The Witch's Tornado: Uncovering the Myth and Magic

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A Storm of Witchcraft: Understanding the Salem Witch Trials The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 are a dark chapter in American history. The events that unfolded in this small Puritan village in Massachusetts resulted in the execution of twenty innocent people, most of them women, accused of practicing witchcraft. The trials were a product of a perfect storm of fear, superstition, and religious extremism that swept through the community, leading to mass hysteria and a frenzy of accusations. At the heart of the witchcraft hysteria was the deeply ingrained belief in the supernatural and the devil's influence in daily life. The Puritans, who settled in Salem, lived in a world where the spiritual realm was very real and ever-present. They believed that the devil and his servants, the witches, were actively trying to corrupt and destroy their community.

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Other uses of this spell include aiding in the healing of sadness, grief, and anxiety as well as providing a guiding light to people you wish to protect while travelling. Beginning in January 1692, young women in Salem Village in colonial Massachusetts complained of torments that caused them to write, shriek, and contort.

A atorm of witchcdaft

They believed that the devil and his servants, the witches, were actively trying to corrupt and destroy their community. The spark that ignited the witch craze in Salem was a group of young girls who began to exhibit strange behavior. They claimed to be possessed by demonic forces and accused local individuals of bewitching them.

Weather Magic

The term “weather magic” or “weather witching” has been used to mean anything from divination and forecasting of weather to actual control and manipulation of the weather itself. From calling up treacherous storms to destroy another’s crops or providing fair winds for those at sea, witches (and even those who do not consider themselves to be such) have always been involved with weather magic. When you consider that most forms of magic are based around an agricultural past, the ability to affect and predict the weather was considered an invaluable skill. After all, if your family’s livelihood depended on the success of your crops (or the ability to find water as it did in my family’s case), weather magic would be an extremely handy thing to know.

Why the url Storm Born Witch?

I am quite fortunate, as the gift for weather related magic comes easily to my family. For generations, the men in my family have been dowsers or water diviners. However, it wasn’t until after I displayed an aptitude to weather related magic that I was told about my family’s history with it. My grandfather was the last water diviner in the family and he died when I was very young so I was never taught how to divine for water. My grandmother was the one to teach me what little she knew about weather magic - the rest either occurred naturally or I picked up along the way.

Calling Up A Wind - Whistling Up A Wind

This is the most common form of weather magic and has been practiced for hundreds of years. Depending on the pitch and tone of the whistle a witch can create a gentle breeze or a sharp gust of wind. Traditionally, if the skill of whistling up a wind does not come naturally to you the option of making a ‘wind whistle’ out of willow or alder wood is available.

Here in Australia, whistling up a wind is probably the most common form of magic I do. I honestly do not go a day without whistling up a cool breeze. It’s bloody hot here and sometimes a cool breeze is just what you need.

Resources for Calling Winds:

Storm Casting

Storm casting is the art of creating storms. There are many different methods to creating storms and bringing rain. The method used by my family is to fill a jug with water and while sitting outside (or facing a window) pour the water into a basin or bowl. Dip the tip of your pointer finger into the water and slowly make five clockwise circles in the water (if you have a pendant necklace this can be used instead - just above the water in the bowl). As you are making the circles call the wind to bring in a storm by blowing (or whistling a continuous low note - the sound of wind over the mouth of a glass bottle) over the water in the basin.

Resources for Storm Casting

Ways to Stop a Storm (Dispersing, Binding & Preventing)

There are multiple ways to stop a storm. The most common are dispersing or binding storms. However there are also ways to prevent storms from coming by directing them away from where you are. This is great if you’re holding an event outside and you need good weather.


This method involves spreading the storm out over a large area thereby minimising its effects. You can disperse a storm by calling winds to blow it away (or in a certain direction) or if you favour using weather maps you can draw the low pressure system moving away and gradually dissipating.

Binding (Storm Catching)

This method is also called ‘storm catching’ and involves catching a storm and binding it within an object (usually a bottle or knots) so it can be released gradually at a later date by pulling out the cork or undoing the braid/knots.

Resources for Binding Storms

Storm catching or “reeling in a storm” is even more difficult than storm casting so it’s always wise to think before you cast. Too much energy put into a storm and it will go on for weeks (and cause some flooding - basement incident) or it will be extremely violent and knock down power lines and tree branches. Too little energy and all you will get is a 5 minute shower of rain.

Preventing a Storm (Weather Maps)

However, if you wish to prevent a storm from forming, you’re going to have to pull out the weather maps. To make a weather map all you need to do is to print out a map of your local area or the area you’re trying to keep a storm away from.

Just use google maps and don’t make the area too big or you might seriously strain yourself magically. Then laminate the map - now you have your own ‘whiteboard’ to draw weather symbols on to generate certain types of localised weather.

To practice this kind of magic you really do need to know how weather systems work and how they’re likely to move; knowing a little bit about meteorology goes a long way.

Once you’re ready, find out what the weather is predicted to be and draw it on your map. Now draw the high/low pressure systems moving so that the area you’re trying to protect doesn’t get rain. This method can also be used to bring rain to a certain area.

List of Resources for Storm/Weather Witches

What is a Storm/Weather Witch by rainy-day-witchcraft – This post details what it means to be a witch that uses weather magic / storm craft in their practice; a good definition.

Tips for Starting Storm Craft by stormsorceress – This post gives some really great tips for those interested in starting storm craft; a really good beginner post.

The trouble with weather magic by skychild1989 – This post outlines some of the things you should think about before performing weather magic (i.e. think about the possible consequences of your actions and evaluate you capabilities before messing with things you don’t know that much about). This is a really good reminder.

