Understanding the Origins of Cursed Seals in Naruto

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Cursed seals in the Naruto series are a significant plot point. They are mysterious marks that grant enhanced abilities to the one who carries them, but at a terrible cost. These seals are created by injecting a special type of ink into the individual's body, usually through a bite or a scratch. One of the most notable cursed seals is the Orochimaru's Curse Mark. This seal is given by Orochimaru, a notorious villain in the Naruto series. The Curse Mark amplifies the user's strength, speed, and chakra, but also corrupts their mind.

Why does Orochimaru put cursed seals on people?

We've seen that Orochimaru put cursed seals on some people like Sasuke, Sound Four and Anko. I never really understood why he did it. What did he get from it? At first I thought that it had to do something with body compatibility, but the origin of the cursed seal is Jūgo, not Orochimaru. Could someone explain better about the relation between Orochimaru and the cursed seals and why he put them on people?

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The Curse Mark amplifies the user's strength, speed, and chakra, but also corrupts their mind. It instills a lust for power and can turn the user into a mindless beast if not properly controlled. Sasuke Uchiha, one of the main characters, is inflicted with Orochimaru's Curse Mark during his pursuit of power.

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You might already know that Orochimaru was not able to achieve Sage mode, so this was his alternate way to achieve it in his minions. From naruto.wikia.com:

During his research of Jūgo's clan, Orochimaru eventually tracked down the power source at the Ryūchi Cave and senjutsu. Although he lacked the body and chakra reserves strong enough to learn Sage Mode,[18] Orochimaru developed another use for senjutsu chakra: the cursed seals.[57] These seals contained some of Orochimaru's senjutsu chakra mixed with the enzyme produced by Jūgo, triggering a change similar to Sage Transformation, but with different side effects. These cursed seals can be used to enhance the power of one's techniques,[58] and serve as anchors to Orochimaru's consciousness, allowing him to observe events through anyone branded by the seal. He can even be revived any number of times through the Evil Releasing Method, provided there are enough cursed seals and DNA.

His minions did become stronger with this seals. It's a shortcut to
get stronger minions as mastering sage mode naturally is not that easy. And he gave it to Sauske to trick him by helping him to give more power but his motive was to make him his next vessel.

And this cursed mark can be used like his CCTV camera and horcrux at the same time. He can be revived form the cursed mark and also get all the knowledge of event from the host, as he did with Anko in Fourth Shinobi World War.

So it's a win win situation for Orochimaru, so it's god for him to give it to so many people.

Cursed seals naruto

I want to create a character that ends up with a curse mark but I'm not that sure about how they work and everything. Please could you give me some explanations and tips on making an OC with one? Thank you

Your resident expert here, as Tema’s main OC is a curse-bearer!

Orochimaru is the only known creators of curse marks as we know them. No other characters can create a curse mark, as it is a grueling process that takes from Orochimaru as well as the host through the use of individualized Juinjutsu. Orochimaru is one of very few characters to hold all release forms, which helps him formulate the marks. Prior to the Sound Four and several similar test subjects, the curse marks were unnamed and were weak, killing more often than gifting. Heavy and highly unethical experimentation, including Anko as one subject (of ten subjects, she was the only one to survive), lead to the two main cursed seals: the Seal of Heaven and the Seal of Earth.

Only Kimimaro has the Earth seal, which consists of three curved lines outwards from a central point and includes two levels. The seal increases chakra levels, physical capabilities, and the effectiveness of ninjutsu skills.

The second, Heaven, is just as rare, with only the Sound Four, Anko, and Sasuke having it. It has the same two levels but provides more potency in that it includes Orochimaru’s own chakra. It kills more often than it can be survived, though, as the mixing of chakra is dangerous.

Your character can have either version, though I’d say avoid easy survival for Heaven and it’s hard to pull off Earth, as it doesn’t give as much benefit to Orochimaru unless the subject is extraordinarily strong.

I don’t have many literal tips for how to pull it off, but Tema’s curse mark is a bridge between Heaven and Earth, the Rengoku. Orochimaru has to put less chakra into Tema by using his daughter as a vector for the transformation, thereby destroying the daughter in the process. Avoid easy solutions, and consider what Orochimaru gets from the process.

From Tema, Orochimaru gets fast recovery time as he puts less of himself into her, a new weapon that mixes Faye’s healing powers with Tema’s physical strength and fast healing, and a new exploration as Tema is from a tribe that doesn’t practice ninjutsu and that is basically extinct due to industrialization and looting.

Cursed seals naruto

The name's Audric :) Male, a HUGE anime fan, willing to talk about pretty much anything regarding anime and video games.

The Hidden Geekiness of Madara Uchiha.

Did Naruto stop the Hyuga clan slavery against their own clan members? Some say he did but some say he didn't. I don't know which one.





Naruto didn’t need to end the Hyuuga clan slavery, because it was shown that the Hyuuga clan themselves had started to put an end to their mistreatment of the branch family from as early as the reconciliation of Neji and Hiashi during Part 1 after the former’s fight with Naruto. You could see this with how often Neji was seen in the Hyuuga compound training with his uncle and Hinata:

So it’s safe to say that both families were obviously on very good terms long before Hinata and Naruto were even a couple:

This was only further emphasised during the war, where Hiashi was seen talking to his deceased brother Hizashi, and highlighted the significance of how Neji and Hinata were now fighting alongside each other on the battlefield.

