Black Magic Blackberry: The Ultimate Fruit for Health and Flavor

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Black Magic is a variety of blackberry that is known for its intense flavor and strikingly dark color. It is a hybrid variety that was developed by researchers at the University of Oregon. The black magic blackberry plant is a vigorous grower and is resistant to many common blackberry diseases. It produces large, firm berries that are sweet and juicy. The fruit is typically ready to harvest in early to mid-summer and continues to produce fruit for several weeks. One of the unique characteristics of the black magic blackberry is its deep purple-black color.

Plants will be shipped at the proper planting time for your area of the country during the shipping timeframes outlined below:

Statewide IPM Program, Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California All contents copyright 2023 The Regents of the University of California. Storage potential of fresh fruit of the Black Magic is not acceptable for shipping due to development of reddening of drupes, fruit softening and leakage during storage.

Black majic blackberry

One of the unique characteristics of the black magic blackberry is its deep purple-black color. The berries are almost black in appearance, which adds a dramatic touch to any dish or drink they are added to. This variety is often used in culinary applications, such as desserts, jams, and sauces, where its vibrant color can make a statement.

Black Magic blackberry variety

Black Magic (APF-77) originated from a hand-pollinated cross of Prime-Jim (APF-12) and Arapaho.
This cultivar is from Arkanzas. Plants of the Black Magic have better flavor and overall fruit quality, larger berry size and are more productive with more intense and consistent primocane-fruiting performance than the parent Prime-Jim, and has the primocane-fruiting trait expression not found in parent Arapaho. Parent Arapaho is thornless while the new cultivar has thorns.
Plants of the Black Magic are vigorous and prolific and row establishment following planting is rapid. Both primocanes and floricanes are erect in growth habit. Primocane fruit and flowers are borne on the cane terminus, and fruiting continues down the primocane during the season. Canes usually attain a length of approximately 120 cm prior to the appearance of flower buds. The number of nodes down the cane that develop flowers is largely dependent on the length and conditions of the late summer to fall growing period, particularly the field temperatures during this period.
The floricane and primocane bloom periods of these plants begin on the same date and averages the same length as Prime-Jim. Floricane fruit of the new cultivar begins ripening at the same time as APF-12 and can extend 10 days later than APF-12 due to the common emergence of basal fruiting canes providing for the more extended fruiting period. Average first ripening date is beginning of June. The average floricane fruiting period is 40-50 days. Average first primocane fruit ripening date is the middle of July. Fruit yields of the cultivar on primocanes is more than Prime-Jim, usually 3 to 4 kg per plant. The fruit is slightly conical in shape, bright glossy black in color, and very attractive. The floricane fruit weight is about 6-7 g. Floricane fruit size of the new cultivar is maintained well throughout the entire harvest season. Primocane fruit of the Black Magic cultivar averaged 4 g. These fruit can be reduced in high air temperatures (30-32C).
The Black Magic variety exhibits excellent fruit fertility with full drupelet set. Floricane fruit and flower clusters are medium-large, cymose, and are mostly borne on the periphery of the plant canopy, providing easy access to harvest. Flower fertility is high and clusters are well filled. The fruit is moderately firm at maturity, comparable to that of APF-12.
Storage potential of fresh fruit of the Black Magic is not acceptable for shipping due to development of reddening of drupes, fruit softening and leakage during storage. The fresh fruit rates very good in flavor, and higher than APF-12. The flavor is sweet and mildly acidic, with a distinct blackberry aroma.

Black majic blackberry

In terms of taste, black magic blackberries are often described as rich and complex. They have a sweet, slightly tart flavor that is balanced with a pleasant acidity. The berries are also known to have a hint of earthiness, which adds depth to their overall taste profile. Growing black magic blackberries requires well-drained soil and full sun exposure. The plants should be pruned regularly to maintain their shape and promote healthy growth. They can be propagated through cuttings or by dividing the roots of an existing plant. Overall, black magic blackberries are a popular choice for both home gardeners and commercial growers alike. Their unique color and exceptional taste make them a standout variety among other blackberry options. Whether eaten fresh or used in cooking, these blackberries are sure to add a touch of magic to any dish or meal..

Reviews for "The Black Magic Blackberry: A Superfood for Your Well-being"

1. John - 2 stars - I was really disappointed with the Black Magic blackberry. The taste was nothing like I expected and it had a weird, artificial flavor. The texture of the blackberry was also not enjoyable, as it was mushy and lacked the firmness and juiciness that I look for in a good blackberry. Overall, I would not recommend this variety to anyone.
2. Lisa - 1 star - I recently tried the Black Magic blackberry and I have to say, it was a complete letdown. The flavor was bland and lacked the sweetness that I usually associate with blackberries. The texture was also off-putting, as it felt dry and lacked the juiciness that I love in a ripe blackberry. I would not bother trying this variety again.
3. David - 1 star - The Black Magic blackberry was a major disappointment. The berries were small and lacked the plumpness and sweetness that I expect from a good blackberry. The flavor was also dull and unappealing. I would not recommend wasting your money on this variety when there are much better options available.
4. Sarah - 2 stars - I tried the Black Magic blackberry recently and I was not impressed. The flavor was lackluster and the berries were not as sweet as I had hoped. The texture was also a letdown, as the berries were slightly mushy and lacked the firmness that I look for in a good blackberry. I would not purchase this variety again.
5. Mark - 2 stars - The Black Magic blackberry did not live up to its hype. The flavor was average at best and did not have the intense sweetness that I was expecting. The berries were also smaller than I anticipated and lacked juiciness. Overall, I was underwhelmed by this variety and would not recommend it.

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