Purr-fect Potions: How Cats Contribute to Spellcasting

By admin

Did you know that cats have a hidden talent for casting spells? It may sound unbelievable, but there are countless stories and legends that speak of cats possessing mystical powers. Throughout history, cats have been associated with magic and often revered as enchanted creatures. One fascinating aspect of cats' spellcasting abilities is their connection to witches and the supernatural. In many cultures, cats are believed to be the familiars of witches, serving as their companions and aiding them in their magical practices. It is said that cats can channel their energy and help enhance a witch's spellcasting abilities. Cats are known for their mysterious and independent nature, which only adds to the belief in their magical powers.

Cat casting spells

OK, I have a tibbit spellcaster. And for the sake of stealth and misdirection, I'd like to try to cast spells from cat form, if possible.

So, what spell components are available to a cat-form tibbit?

Verbal - obviously, she can't speak in cat form, so unless I use silent spells or an item that allows cats to speak, she won't be casting verbal spells as a cat (she is planning to either have a talking cat item or get the silent spell feat, probably)

Somatic - how complex are the hand movements? Could they be done with paws, or do you need fingers to do them? Would it make sense to give them a Dexterity check to see if I can cast them in cat form, and if so, what would be the most logical DCs?

Material/Focus - does she need to manipulate the object, or just be in contact with it? If she had, say, a focus on her collar, would that work?

I know my DM makes the final call, but if I can give him a good argument for something, he'll probably go with it.

Terazul 2014-08-06, 09:01 PM

The tibbit statblock is pretty unambiguous about this.

A tibbit's cat form is unable to speak or use her paws to manipulate fine objects. She cannot cast spells with a verbal or somatic component, use scrolls, or otherwise activate magic items.

Furthermore, since all of your equipment is melded into your form, any spells that also require any components are unavailable (no pouch!), unless you've got Eschew Materials going. Not that you'd be able to manipulate them anyway.

Pretty much why most people recommend going with a psionic class for Tibbits; nothing to stop you from manifesting powers while you're a cat.

Cowardly Griffo 2014-08-06, 09:21 PM

Savage Species gives us Surrogate Spellcasting, which allows you to use meows and tail-twitches as verbal and somatic components. I personally would've allowed Natural Spell as well, but Surrogate Spellcasting actually works by RAW, so that's helpful.

Eschew Materials is probably what you want to do for the material side�but again, I would consider asking your GM if you can just pick up Natural Spell, since that feat also allows you to use any spell components or foci you have in your possession, even if they're melded into your current form.

Ettina 2014-08-07, 08:55 AM

OK, that sounds workable.

One more question. What does AF stand for? Necrotic cyst says one of it's components is AF, and I can't find any info on what that it.

Fax Celestis 2014-08-07, 09:00 AM Arcane Focus. SimonMoon6 2014-08-07, 12:37 PM

No cute pun replies?

Like, a cat can cast "Magic Meowth"?

Hazrond 2014-08-07, 12:45 PM

OK, I have a tibbit spellcaster. And for the sake of stealth and misdirection, I'd like to try to cast spells from cat form, if possible.

So, what spell components are available to a cat-form tibbit?

Verbal - obviously, she can't speak in cat form, so unless I use silent spells or an item that allows cats to speak, she won't be casting verbal spells as a cat (she is planning to either have a talking cat item or get the silent spell feat, probably)

Somatic - how complex are the hand movements? Could they be done with paws, or do you need fingers to do them? Would it make sense to give them a Dexterity check to see if I can cast them in cat form, and if so, what would be the most logical DCs?

Material/Focus - does she need to manipulate the object, or just be in contact with it? If she had, say, a focus on her collar, would that work?

I know my DM makes the final call, but if I can give him a good argument for something, he'll probably go with it.

Fun fact, tibbits qualify for several special feats and a special skill called Handle Humanoid, check out the Fabulous Cats article

Cowardly Griffo 2014-08-07, 01:42 PM

Said article has been swallowed by the archive of devouring. You can find it here (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fools/20030401c). :smallcool:

It's as goofy as you'd expect, but there's some useful stuff there. The Collar of Perpetual Attendance may or may not be the best magical item.

dascarletm 2014-08-07, 02:24 PM

No cute pun replies?

Like, a cat can cast "Magic Meowth"?

I know they can also cast Purrmanency, and automatically can choose to have a Revivify effect go off once they die. It can only be used 8 times though.

Also Mordenkainen's Hideous Furball

Graypairofsocks 2014-08-08, 04:00 AM

Fun fact, tibbits qualify for several special feats and a special skill called Handle Humanoid, check out the Fabulous Cats article

Note that the "Fabulous Cats" is an April Fools article, so your DM might not allow some of it.

Though the Collar of Perpetual Attendance and the some of the spells are less ridiculous then the rest of the article.

