Guardians of the Curse: Protecting the Secrets of the Passed Immortals

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The Curse of the Passed Immortals Throughout history, there have been tales of individuals who have achieved immortality through some supernatural means. These immortals, whether through a divine gift or a curse, are said to live forever, never aging or succumbing to disease or injury. However, despite the allure of immortality, there is a dark side to such a state of existence. Immortality is often portrayed as a curse rather than a blessing, with the passed immortals suffering from a multitude of afflictions. One of the main curses of passed immortals is the loneliness they experience. While immortality may seem appealing at first, the reality is that immortals outlive their loved ones and friends, having to watch as they age and eventually die.

Curse of the passed immortals

While immortality may seem appealing at first, the reality is that immortals outlive their loved ones and friends, having to watch as they age and eventually die. This perpetual loss takes a toll on the psyche of the passed immortals, leading to a deep sense of isolation and despair. Another curse that plagues passed immortals is their inability to form lasting connections with mortals.

Immortals: The Curse of Samsara

For as long as Jason can remember, he has been a killer. Raised as a child soldier, he was trained in the arts of murder as a mercenary, an assassin, and a bodyguard. In short, his life was anything but dull. Yet his greatest wish was to live a normal life. Go to school, date a normal girl, have a moment to breathe and relax. His wish was to be a normal boy, no, a real boy and not some weapon. But his thirst for strength led him to the path of both the scientifically psychic world and the mystically supernatural world.

One day, he is entrusted to protect a young girl whose entire family was murdered. Taking her as his sister, Jason tries to lead a life that's as normal as possible in the most technologically advanced city in the world, Sanctuary. However his newfound freedom is threatened when his past comes to haunt him, and his hunger to join the extraordinary life once more begins to consume him. As enemies from both the worlds of supernatural and science come crashing down upon him, Jason must make a choice, and choose which life he'd rather have. An uneventful, normal life. Or the life of the impossible, where dog eats dog, and only the strongest survive.

All rights to cover belong to ArtofLariz. (Link to art: Here & Here)

Warning: Contains violence, mutilation, swearing, and sexual scenes.

Authors Note: This novel is tagged as a harem, so expect multiple love interests and several fangirls ogling the MC.

This book is Copyright © 2019 by Drakonous, all rights reserved.

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  • Total Views :
  • 80,697
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  • 1,137
  • Followers :
  • 321
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  • Ratings :
  • 55
  • Pages :
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Table of Contents 71 Chapters
Chapter Name Release Date
Prologue 4 years ago
Chapter 1 4 years ago
Chapter 2 4 years ago
Chapter 3 4 years ago
Chapter 4 4 years ago
Chapter 5 4 years ago
Chapter 6 4 years ago
Side Chapter: Demonstration 4 years ago
Chapter 7 4 years ago
Side Chapter: When the Wolf Met the Hooded Red 4 years ago
Announcement: Clarification and Explanation 4 years ago
Chapter 8 4 years ago
Chapter 9 4 years ago
Chapter 10 4 years ago
Chapter 11 4 years ago
Side Chapter: The Wolf, the Sister, and the Brothel 4 years ago
Chapter 12 4 years ago
Chapter 13 4 years ago
Chapter 14 4 years ago
Chapter 15 4 years ago
Chapter 16 4 years ago
Chapter 17 4 years ago
Chapter 18 4 years ago
Chapter 19 4 years ago
Chapter 20 4 years ago
Side Chapter: How the Wolf Got His Name 4 years ago
Chapter 21 4 years ago
Chapter 22 4 years ago
Chapter 23 4 years ago
Chapter 24 4 years ago
Chapter 25 4 years ago
Chapter 26 4 years ago
Chapter 27 4 years ago
Chapter 28 4 years ago
Chapter 29 4 years ago
Chapter 30 4 years ago
Chapter 31 4 years ago
Side Chapter (31.5): The Rogue Pilot 4 years ago
Chapter 32 4 years ago
Chapter 33 4 years ago
Chapter 34 4 years ago
Chapter 35 4 years ago
Chapter 36 4 years ago
Chapter 37 4 years ago
Chapter 38 4 years ago
Chapter 39 4 years ago
Chapter 40 4 years ago
Announcement: Future of the Novel Going Forward 4 years ago
Chapter 41 4 years ago
Chapter 42 4 years ago
Side Chapter: Good Talk 3 years ago
Chapter 43 3 years ago
Chapter 44 3 years ago
Chapter 45 3 years ago
Chapter 46 3 years ago
Chapter 47 3 years ago
Chapter 48 3 years ago
Info/Poll for New Phantoms 3 years ago
Chapter 49 3 years ago
Chapter 50 3 years ago
Chapter 51 3 years ago
Chapter 52 3 years ago
Chapter 53 3 years ago
Chapter 54 3 years ago
Chapter 55 3 years ago
Chapter 56 3 years ago
Chapter 57 3 years ago
Chapter 58 3 years ago
Chapter 59 3 years ago
Chapter 60 2 years ago
Chapter 61 2 years ago

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Reviews Overall Style Story Grammar Character

A darker kind of mahouka

It's basically the same setup, a brother who is the god of war and death, and a sister who is a hopeless brothercon and also secretly pretty stronk. He then becomes a teacher (as opposed to student) at her school, and is so dashingly handsome (no joke, this is how it's written) that all the little schoolgirl hearts fall the moment they see him. In fact it's so bad that when they first see him, they literally flock to him like a group of dogs would flock to someone holding their brand of candy.

