind the statue and then go all the way to the right, into that one room and back outside again, I get a black screen.

I still hear the foot steps, the music is still playing and the letters in the left upper corner even tell you in which area you are but there is a black screen.

No matter in which direction I leave that room I always get a black screen.

That sounds like the bug Neco got in one of his recent videos about the game. He fixed it by, amazingly, walking his way to one of those bells that change between past and present.

When its the past the bug appears.

When its the present it doesnt.

You can avoid the bug but a fix would be nice.

Yes I'm trying to get a fix for the next update. You can expect it tomorrow or day after that.

I looove this game. Saw it on John Wolfe's first look - announced I'd buy it - I always keep my promises ;> I think it's amazing (absolutely so) that all of this was done on RPGmaker too!! I forgot to mention that in my comment. The art, the randomization, all of it. Awesome job. Can't wait for all the bugs to be smoothed out as well, haha.

John Wolfe is the reason I bought the game too. He's a great YouTuber.

Hey thanks! :-D I'm glad you like it! I'm working on the smoothing bugs part. John Wolfe really brought a lot of people here. He's one of my favourite youtubers, so I was really excited to see the game covered by him!

Mask 4 years ago (1 edit)

I have completed an update for the Fear & Hunger Rebalance modification. It is now compatible with the latest version.

This mod is a demo focusing on the early areas of the game, rebalancing enemies near the start of the game, as well as the States system, the Defence/Armour system, Hunger, and fixing several bugs. It also has an unlimited save book, for bug-testing and as an easy difficulty option.

I also have a bug to report!

It happens every now and then! When I kill an enemy and it kills me in the last move before it disappears, I sometimes don't die.

What I mean by this is that my character is considered dead and his health is zero whenever I bring up the character screen! I cant use any items on him but his hunger and mind still go down. Whenever I enter battle within this dead state, My character appears dead and they skip his turn. Within a few turns, he's considered dead and the game ends.

Its minor but it still happens every now and then.

Oh thanks for letting me know! This hasn't happened to me, but seems like an annoyance for sure! I might have an idea what could be causing this.

When entering new ma'hambre, going right and up a screen darkens the screen to a pitch black with a tower is looming message. Going back does not undim the screen, forcing a reset. Can this be fixed in the next patch?

Yes absolutely! I'll get an update done this week. This is the biggest bug with the latest version. I heard that you get your vision back if you head back to the city center.

Hi, also, my partner came across this within the dream sequence and it doesn’t seem intentional? the screen ends where the knight is. there was also more glitches surrounding this area.

AFriendlyNeighborHood 4 years ago (1 edit)

What am I supposed to do? I'm in the city of gods and I don't know what to do! I think I'm supposed to fight the Grandma boss but I can't beat it as I have no arms (Really bad RNG) and D'arce only has one and the little girl isn't much help. I'm running out of food and slowly I'm slowly dying from hunger. Is there anyway to get the Outlander as a follower or the Dark Priest?

Also does the Crow Emblem Key go anywhere? I managed to defeat most of the side bosses (Crow mauler, That weird bird thing, etc , etc ) mostly by having D'arce using Miasma (Got from a glitch that allowed me to attack the door leading to it repeatedly)

Overall Great Game and Amazing Atmosphere!

The Crow Key is used near the start of the game, not far from the bed. I think that's close enough without spoilers.

You can go to the Wolf Cult in the mines to refill everyone's hunger, if you're desperate. 50% chance of dying.

You can look for spell books in the libraries, sacrifice people, or use soul stones to learn spells, which tend to be far stronger than melee.

Outlander, you have to talk to him in the rabbit courtyard, then find him in the tree.

Dark priest, you have to talk to him twice and no more, in the library just before the rabbits, then in the library below near Legarde. You have to give him an eclipse talisman, which I think you get from the yellow mages.

Hope this helps!

What bed and in what level? I killed the yellow mages and they only had soul stones.

You have to talk to the yellow mages to get the amulet

The crow bed, in the basement area. From the start of the game, you can get there by going left. It is near Iron Shakespeare.

i asked about getting a steam key for those who have bought the game sometime ago. now i wanted to ask again but other than this comment section i have no idea where to ask. if someone could help me with an adress or an link i would be really happy.

sorry again for the bad english, i am trying my best here.

hey there, join the discord channel qnd we'll get you sorted out!

Kevin30232 4 years ago (1 edit)

Do you have a Link for Discord?