The Difference between Storm Water and Rain Water by stormbornwitch – This post highlights the symbolic differences between storm water and rain water and also discusses the properties the water can take on when it is collected at certain times of the year (i.e. particular lunar phases/holidays/sabbats/esbats/solstices etc).

Storm Water by stormsorceress – This post is great and outlines the associations and uses of storm water in witchcraft.

Rain Water by stormsorceress – This post outlines the different types of rain water, their associations and uses in witchcraft.

Storm Water by fumbletongue – This post highlights and gives ideas for the many uses storm water can have in one’s craft; from protection to cursing.

Combining Knot Craft & Storm Craft by stormsorceress – This post gives some really great ideas for combining storm craft with knot craft.

How to Draw Energy from Storms by stormbornwitch – This post outlines how to draw energy from storms and how to direct it.

Storm Witch’s Power Bath by brynja-storm – This post gives the ingredients of a power bath which is designed to give you the energy of a storm; great for when you’re in need of a recharge or before you perform a big spell.

The Storm Witch’s Hurricane Curse by brynja-storm – This curse traps its target in an eternal storm with all the gale force winds, rain, lightning and debris associated with a hurricane.

The Tools of a Storm/Weather Witch by stormsorceress – This post outlines the tools of storm/weather witches in different regions (i.e. near the ocean, in a desert, forest, mountain ect).

Tips for Refining Weather Manipulation by stormbornwitch – This post gives some tips for witches who want to get better at weather magic and manipulating the weather.

A Light in the Storm by stormsorceress – This spell is meant to be used to aid in the healing of seasonal depression. Other uses of this spell include aiding in the healing of sadness, grief, and anxiety as well as providing a ‘guiding light’ to people you wish to protect while travelling.

The Importance of Understanding Your Environment by stormbornwitch – This post talks about why it is so important that people who practice weather magic have a deep understanding of meteorology and of the effects that weather magic can have.

Cloud Symbols by hestianworld – This post outlines the many cloud symbols used within meteorology and gives ideas as to how they can be applied in weather magic (i.e. sigils and weather maps)

Rain Energy Spell by myonlysecretly – This spell is great for cleansing and re-energising yourself. A relatively simple spell (great for beginners).

Storm Craft by stormsorceress – This post is a culmination of all of stormsorceress’s posts about storm craft. It’s full of links to useful and interesting posts about weather magic.

And as always my ‘weather witching’ tag will have links to every single post that I’ve posted which has anything to do with weather magic.

A Light in the Storm by stormsorceress – This spell is meant to be used to aid in the healing of seasonal depression. Other uses of this spell include aiding in the healing of sadness, grief, and anxiety as well as providing a ‘guiding light’ to people you wish to protect while travelling.
A atorm of witchcdaft

This group of girls, led by Tituba, a slave from Barbados, set off a chain reaction of accusations that quickly spiraled out of control. In this atmosphere of fear and paranoia, the accused were presumed guilty until proven innocent. The legal system in place during the trials allowed spectral evidence, testimony based solely on the claims of the afflicted girls, to be used against the accused. This meant that anyone could be accused of witchcraft based on mere accusations, without any tangible evidence. The trials became a platform for settling personal scores and pursuing old grudges. The accused were often people who did not conform to societal norms or held land or property coveted by their accusers. The wealth and social standing of some of the accused only fueled the hysteria, as it challenged the established power dynamics in the community. Despite the lack of solid evidence, the accused were subjected to harsh interrogation methods, including sleep deprivation and physical torture. The trials themselves were conducted in a chaotic and biased manner, with judges and jury members influenced by religious fervor and personal biases. It was not until the hysteria claimed the lives of prominent members of the community that the tide began to turn against the trials. The governor of Massachusetts eventually dissolved the court and released those still in custody. In the aftermath, the Salem Witch Trials were widely recognized as a gross miscarriage of justice. The Salem Witch Trials remain a haunting reminder of the dangers of unchecked fear and hysteria. They serve as a cautionary tale about the consequences of religious extremism and the importance of due process and the presumption of innocence. The legacy of the trials continues to resonate, reminding us of the fragility of justice and the danger of scapegoating and persecution..

Reviews for "The Dark Side of the Storm: Witchcraft and Destructive Forces"

1. Emily - 2 stars - A Storm of Witchcraft was a disappointing read for me. I felt that the plot lacked depth and the characters were one-dimensional. The story dragged on without any real sense of direction and the climax fell flat. I was hoping for a thrilling and captivating tale of witchcraft, but the execution fell short. Overall, I found the book to be underwhelming and wouldn't recommend it to others.
2. Tom - 1 star - I couldn't get into A Storm of Witchcraft at all. The writing style was confusing and hard to follow, with vague descriptions and unclear dialogue. The pacing was extremely slow and I found myself losing interest rather quickly. The characters were forgettable and didn't evoke any emotional connection. I had high hopes for this book, but unfortunately, it didn't deliver. I struggled to finish it and wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for an engaging witchcraft story.
3. Sarah - 2 stars - A Storm of Witchcraft had potential, but it fell short for me. The narrative felt disjointed and the author introduced too many subplots that didn't add much to the overall story. I also found the historical context to be confusing and hard to keep track of. The writing style was dry and lacked the atmospheric quality I was expecting from a book about witchcraft. Overall, I found the book to be a missed opportunity and it left me wanting more.
4. Michael - 1 star - A Storm of Witchcraft was a complete letdown for me. The characters were shallow and lacked development, making it hard to care about their fates. The pacing was slow and the story seemed to drag on forever. The historical context was muddled and unclear, making it difficult to fully understand the events taking place. I was hoping for an immersive and captivating witchcraft story, but unfortunately, this book fell flat. I would not recommend it to others.

Casting a Tempest: The Rituals and Spells of Storm Witchcraft

Storm Magick: Using the Power of Thunder and Lightning