All the girls want him, even his sister secretly wants him, all her friends want him, all the female teachers want him, all the other women want him, in fact, all the women in the story basically want him. It's like he's been cursed with such beauty that everyone instantly loves him, now instead of getting sick of it like C.C. he has a history of fucking like a rabbit.

So yeah, this story is a bit heavy on the harem side, perhaps a bit too heavy.

Not to mention that every third chapter or so is a side story/flashback about how he fucked some other girl. And then there was an awful lot of murder in-between the fuckenings, but our protagonist is as good at killing as he is at breathing, he is legitimately the #2 ranked assassin/mercenary/killingmachine of the world, with #1 being the actual grim reaper, so as far as humans go, he's really #1. Killing sprees don't take him that long.

So this story is just a boatload of sci-fi killing sprees with some fucking in-between.

Honestly, I think the story of his rise would have been a more interesting read, instead of all these side stories and flashbacks that break the pacing of this story, what I think the author should really have done is write a prequel. I mean if he's really making this many side stories, it's eventually gonna end up amounting to a whole book's worth of text anyways (it's probably already close in fact, like 200+ pages maybe)

Now the low style score is because the story is written more like a script than a novel (author even admitted that this is what he's doing). As for the character score, I mean yeah, read the entirety of the above text and you will know why I gave it a bad character score, every girl is the same character and most of the men are two bit villains or nobodies.

As for the story, well it's not as bad as I've made it sound, the worldbuilding is at least mildly interesting for one, and although the author is taking his sweet ass time about it, there are some interesting main and sub plots going on too.

But for whatever reason, when I reached chapter 28 (or rather the yet another side story after chapter '20') I just kinda stopped reading and I have not picked it up since.

If you were to ask me why, I can't really give you a reason, not one that I'm sure about, but it's probably that this seems like kind of an important side story that I'd want to read, at the same time as I want it to just go away so I can get on with the main plot and those conflicting emotions resulted in some kind of reading paralysis where I just quit.

For as long as Jason can remember, he has been a killer. Raised as a child soldier, he was trained in the arts of murder as a mercenary, an assassin, and a bodyguard. In short, his life was anything but dull. Yet his greatest wish was to live a normal life. Go to school, date a normal girl, have a moment to breathe and relax. His wish was to be a normal boy, no, a real boy and not some weapon. But his thirst for strength led him to the path of both the scientifically psychic world and the mystically supernatural world.
Curse of the passed immortals

As time passes, immortals become detached from the mortal world and its transient nature. Mortals are born, grow old, and die, while immortals remain unchanged and disconnected from the ebb and flow of life. This inability to connect with others on a deeper level further intensifies their feelings of loneliness and detachment. Furthermore, passed immortals are often burdened by the weight of their own existence. With each passing century, they accumulate a wealth of knowledge and experience, witnessing countless events, both joyous and devastating. This accumulation of memories can become overwhelming, leading to a sense of disillusionment and ennui. The immortals may find it difficult to find meaning or purpose in their eternal existence, as everything seems transient and insignificant compared to the eternal passage of time. Additionally, passed immortals are believed to be haunted by the fear of being discovered or hunted. Throughout history, immortality has been viewed with suspicion and fear by those who are mortal, often leading to persecution or attempts to exploit the immortality for personal gain. This constant fear of being discovered and having their lives forever changed can lead to paranoia and a constant state of vigilance. In conclusion, while immortality may seem like a desirable state, the curse of the passed immortals reveals the darker side of eternal existence. The profound loneliness, inability to form lasting connections, overwhelming sense of purposelessness, and constant fear of discovery all contribute to the curse that these immortals are believed to bear. Immortality, it appears, may not be the blessing it is often perceived to be, but rather a burden that few could endure..

Reviews for "The Curse's Toll: Tracing the Path of Destruction of the Passed Immortals"

1. Alice - 2 stars - I was really disappointed with "Curse of the passed immortals". The storyline was confusing and hard to follow, and the characters felt one-dimensional. Additionally, the pacing was incredibly slow, and I found myself losing interest halfway through. Overall, it just didn't live up to the hype for me.
2. John - 1 star - I absolutely hated "Curse of the passed immortals". The writing was poor, filled with grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. The dialogue was unrealistic and cringe-worthy, making it difficult to connect with any of the characters. The plot was predictable and lacked originality. I regret wasting my time on this book.
3. Sarah - 2 stars - "Curse of the passed immortals" had so much potential, but it fell flat for me. The world-building was weak, with little explanation of the magical elements introduced. The author relied too heavily on convenient plot devices and coincidences, making the story feel contrived. The ending was unsatisfying and left too many loose ends. I was ultimately underwhelmed by this book.
4. Michael - 2.5 stars - I had high hopes for "Curse of the passed immortals", but unfortunately, it didn't deliver. The characters were unlikable and lacked depth, making it difficult to care about their fate. The pacing was uneven, with some parts dragging on while others felt rushed. The romance subplot felt forced and out of place. While the premise was interesting, the execution fell short of my expectations.

Myth and Reality: Debunking the Curse of the Passed Immortals

The Forbidden Curse: Forbidden Knowledge and the Passed Immortals