Hiashi explicitly states how now, the branch family no longer lived to serve and protect the main family, but they rather stood side by side and protected each other as equals:

This illustrated how the Hyuuga clan was no longer divided, but was instead fighting and supporting one another, regardless of whether they were from the main or the branch family. Thus, indicating that by this point, the Hyuuga clan had already abolished the slave-like mistreatment of the branch family. Naruto didn’t have to step in.

Does Neji still have the Curse seal though?

I can understand if they abolished slavery, but if the cursed seal still exists, doesn’t that mean that not by law but by just Chakra and Seals Neji is still considered a slave?

Like, he literally still has the mark that makes him a slave. It’s like saying…

“You won’t be a slave anymore. We passed a law that says it’s abolished. But, we’re going to let you keep the shackles on. We promise not to pull your chains…”

Don’t get me wrong, it’s Great that Neji and Hinata were working to abolish slavery behind the scenes, but what about the rest of the clan- or even Konoha? Both Boruto and Himawari were raised outside of the Hyuga Clan and were not subjected to that culture but, was that a fight between Hiashi, Hinata and the other clan heads of Hyuga? Or the Anbu that watch the Hyuga?

Yes Neji still had the mark, because once they were placed they couldn’t be removed, but the fact remains that the notion of a Branch family ceased to exist. Whether or not Neji still had the mark doesn’t change that. The Hyuuga were no longer branding members with the mark, and those who already had it were treated as equals. Having the mark doesn’t make him a slave, being treated as a slave does.

Good point. But could someone still use the seal against him or someone who is still branded? The jounin in the chunin exams were about to use it on Neji when he was about to kill Hinata, so that means Konoha knows how to use the seal to harm even if they aren’t Hyuga.

Nah, only a Hyuuga “Main” branch member would be able to use the Seal against him, because those secrets aren’t divulged to anyone outside of the family. With regards to the conclusion of Neji and Hinata’s fight, the Jounins weren’t about to use the Seal against him, they were simply restraining him. Because firstly, what Hayate does with his hands in the below scene:

Is different from the sign that Hiashi made when activating the Seal on Hizashi:

Secondly, Hiashi proved there that you didn’t need to touch the Seal in order to activate it, so if the Jounins were really gonna use the Seal against Neji, they would have just done so from where they were, without feeling the need to physically restrain him first.

Posted on 24 янв 2022 at 5:29PM with 95 заметок
source: madara-fate | via jikon42
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Cursed seals naruto

This leads him down a dark path as he becomes consumed by revenge and seeks to avenge his clan. Through intense training and willpower, Sasuke eventually gains control over the Curse Mark and develops his own version, known as the Cursed Seal of Heaven. Another major cursed seal in the series is the Cursed Seal of Earth. This seal is given to members of the Sound Village, Orochimaru's faction, and grants them enhanced physical abilities. Kimimaro, one of Orochimaru's loyal followers, possesses this seal and uses it to devastating effect in battles. Despite their power, cursed seals come at a great price. They drain the user's stamina and can lead to severe physical and mental side effects. Overusing the seals can push the user to the brink of death. The cursed seals also have an addictive quality, making it difficult for the user to resist their temptations and cravings. In the Naruto series, cursed seals play a significant role in character development and the overall storyline. They represent the dangers of seeking power without considering the consequences. The characters who carry these seals must face the challenges of controlling their newfound strength while battling the curses that come with it. Overall, cursed seals in Naruto embody the complex nature of power and the sacrifices one must make to obtain it. They serve as cautionary symbols, reminding characters and readers alike that unchecked ambition can lead to destruction and loss of self..

Reviews for "The Hidden Dangers of Cursed Seals in the Naruto Manga"

1. Sarah - 2/5 stars - I was really disappointed with "Cursed seals naruto". The storyline seemed unoriginal and predictable, with no major surprises or twists. The characters felt flat and one-dimensional, lacking depth and development. Additionally, the animation quality was subpar, with choppy movements and unclear action sequences. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this anime to anyone looking for a captivating and engaging series.
2. John - 1/5 stars - "Cursed seals naruto" was a complete waste of time for me. The show lacked any coherent plot and instead seemed to rely heavily on mindless action and exaggerated fight scenes. The dialogue was poorly written and felt forced, making it difficult to connect with any of the characters. I found myself unable to invest in the story or care about the outcome. If you're looking for an anime with substance and depth, definitely skip this one.
3. Emily - 2/5 stars - I had high hopes for "Cursed seals naruto", but unfortunately, it fell flat for me. The pacing was incredibly slow, dragging out the story unnecessarily and making it difficult to stay engaged. The animation quality was mediocre at best, with lackluster visuals and unimpressive character designs. The fight scenes lacked intensity and failed to excite me. Overall, I found "Cursed seals naruto" to be a dull and uninspiring anime that didn't live up to its potential.
4. Mark - 2/5 stars - "Cursed seals naruto" left me feeling underwhelmed. The plot had potential, but it was poorly executed, leaving many loose ends and unanswered questions. The character development was lacking, with most of the cast feeling like stereotypical anime archetypes. The animation was average, with nothing particularly outstanding to make it stand out from other shows in its genre. Overall, "Cursed seals naruto" failed to leave a lasting impression and left me disappointed.

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