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The American witch book is a subgenre within the broader category of witchcraft literature. It refers specifically to books about witchcraft that are written by American authors and focus on American witchcraft traditions, practices, and history. These books explore the unique cultural and historical context of witchcraft in the United States, incorporating elements from the country's diverse spiritual and magical traditions. Many American witch books draw on Indigenous American practices, such as Native American spirituality and shamanism. They also incorporate African American folk magic, as well as the practices of other immigrant communities, such as European folk magic and Latin American brujería. These books aim to capture the rich tapestry of American magical traditions and honor the contributions of different cultures in shaping modern witchcraft in the country.

✨New item!✨
Scoundrel’s Rapier
Weapon (rapier), uncommon (requires attunement)

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The creature and the magic cutlass

These books aim to capture the rich tapestry of American magical traditions and honor the contributions of different cultures in shaping modern witchcraft in the country. American witch books often delve into the history of witchcraft in the United States, exploring significant events such as the Salem Witch Trials and their impact on contemporary witchcraft practices. They also examine the persecution and marginalization faced by witches throughout American history and highlight efforts to reclaim and celebrate witchcraft as a legitimate spiritual and magical practice.

Dungeon Strugglers

Creators of items, monsters & settings for 5e. We write and illustrate everything ourselves - support us on Patreon and get our item cards, monster pages, setting documents and more!

✨New item!✨
Mutineer’s Cutlass
Weapon (scimitar), rare (requires attunement)

A slow trickle of blood drips from the blade of this cutlass. The blood is hot to the touch, as if freshly spilled. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

The cutlass has 3 charges. When you hit a creature with this cutlass, you can expend 1 charge to force it to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the blade’s tainted blood seeps into the creature’s wound and sends it into a mutinous rage for 1 minute. Constructs are immune to this effect. While enraged, the creature cannot distinguish between friend or foe, regarding all creatures it can see as enemies. Whenever the affected creature chooses another creature as a target, it must choose the target at random from among the creatures it can see within range of the attack, spell, or other ability it’s using. If an enemy provokes an opportunity attack from the affected creature, the creature must make that attack if it is able to. An enraged creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The cutlass regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

This sinister sword was retrieved from a ship drifting in open water, strewn with the corpses of all aboard. The blade is stained with the blood of the ship’s own captain and crew, which lost its course in uncharted waters. It appears that a mutiny broke out, resulting in the crew’s total annihilation. A mutinous spirit inhabits the blade, emanating desperate bloodthirsty rage.

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📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.

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Emijis de iphone

In addition to historical and cultural context, American witch books often provide practical guidance for those interested in exploring witchcraft. They cover a wide range of topics, including spellwork, ritual practices, divination, herbalism, and astrology. Many of these books also emphasize the importance of ethics, personal empowerment, and self-discovery within the practice of witchcraft. The popularity of American witch books has grown considerably in recent years, reflecting a broader resurgence of interest in witchcraft and spirituality. These books provide a valuable resource for practitioners seeking to connect with American witchcraft traditions and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the craft. Whether readers are new to witchcraft or have been practicing for years, American witch books offer a wealth of insights and inspiration for their magical journeys..

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