The Little Book of Cat Magic: Spells, Charms & Tales

Deepen the bond between you and your cats as you practice magic together. This wonderful and witchy book is filled with a wide variety of spells, enchantments, and recipes that will improve the life you share with them. From finding and naming a new cat to working with a feline as a familiar, The Little Book of Cat Magic has something for everyone who loves cats and magic.

Learn about cats throughout history as well as the myths, folklore, and deities associated with them. Explore spells for living with cats, improving their health, and saying goodbye when their nine lives have run their course. You'll also enjoy crafts and divination techniques involving cats as well as paw-some advice from Deborah Blake's extraordinary familiar, Magic the Cat.

Читать больше
  • Тело, разум и дух
Язык English Издатель Llewellyn Worldwide Дата выпуска 8 окт. 2018 г. ISBN 9780738755724

Cats are known for their mysterious and independent nature, which only adds to the belief in their magical powers. They possess an innate ability to sense and perceive things beyond the realm of ordinary human perception. Cats are highly attuned to energy and emotions, making them ideal for detecting spiritual presences and casting protective spells.

Связанные категории

  • Демонология и сатанизм
  • Язычество и неоязычество
  • Нью эйдж и духовность
  • Occult & Paranormal
  • Wicca / Witchcraft

Отзывы о The Little Book of Cat Magic

Рейтинг: 4.875 из 5 звезд

8 оценок 2 отзыва

jackandsally88 Рейтинг: 5 из 5 звезд

Deborah Blake is an expert on cats and everday witchcraft, so I was happy to see that she finally combined her wisdom on both these topics in one book. The author draws from literature, her personal experience, mythology and folklore to explain why cats are the magical creatures we always knew them to be. I particularly love the Persian cat creation story, that I had never read anywhere else before. The book contains quotes, spells, poems, stories and heartfelt advice on several cat related topics. Like all of Deborah Blake's books, it is written in a joyful, down to earth and warm style. This makes a perfect gift for every cat crazy and/or magical person.

Читать больше Belladonna Laraage Рейтинг: 4 из 5 звезд Enjoyed it - a real useful history of cat magic and ways to work with cats going forward Читать больше
Cat casting spells

Another aspect of cats' spellcasting abilities lies in their affinity for the spiritual realm. It is said that cats have the ability to see and communicate with spirits, making them perfect intermediaries between the mortal world and the supernatural realm. This connection to the spiritual is often linked to their keen senses and acute awareness of unseen energies. Furthermore, cats are believed to possess the power of healing through their spellcasting abilities. Many ancient civilizations and cultures held the belief that a cat's purring has a therapeutic effect, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and even aiding in physical healing. This ability to heal through their energy and vibrations has been associated with their spellcasting prowess. In popular culture, cats casting spells have been depicted in numerous books, movies, and artworks. They are often portrayed as wise and mysterious creatures capable of bending reality to their will. These portrayals highlight the enigmatic nature of cats and the fascination they hold in the realm of magic. While the idea of cats casting spells may seem whimsical or purely mythical, it cannot be denied that cats possess a certain mystique and aura that has captivated humans for centuries. Whether you believe in their magical powers or not, there is no denying the undeniable allure and enchantment that surrounds cats and their association with spellcasting..

Reviews for "Cats and Candles: The Role of Felines in Ritual Spellcasting"

1. Sophia - 2 stars - I was really excited to read "Cat casting spells" based on the catchy title and cute cover art. However, I found the plot to be quite weak and predictable. The characters lacked depth and development, making it difficult to connect with any of them. The writing style was also rather dull and lacked creativity. Overall, I was disappointed with "Cat casting spells" and would not recommend it to others.
2. Michael - 1 star - "Cat casting spells" was a complete letdown. The storyline was confusing and disjointed, making it nearly impossible to follow. The characters were one-dimensional and uninteresting, and I didn't care about any of their fates. The author seemed to rely too heavily on cliche fantasy elements without adding any unique twists or surprises. I was extremely disappointed with this book and would not recommend it to anyone looking for a captivating read.
3. Emily - 2 stars - I had high hopes for "Cat casting spells," but unfortunately, it fell short of my expectations. The plot was slow-paced and lacked excitement, failing to hold my interest. The magic system and world-building were underdeveloped, leaving me with more questions than answers. Additionally, the dialogue felt forced and unnatural, making it difficult to engage with the characters and their interactions. Overall, I found "Cat casting spells" to be a lackluster read and would not recommend it to avid fantasy readers.
4. James - 1 star - "Cat casting spells" was a huge disappointment. The writing was subpar, filled with grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. The characters were unlikable and poorly developed, making it difficult to care about their struggles. The plot was predictable and lacked any surprises or twists. The overall reading experience was tedious and uninspiring. I would not recommend "Cat casting spells" to anyone in search of a well-written and engaging fantasy novel.

Magical Mischief: Cats' Misadventures in the World of Spells

Between Two Worlds: The Mystical Connection Between Witches and Cats