Edit:Ok found it, im pretty new to itchio sorry XD

Hey there! I'm loving the game so far. I just wanted to report on a bug, plus a suggestion.

It happenned to me on a run with dark priest + the girl, after the tree area, once I reached the chained dead man, after interacting and the dialogue telling you there is nothing else to do in the dungeon, I tried interacting with the man again and a dialogue with D'arcy (who was not on my party) played out where she basically gasped and mourned over a complete black screen (I'm guessing this is a bug, I was really puzzled when I saw it happen).

On a another topic, I'd like to suggest perhaps a way to prevent multiple copies of a same book to be obtained during one playthrough. It's really annoying to get two torn pages, or two Anatomia or other types of books that are of no use once you got one of them already. It feels like a wasted opportunity to get something good, and libraries are rather rare in the game. So, ideally they would be non-repeatable. Of course that wouldn't apply to empty scrolls or books of enlightenment.

Is the magic mouse worth the expenditure

The mouse is also designed to be resistant to scratches and wear, ensuring that it will maintain its appearance and functionality over time. Additionally, the Magic Mouse integrates seamlessly with Apple devices, thanks to its Bluetooth connectivity. This means that Mac users can enjoy a wireless and clutter-free workspace, without the need for a separate dongle or receiver. The mouse can also be easily paired with other Apple devices, such as iPads and iPhones, allowing for seamless transitions between devices. That being said, the Magic Mouse does have its drawbacks. Some users have reported experiencing discomfort or hand cramps after extended use, due to its flat and low-profile design. Additionally, the Magic Mouse is not ambidextrous, meaning it is only suitable for right-handed users. This can limit its usability for those who are left-handed or prefer to switch hands while using a mouse. In terms of cost, the Magic Mouse may be considered pricey compared to other wireless mouse options on the market. However, it is important to note that Apple products generally command a premium price due to their brand reputation and the quality they deliver. Ultimately, whether the Magic Mouse is worth the expenditure depends on the individual's needs and preferences. If you value a sleek, ergonomic design, seamless integration with Apple devices, and the ability to navigate your computer with intuitive gestures, then the Magic Mouse may be a worthwhile investment. However, if you prioritize cost or need a mouse that is ambidextrous, the Magic Mouse may not be the best choice for you..

Reviews for "Is the Magic Mouse worth the expenditure for productivity and efficiency?"

1. John - 2 stars - The magic mouse is overhyped and overpriced. I was expecting a lot more from a product with such a high price tag. The scrolling feature is not smooth and it often jumps from one place to another. Additionally, the ergonomics of the mouse are poor, causing discomfort and strain in the hand during prolonged use. Overall, I regret spending so much money on a mouse that fails to deliver on its promises.
2. Sarah - 2 stars - I found the magic mouse to be extremely uncomfortable to use. The flat design and lack of grips made it difficult to hold for long periods of time. The gestures and touch sensitivity were also not very responsive and required multiple attempts to execute properly. Furthermore, the battery life was disappointing, requiring frequent charging. Considering the price, I expected a much better user experience and functionality. I would not recommend spending money on this mouse.
3. David - 1 star - Do not waste your money on the magic mouse. It is a complete letdown. The lack of physical buttons makes it challenging to navigate and perform simple tasks. The constant need to swipe and tap for basic actions gets frustrating quickly. The Bluetooth connection is also unreliable, frequently dropping or lagging. Save yourself the disappointment and invest in a more reliable and user-friendly mouse instead.
4. Emily - 2 stars - I had high hopes for the magic mouse, but it turned out to be far from magical. The touch-sensitive surface is not intuitive and often misinterprets gestures, leading to frustration and wasted time. The lack of a scroll wheel is a major drawback, making it difficult to navigate through long documents or websites. The sleek design may look appealing, but it sacrifices functionality and comfort. For the price, I expected a much better experience overall.
5. Michael - 3 stars - While the magic mouse has some innovative features, I don't believe it is worth the hefty price. The touch gestures are hit or miss, sometimes working flawlessly and other times feeling unresponsive. The lack of customizable buttons and limited ergonomic design are major downsides. I also found the mouse to be too small for my hand, causing discomfort during extended use. Overall, it's an average mouse with a premium price tag, and there are better options available for a lower cost.

Is the Apple Magic Mouse overrated or worth the investment?

A comprehensive review of the Magic Mouse: Is it worth the splurge?