A Guide to Casting the Hue Amalgamation Spell

By admin

A hue amalgamation spell is a magical incantation or ritual that merges or combines different colors or hues together. This spell is often utilized by practitioners of magic, especially those with an affinity for illusions or the manipulation of light and energy. The purpose of a hue amalgamation spell can vary depending on the intention of the spellcaster. It can be used to create unique or customized colors that do not exist in nature or to enhance the appearance of existing colors by adding depth and complexity. This spell is particularly popular among artists, designers, and those who work with visual mediums, as it offers a way to expand their creative possibilities and express themselves in new and captivating ways. The process of casting a hue amalgamation spell typically involves using visualization techniques and focusing one's energy and intention towards the desired outcome.

Hue amalgamation spell

The process of casting a hue amalgamation spell typically involves using visualization techniques and focusing one's energy and intention towards the desired outcome. Some spellcasters may also incorporate physical objects or materials that represent the colors they wish to merge, such as pigments, gemstones, or even light sources. These elements help to anchor and amplify the spell's effects, allowing for a stronger and more precise amalgamation of hues.

Jade Cocoon

Before we begin talking about merging in detail let me emphasis once more that the merging possibilities in this game are massive. How massive are we talking about? For this update alone I went through every single merging path of the 8 different creatures I caught offscreen. The result is 50+ different merges. Flexing the arithmetic muscles a bit, this means for all 171 minions in this game the amount of possible merges amounts to 50000+ only accounting for the basic form of a minion. This number goes even higher if you take into account that you can merge minions you merged before again adding another 342 possibilities (since position in a merge matters) for every single of the 50000+ merges we already have. And there is no limit to merging a creature raising the number even higher.
This is the reason I won’t show of all possible merges; because it is impossible to get it done in a timely fashion.

Now with that out of the way let’s look at the minion we got from Koris.

The basic stats explain themself: Attack governs physical attacks, Defense governs physical defense and so on.

Let’s move on to the things that really matter for merging creatures. First of are elemental properties.

As you can see in the above picture the little blue dragon we got from Koris is fully aligned to the element water. With the words of Koris in mind this means that it’s strong against fire and weak against earth. So far so good. However they also influences damage of elemental attacks. To showcase this let’s look at the attacks the little dragon got.

As you can see the minion possesses both a physical and a magical attack with water properties(see the blue tint). To acquire further attacks merging is needed. For magical attacks it is as simple as fusing together the minion with a minion that has the desired spell. For physical attacks however your minion needs to have a physical trait in his ancestry: Meaning to get a Horn attack someone in his ancestry needs a horn, to get a Claw attack he needs to have claws etc. The second column in the table with physical attacks is for additional effects that show up later like +critical and +accuracy strengthening these special attacks.

Now let’s get back to what I meant with elemental properties influencing the damage of these attacks. Elemental properties in this game are pretty simple. A fully aligned minion like the dragon above has 100 points in water and no points in the other elements. Once you merge him with a minion of a different element the points change to 50/50. Merge him again with a pure water minion and it would change to 75/25 and so on for additional merges. While you might gain new resistances and attacks, your attacks and spells of for instance the water element are about 50% weaker (in case of the 50/50 merge) from the time you were fully water aligned. If you are not careful in your merges your special attacks targeting a potential weakness might be even weaker than a regular attack. This is especially true for creatures that attack with magic since they won’t have a normal attack to compensate for it. Therefore it tends to be smarter to keep most creatures restricted to a single element. Once we get more minions and attacks that aren’t influenced by elemental properties (for physical special attacks at least) the gained resistances can be pretty helpful but always remember that you get weaknesses to opposing elements along with them.

Now let’s return to the stat page for the second important thing in merges.

See the little diagram in the right bottom corner? This shows the current growth rates for the minion in question. Since growths are entirely linear in this game manipulating this diagram, while managing elemental properties and special attacks as well as spells, is the key to create strong minions. As you can probably infer from the diagram you cannot have a minion that is strong in both physical attacks and magic nor can you have a fast and defensive minion. These are exclusive to each other and work against the opposing growth rate. Since you can hit weaknesses both with magic and with physical attacks, specialization is the key to success. For a physical minion you want to move the red dot towards Attack and either Speed or Defense depending on what you favor while for a magical inclined minion Magic/Speed seems to be the best choice seeing how Attack also governs HP while Magic governs Mana giving a magically inclined minion not enough HP for a defensive build. Jack of all trades tend to just drag their feet in this game and make it unnecessarily hard on you.

With this you know the basics to create a powerful minion. For the aesthetically inclined be warned that minions in this game grow as you level them. For merged creatures this means that their body parts grow differently in according to how it would have grown on its parents. This means if you merge together a minion with a huge jaw and one with a small face it will grow into getting an even bigger jaw while hardly changing his facial structure possibly creating hilarious abominations.
Secondly merges work as follows: The resulting minion will have the general build of the base (e.g. the first selected minion) and gain traits of the secondary minion. If you change the order you get a totally different looking minion.

Now with the explanation done let’s meet the other minions I already caught offscreen and show of the massive amount of merges possible with just them.

Spells: Agni (weak single target fire spell)
Special Attacks: -

Spells: Medina (weak single target heal spell)
Special Attacks: Horn: Water Attack

Now with the explanation done let’s meet the other minions I already caught offscreen and show of the massive amount of merges possible with just them.
Hue amalgamation spell

It is important to note that casting a hue amalgamation spell requires knowledge and mastery of color theory and manipulation. Understanding how different colors interact and relate to each other is essential in creating harmonious and aesthetically pleasing blends. Additionally, the spellcaster must possess a certain level of skill and control over their magical abilities to ensure a successful and desired outcome. In conclusion, a hue amalgamation spell is a powerful magical practice that allows spellcasters to merge and combine different colors or hues. It offers a way to create unique and captivating colors, enhance existing ones, and expand creative possibilities. However, it requires skill, knowledge, and intention to effectively cast this spell and achieve the desired results..

Reviews for "Balancing Energies with the Hue Amalgamation Spell"

- John Doe - 1 star
I was really excited to try the Hue amalgamation spell, but unfortunately, it didn't deliver what it promised. The colors didn't blend smoothly and the final result looked messy and uneven. It was a total waste of my time and money. I would not recommend this spell to anyone looking for seamless color combinations.
- Jane Smith - 2 stars
I had high hopes for the Hue amalgamation spell, but I must say, I was quite disappointed. The instructions were unclear and confusing, and despite following them carefully, I couldn't achieve the desired color effect. The spell also required too many materials that were hard to find, making it an inconvenience. I would suggest looking for alternative spells that are more user-friendly and produce better results.
- Mark Johnson - 1 star
I don't understand the hype surrounding the Hue amalgamation spell. The spell claimed to create stunning color blends, but all I got was a muddy mess. It was frustrating to spend time and effort on something that didn't live up to its promises. The spell needs to be improved or taken off the market altogether.
- Sarah Thompson - 2 stars
I found the Hue amalgamation spell to be quite underwhelming. The colors didn't blend well together and the end result looked dull and unappealing. I followed the instructions meticulously, but the spell just didn't deliver the vibrant and harmonious hues it claimed to produce. I would recommend exploring other options before committing to this spell.

The Science behind the Hue Amalgamation Spell

Amplifying Intuition with the Hue Amalgamation Spell