The Compact Uzumaki Curse: Exploring its Medical Applications

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The Compact Uzumaki curse is a powerful and dangerous technique that is unique to the Uzumaki clan. The Uzumaki clan is known for their exceptional skill in using and creating complex curses, and the Compact Uzumaki curse is one of their most famous and feared creations. The curse is called "compact" because it allows the user to compress and condense their chakra into a smaller and more concentrated form. This condensed chakra can then be used to enhance the user's physical abilities and perform incredibly powerful jutsu. The Compact Uzumaki curse is not without its risks, however. The process of compressing chakra is extremely taxing on the user's body and can cause severe physical strain.

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Products preordered during an additional preorder period will be produced following the products made for the initial release, and as such, will be released at a later date. You could also argue that Geto has better cqc but i personally don t think so since to me Gravity more skill and potentially mini-Uzumaki Playful Cloud.

Compact Uzumaki curse

The process of compressing chakra is extremely taxing on the user's body and can cause severe physical strain. If not used with caution, the curse can lead to exhaustion, injury, or even death. Despite the risks, many Uzumaki clan members have mastered the Compact Uzumaki curse and used it to great effect in battle.

How does Geto compare to Kenjaku?

We know Kenjaku has an extra CT (anti-gravity) that Geto didn't have access to, he could also use RCT and had his own domain expansion, neither of which Geto showed on panel. The difference of abilities/Jujutsu between Kenjaku and Geto is noticebale so how does Geto compare to Kenjaku overall?


Well-Known Member

Kenjaku is massively better in terms of jujutsu than Geto. Kenjaku is the second strongest barrier user behind Tengen, with Tengen saying that even Kenjaku’s simple domain is much stronger than the average simple domain against a domain expansion. Kenjaku has an open barrier domain as well and his domain refinement due to his top tier barrier skills allows Kenjaku to rip apart a simple domain in an instant inside his domain like he did with Yuki’s simple domain.

Kenjaku is even capable of using his own body as type of domain to make the curse technique he is using for the domain even stronger which is how Kenjaku managed to survive the black hole of Yuki with his anti gravity technique.

Kenjaku also figured out by himself that the true potential of cursed spirit manipulation is not just using maximum uzumaki as way to let out massive cursed energy attacks but instead after using maximum uzumaki you can then extract the cursed spirit’s curse technique from that uzumaki and that allows Kenjaku to use the cursed spirit’s curse technique for a one time use which is how Kenjaku managed to use Mahito’s curse technique to start the culling games.


Well-Known Member

They should have similar or equal physical stats, with Kenjaku having more experience and skill in martial arts
Kenjaku would last much longer in a fight than Geto since his efficiency is most likely quite superior due to his experience and skill in jujutsu

The lack of DE hurts Geto a lot, especially in comparison to Kenjaku who has an open-barrier one, and probably the third most refined with a decent gap between the fourth. Kenjaku's Domain is an incredible asset that i believe puts him in a tier above the other Special Grade fighters. Without it he wasn't sure if he'd beat Yuki and i can see people like Yuta giving him a good fight at least. But thanks to his Domain there's not much they can do. Yuki would've died very quickly if not for Tengen

As far as their cursed spirit army goes, Geto has way more curses at his disposal but Kenjaku's are stronger which evens it out (according to Kenny). Although Geto's full power Uzumaki would be stronger

We don't know what cursed tools Kenjaku has but Playful Cloud is a great cqc weapon that would give Geto the advantage in close combat

Kenjaku has high-level RCT (capable of instantly regrowing an arm) which is another huge advantage for him. He can already last longer than Geto thanks to his efficiency, and being able to heal injuries only helps it

There's also Anti-gravity which is a very strong defensive CT when used via CTR. Geto might have better offensive capabilities in cqc thanks to Playful Cloud but Gravity is amazing defensively, and if used correctly also presents Kenny with a free hit on a helpless opponent, which is even better than just hitting harder. But Yuki level opponents can get out of its way before getting slammed to the ground. It still stops their attacks though

We don't know if Geto could use mini-Uzumaki either, but i'm leaning towards him not being capable of it since he didn't even know that Uzumaki can extract CT's, which shows he wasn't very familiar with it. If he can use it then it's whatever but if he can't then Kenjaku has another big advantage in close combat

All in all Kenjaku is much stronger, a tier above Geto i'd say. He's just Geto but with more busted abilities, some of which are really op. Geto probably has a stronger Uzumaki but that's about it. Open-barrier DE is a much better trump card anyway. You could also argue that Geto has better cqc but i personally don't think so since to me Gravity + more skill (and potentially mini-Uzumaki) > Playful Cloud

Geto is around the level of Yuta, Hakari and whoever you have on that tier, while Kenjaku is a tier above that

We don't know if Geto could use mini-Uzumaki either, but i'm leaning towards him not being capable of it since he didn't even know that Uzumaki can extract CT's, which shows he wasn't very familiar with it. If he can use it then it's whatever but if he can't then Kenjaku has another big advantage in close combat
Compact uzumaki curse

The curse allows them to achieve feats of strength, speed, and endurance that are far beyond what normal shinobi are capable of. Additionally, the curse enables them to create devastating and destructive jutsu that can decimate their enemies. The Compact Uzumaki curse is often passed down through the Uzumaki clan bloodline, with each generation building upon and improving the curse. However, due to the decline of the Uzumaki clan, the curse has become increasingly rare and difficult to obtain. Overall, the Compact Uzumaki curse is a testament to the incredible power and skill of the Uzumaki clan. It is a dangerous technique that carries significant risks, but in the hands of a skilled user, it can be a formidable weapon..

Reviews for "The Compact Uzumaki Curse: Enhanced Perception and Reflexes"

1. John - 2 stars - I found the "Compact uzumaki curse" to be quite disappointing. The story felt rushed and the characters lacked depth. The plot twists were predictable and the horror elements were not effectively portrayed. Overall, it failed to deliver a captivating and engaging experience that I was hoping for.
2. Emily - 1 star - I regret reading "Compact uzumaki curse" as the story was confusing and hard to follow. The writing style was disjointed and the characters were poorly developed. It felt like a collection of random events thrown together without any clear direction. I was left feeling unsatisfied and frustrated with the overall execution of the book.
3. Mark - 2 stars - "Compact uzumaki curse" seemed promising at first, but it quickly fell flat for me. The pacing was off, with long stretches of nothing happening followed by rushed and poorly explained plot developments. The main character lacked a strong motivation and their actions often felt forced and unnatural. The horror elements were repetitive and failed to elicit any genuine fear. Overall, the book lacked cohesion and failed to deliver a captivating story.

The Compact Uzumaki Curse: Secrets Passed Down Through Generations

The Compact Uzumaki Curse: A Journey into the Mystic