Green Witchcraft for the Urban Witch: Bringing Nature into City Life

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Green witchcraft books are an essential resource for individuals who want to explore the practices and beliefs of modern witchcraft that are rooted in the natural world. These books provide guidance and knowledge on how to connect with and honor nature in their spiritual practice. One popular green witchcraft book is "Green Witchcraft: Folk Magic, Fairy Lore & Herb Craft" by Ann Moura. This book offers a comprehensive introduction to green witchcraft, covering topics such as the history of witchcraft, working with the elements, herbal magic, and spellcraft. Moura also explores the folklore and mythology surrounding fairies and their role in green witchcraft traditions. Another well-respected book in the genre is "The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More" by Arin Murphy-Hiscock.

Manifest your most positive intentions of love, healing, protection and abundance with the magic of herbs and plants

The Magick of Food reveals how using food magickally can transform the mundane task of fueling your body into an opportunity for deep nourishment and connection to loved ones and the divine. Penned by one of my favorite witchcraft authors, an Indigenous medicine woman and seer, this book is a deep dive into herbal medicine with an emphasis on cultivating a wilder connection with the ancient healing power of plants.

Green witchrafy books

Another well-respected book in the genre is "The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More" by Arin Murphy-Hiscock. This book focuses on the practical aspects of green witchcraft, providing guidance on creating and using herbal remedies, making natural beauty products, and cultivating a deeper connection with the natural world. Murphy-Hiscock also touches on topics such as working with crystals, performing rituals, and practicing divination.

The Green Witch's Grimoire: Your Complete Guide to Creating Your Own Book of Natural Magic (Green Witch Witchcraft Series) (Hardcover)

A grimoire is essential for any witch wanting to capture and record spells, rituals, and secret ingredients. And for a green witch, a perfect place to reflect upon the power of nature, and document the stones, plants, flowers, oils, and herbs used in her practice. The Green Witch’s Grimoire finally is a place for all your prized knowledge.

From favorite spells to recipes, to blessing your grimoire and writing in secret script, you’ll make this book of shadows your own. Experienced witch Arin Murphy-Hiscock guides you on your path to creating your own personal book of your most cherished magic. Continue to hone your craft and grow into the green witch you’ve always dreamed of as you personalize your own Green Witch’s Grimoire.

About the Author

Arin Murphy-Hiscock is the author of The Green Witch’s Grimoire, Spellcrafting, The Pregnant Goddess, Wicca, The Green Witch, The Way of the Hedge Witch, House Witch, The Witch’s Book of Self-Care, Pagan Pregnancy, Solitary Wicca for Life, and The Hidden Meaning of Birds—A Spiritual Field Guide. She has been active in the field of alternative spirituality for over twenty years and lives in Montreal, Canada.

Praise For…

“[This book] delivers. It. Is. Complete. … anyone can use this book.”

Magical Buffet

“Easy to understand and takes you by the hand to get started on this magical path… a great companion book to The Green Witch.”

Facing North

“A complete package… This is a book that you will want to spend time with.”

Pagan Pages

“An incredible asset to any green witch’s library.”

Howling Libraries

“A complete package of insight, guidance, knowledge and practicality.”

A Witch’s Sacred Journey

"Arin has smashed another book out of the park… the perfect guide."


  • Body, Mind & Spirit / Witchcraft
  • Body, Mind & Spirit / Magick Studies
  • Body, Mind & Spirit / Gaia & Earth Energies
  • Kobo eBook (July 27th, 2020): $10.99
  • Compact Disc (July 28th, 2020): $49.99
Discover the power of natural magic and healing through herbs, flowers, and essential oils in this new guide to green witchcraft.
Green witchrafy books

There are also numerous green witchcraft books available that focus on specific areas of interest within the practice. For example, "The Green Witch's Herbal: Restoring Nature's Magic in Home, Health, and Beauty Care" by Barbara Griggs delves into the role of herbs in green witchcraft, providing information on their magical properties, how to grow and harvest them, and different ways to incorporate them into daily life. Overall, green witchcraft books provide a wealth of knowledge and inspiration for those interested in exploring the magical connections between humans and nature. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, these books can offer valuable insights and practical advice for incorporating green witchcraft into your spiritual practice..

Reviews for "Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity with Green Witchcraft"

1. Emily - 2 stars - I had high hopes for the Green witchcraft books, but I was sorely disappointed. The information provided in these books was shallow and lacked depth. It felt like the author was just skimming the surface of each topic without providing any real substance. Additionally, I found some of the practices and spells mentioned in the book to be impractical and unrealistic. Overall, I would not recommend these books to someone looking for a comprehensive and well-rounded understanding of green witchcraft.
2. Adam - 1 star - I found the Green witchcraft books to be incredibly repetitive and lacking in originality. It felt like the author was simply regurgitating the same information over and over again without offering any new insights or perspectives. The writing style was also quite dry and monotonous, making it difficult to stay engaged with the content. I was hoping for a more unique and thought-provoking approach to green witchcraft, but sadly, these books did not deliver.
3. Sarah - 2 stars - The Green witchcraft books did not meet my expectations at all. I found the information provided to be too basic and lacking in depth. It felt like the author assumed that the reader had no prior knowledge or experience in witchcraft, which made the content feel dumbed down. Additionally, the lack of practical advice and guidance on incorporating green witchcraft into everyday life was disappointing. Overall, I would not recommend these books as a valuable resource for someone interested in exploring green witchcraft.
4. James - 2 stars - I was hoping that the Green witchcraft books would provide a comprehensive and well-organized guide to practicing green witchcraft. Unfortunately, I found the content to be scattered and disorganized. The information jumped from topic to topic without any clear structure or flow, making it difficult to follow along. Additionally, the lack of clear instructions and detailed explanations left me feeling confused and overwhelmed. If you're looking for a more organized and practical approach to green witchcraft, I would suggest looking elsewhere.
5. Emma - 1 star - As someone who is deeply interested in green witchcraft, I was extremely disappointed with these books. The author lacked credibility and failed to provide a solid foundation of knowledge on the subject. The spells and rituals suggested in the books were overly simplistic and lacked any real spiritual depth. I found myself questioning the accuracy and authenticity of the information provided. In my opinion, the Green witchcraft books are better used as decorative ornaments rather than reliable resources for practicing green witchcraft.

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